Thread on the prophecies of Marie Julie Jahenny

Started by Kaesekopf, June 25, 2016, 02:51:06 PM

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For Mikemac and v.  Probably butchered her name, but I can edit that. 

I won't say anything else in this thread.  :)

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--edited title to properly spell name
Wie dein Sonntag, so dein Sterbetag.

I am not altogether on anybody's side, because nobody is altogether on my side.  ~Treebeard, LOTR

Jesus son of David, have mercy on me.


Thanks KK

For anyone that is interested. Mike and I are going to be reading and discussing this book...

We are thinking of discussing chapter by chapter. Tomorrow I will go through the book again and be a little more specific.


"You shall seek me, and shall find me: when you shall seek me with all your heart." Jeremias 29:13


The revelations/messages of Marie-Julie Jahenny are NOT approved by the Church and as such as another poster has pointed out cannot be discussed in these forums.

just found this is it correct?

And this from:

Marie Julie Jahenny was a false seer!! In our article, "Prophecies, Lies, Antichrist and the End of the World", we point out various solid reasons why the false apparitions of Marie Julie Jahenny are to be shunned along with her new purple scapular - never approved by the Catholic Church.


Thanks for posting this right from the start St.Justin.  So this can be corrected and we can hopefully carry on with this thread without anymore questions of validity or attacks.

Quote from: St.Justin on June 25, 2016, 07:46:58 PM
The revelations/messages of Marie-Julie Jahenny are NOT approved by the Church and as such as another poster has pointed out cannot be discussed in these forums.

Just because a couple members of the Catholic Answers forum say that the messages of Marie-Julie Jahenny are not approved by the Church does not make it true.  Most members of this SD forum realize the folks at the Catholic Answers forum have an agenda.  In fact most members of this forum would not even use the Catholic Answers forum as a source to verify anything.  Some clearly do not like the messages of Marie-Julie Jahenny.

Quote from: St.Justin on June 25, 2016, 07:46:58 PM
just found this is it correct?

And this from:

Marie Julie Jahenny was a false seer!! In our article, "Prophecies, Lies, Antichrist and the End of the World", we point out various solid reasons why the false apparitions of Marie Julie Jahenny are to be shunned along with her new purple scapular - never approved by the Catholic Church.

No it is not correct.  That site is just comparing the purple scapular with other scapulars, and for that reason alone the site says "Marie Julie Jahenny was a false seer" and "never approved by the Catholic Church".  The site does not even get into what happened to Marie Julie Jahenny or what she said.  The site says "it is a real eye opener to compare the true apparitions of Venerable Elizabeth Canori Mora with those of the false seer, Marie Julie Jahenny."  Nonsense, as I'll soon point out.  This site has no more authority than the characters at Catholic Answers.

This site below calls Marie Julie Jahenny the renowned stigmatist and Catholic visionary and in contrast to the above site posted by St.Justin it compares the private revelations of Bl. Elizabeth Canori-Mora to Marie Julie Jahenny in a completely different way.

The Prophecies of Marie Julie Jahenny
QuoteThis particular prophecy, with its references to thunder and lightning in conjunction with the coming chastisement, shares some striking affinities with the private revelations of Bl. Elizabeth Canori-Mora:

But don't believe me that the messages of Marie-Julie Jahenny were approved by the Church.  First the introduction to the book that Verena posted above says this.
QuoteNow on Kindle, this special edition of "Marie-Julie Jahenny, The Breton Stigmatist" is updated with TWO new sections: Part VI features (in chronological order) other prophecies from Marie-Julie Jahenny, and Part VII includes quotes from Church doctrine, popes, Doctors of the Church, the predictions of saints, beati, and venerables, or commentary from eminent sources on topics found in the prophecies given to Marie-Julie Jahenny (with sources spanning from canonized Popes to Venerable Fulton J. Sheen). THIS EDITION ALSO INCLUDES clarifying notes within the Marquis' original text.

Marie-Julie, who was known for her admirable obedience to her spiritual directors and her Bishop, received a great number of apparitions of Our Lord, Our Lady, angels, and saints.

So Marie-Julie Jahenny was obedient to her spiritual directors and her Bishop.

This site lists Marie-Julie Jahenny in their Catholic Church Approved Apparitions.

    From 1873 until her death in 1941, Marie-Julie of La Fraudais, France, enjoyed the blessing of the stigmata of Our Lord Jesus. During this time, she was privileged to have visions and messages regarding the coming chastisement and the final victory over communism.

This site below says "Marie-Julie was the wonder of the many scientists who examined her continually" and she had "the admiration of her lifelong friend, Monsignor Fourier, Bishop of Nantes".

The Prophecies of Marie Julie Jehanny
QuoteThe truth of the Heavenly warnings of which she was to be the humble messenger was vindicated by her characteristic simplicity and honesty, her exemplary obedience to her spiritual directors and her Bishop, and of course, by the fulfillment of all she prophesied during her long life. With unfailing accuracy she foretold the two World Wars, the election of Pope Saint Pius X, the various persecutions of the Church, the chastisements and the fate of apostate France. Much remains to unfold. Her warnings for the Last Times should be read by all "who have ears."

She had the marvelous gift recognizing Eucharistic bread from ordinary bread, objects that were blessed and those that were not ; relics and to say where they came from, and finally to understand in several language hymns and liturgical prayers. During a five year period from December 28, 1875 she survived only on Holy Communion. As Dr. Imbert-Gourbeyre recorded, during this whole period, there were no liquid or solid excretions. She was completely insensitive to pain or intense light during her ecstasies. Some of these ecstasies were accompanied by levitation; at that moment she was ecstatically light.

Marie-Julie was the wonder of the many scientists who examined her continually, the scorn of unbelievers and the proud, the admiration of her lifelong friend, Monsignor Fourier, Bishop of Nantes, and of the devoted circle of those who made the diffusion of her messages to an ungrateful and unheeding world their life's work. She went to her Heavenly reward on March 4, 1941.

This site says the same as the above site.
Marie-Julie Jahenny

This site lists Marie Julie Jehenney in their "Catholic Private Revelation" list as "Full Church Approval: Diocesan Bishop and Rome  (Stage 1 and 2)".  Warning Windows Defender gives me a message that it found and removed malware when I go to this site, so I won't make it linkable. annex.htm

The book "We Are Warned - The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny" can be found on Scribd here.  It has lots of proof of the authenticity of Marie Julie Jehenney.  But seeing this post is getting long I will just quote this.
QuoteIt is important to note that it is not necessary to have formal approval from the Vatican todeclare a stigmatist or mystic as authentic, affirmation from the local bishop with full canonical jurisdiction from the Church is sufficient for a formal declaration of approval.

Monseigneur Fournier, the Bishop of Nantes who declared all that happened to Marie-Julie was of a supernatural and divine origin.

Hopefully this has satisfied any skeptics at least to the point that we can carry on with this thread without anymore questions of validity or attacks.  Thank you in advance.
Like John Vennari (RIP) said "Why not just do it?  What would it hurt?"
Consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (PETITION)

"We would be mistaken to think that Fatima's prophetic mission is complete." Benedict XVI May 13, 2010

"Tell people that God gives graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Tell them also to pray to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for peace, since God has entrusted it to Her." Saint Jacinta Marto

The real nature of hope is "despair, overcome."


In conclusion, I can leave you with no better advice than that given after every sermon by Msgr Vincent Giammarino, who was pastor of St Michael's Church in Atlantic City in the 1950s:

    "My dear good people: Do what you have to do, When you're supposed to do it, The best way you can do it,   For the Love of God. Amen"


Quote from: St.Justin on June 25, 2016, 07:46:58 PM
The revelations/messages of Marie-Julie Jahenny are NOT approved by the Church and as such as another poster has pointed out cannot be discussed in these forums.

just found this is it correct?

And this from:

Marie Julie Jahenny was a false seer!! In our article, "Prophecies, Lies, Antichrist and the End of the World", we point out various solid reasons why the false apparitions of Marie Julie Jahenny are to be shunned along with her new purple scapular - never approved by the Catholic Church.

That second site has a deeply foolish argument for a flat earth. Maybe the site is satirical.
Padre Pio: Pray, hope, and don't worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer.


The point of my post was a question. I have never heard of this mystic and was just googling around and that was what popped up.
Having said that I have found nothing showing where it has ever been proven. If it has been there should be plenty of proof and I don't see it anywhere.


Quote from: St.Justin on June 26, 2016, 02:23:34 PM
The point of my post was a question. I have never heard of this mystic and was just googling around and that was what popped up.
Having said that I have found nothing showing where it has ever been proven. If it has been there should be plenty of proof and I don't see it anywhere.

I appreciate your concern. I encourage you to read the links Mike posted. I disagree that there would be "plenty of proof". This is not something on the same level of Lourdes or Fatima. This person is a tiny, obscure peasant that for whatever reason, God kept mostly to Himself. An example of this is Our Lady of Good Success. Our LAdy when visited her nun said that this apparition would be ignored for 500 years.


Topic 1

Our first topic will be the Introduction. It specifically speaks about stigmatists and the levels there are. You can make comments and feel free to bring in any information about other saints, relics you have seen, or writings and opinions from other saints, priests, etc.




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Re: Private Revelations of Marie-Julie Jahenny
« Reply #19 on: July 30, 2009, 03:35:am »

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Comments on the blog Ecclesia Miltans, [/color]]

re: her 'prophecy' about the new Mass. My emphasis, very revealing.

DJR said...
The problem with the alleged quote from Marie Julie Jahenny regarding the new Mass is that it cannot be verified that she ever stated that. The book that contains that quote was written post Vatican II.

There is no evidence that the purported quote is contained in the pre Vatican writings of Jahenny's sayings, most of which come from a French doctor.

That issue was covered on Angelqueen by several of us who can read French and researched the issue. Much like Yves Dupont's book Catholic Prophecy, it suggests a fabrication.

And, of course, some of Sister Catherine Emmerich's alleged quotes about the new Mass which are contained in Dupont's book are verifiably false. Dupont's book was also written post Vatican II.

May 26, 2007 11:42 PM
Br. Anthony said...
These are serious allegations you bring against these people. However, if I do come across strong evidence that demonstrates their falsehood, then I will retract the post.

In the end, we don't need private revelation to show us that the New Mass is a Masonic/Protestant rite.

May 27, 2007 2:43 PM
DJR said...
Don't you have it backwards? You have posted something for which there is no evidence. The first time anyone can verifiably find the alleged quotes from Marie Julie Jahenny are in a book written in 1974.
What evidence is there that she actually stated those things, when they cannot be found in the underlying writings that were made pre Vatican II? If you have no evidence for it, you should not post it.

Regarding Yves Dupont's book, the fabrications are verifiable. His book contains manufactured quotes from the primary sources.

See a private email I wrote to someone years ago that was subsequently picked up by someone else and posted on the Internet:

These issues have already been hashed out decades ago among Catholic Traditionalists.

If private revelation is not needed to demonstrate one's point, why use it, particularly when it cannot be verified?

May 28, 2007 5:21 PM
triciad said...
I was wondering, if she was deaf and dumb (usually being dumb means you could never hear or therefore speak) how did she communicate these visions?
Thanks and God Bless,

August 09, 2008 12:51 AM
Br. Anthony, T.O.S.F. said...

I am not sure."

The only thing close to an approval is that a doctor told the Bishop he thought her stigmata was authentic.
The more searching I do the more skeptical I am becoming.


It seems the problem with some is that writings about Marie-Julie Jahenny, particularly her warnings about the new liturgy, were made public after 1974 or after the promulgation of the NO, not before.  It`s obvious to me that her writings were made long before Vatican II and the promulgation of the NO, but to verify that her writings came first is starting to become a problem.  To me it makes sense that her warnings about the new liturgy were made public after the promulgation of the NO.  I mean who would think it would be possible before hand.

The book that Verena and I want to discuss, "Marie-Julie Jahenny: The Breton Stigmatist" by Marquis de La Franquerie was published in 1975 (even though I believe it quotes Marie-Julie Jahenny, Monseigneur Fournier, Dr. Imbert-Gourbeyre and others from many years prior).  Marquis de La Franquerie is the pen name for André Lesage (1901-1992).  Right from the start of his book he says "I knew her well and received great graces during her ecstasies at which I assisted".  Yeah I hear you ... you don`t believe him without verifiable proof.  And apparently André Lesage, "At the end of his life, he maintained that Cardinal Giuseppe Siri , archbishop of Genoa , was elected pope in the conclaves of 1958 and 1978 thesis often mentioned in the sedevacantist movement."  I just realized this yesterday so it`s an issue with me as well.

For these reasons we are putting this thread on hold.  Obviously the attacks will be relentless until we find some writings about Marie-Julie Jahenny that were published prior to the promulgation of the NO, or better yet prior to Vatican II.  With so many people writing about Marie-Julie Jahenny it does not make sense to me that it all surfaced out of thin air, especially when a lot of it has been mentioned in other Catholic prophesies.  But some want verifiable proof for everything these days or they will be on the attack until they get it.  It`s not worth the fight.  If and when we find this we will return to the thread with the verifiable proof, if found.  If not we won`t.
Like John Vennari (RIP) said "Why not just do it?  What would it hurt?"
Consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (PETITION)

"We would be mistaken to think that Fatima's prophetic mission is complete." Benedict XVI May 13, 2010

"Tell people that God gives graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Tell them also to pray to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for peace, since God has entrusted it to Her." Saint Jacinta Marto

The real nature of hope is "despair, overcome."


I'm currently reading through that Kindle book.

It's been years since I looked into Marie Julie Jahenny's prophecies, but as I recall I discounted them (not her) as possibly exaggerated or corrupted somehow -- especially her TDD stuff. It that one regard she is well beyond, though not fundamentally different from, what other mystics foretell.

At times I think it is necessary to take a somewhat symbolic or metaphorical interpretation of her visions. Every mystic has his own style, and hers is rather eccentric and excessively (if that were possible given what's on its way) apocalyptic.

I don't mean to discount her sanctity in any way, but the content of her locutions are not necessary for piecing stuff together, given all the redundancy re the Apostasy, TDD, Chastisement, Great Monarch, Angelic Pope, and Restoration. Nothing truly doubtful is really needed.
For now the axe is laid to the root of the trees. Every tree therefore that doth not yield good fruit, shall be cut down, and cast into the fire.