
Started by INPEFESS, December 30, 2012, 05:59:49 PM

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Quote from: Penelope on December 30, 2012, 11:50:50 PM
Great to have you INP. I hope you'll use your old avatar here as well--it's how I quickly identify your posts!

So that you know to keep on scrolling, right?   ;)
I  n
N omine
P atris,
E t
F ilii,
E t
S piritus
S ancti

>))))))º> "Wherefore, brethren, labour the more, that by good works you may make sure your calling and election. For doing these things, you shall not sin at any time" (II Peter 1:10). <º((((((<


Quote from: Scotus on December 31, 2012, 05:49:38 AM
Greetings all. Especially to those who know me from Fisheaters.

Greetings, Duns!
I  n
N omine
P atris,
E t
F ilii,
E t
S piritus
S ancti

>))))))º> "Wherefore, brethren, labour the more, that by good works you may make sure your calling and election. For doing these things, you shall not sin at any time" (II Peter 1:10). <º((((((<


Quote from: Lyubov on December 31, 2012, 07:55:52 AM
Hello, INPEFESS! Very nice to see you here. :)

Thank you!
I  n
N omine
P atris,
E t
F ilii,
E t
S piritus
S ancti

>))))))º> "Wherefore, brethren, labour the more, that by good works you may make sure your calling and election. For doing these things, you shall not sin at any time" (II Peter 1:10). <º((((((<


Quote from: Scotus on December 31, 2012, 05:49:38 AM
Greetings all. Especially to those who know me from Fisheaters.

Put not your trust in princes, in sons of men in whom there is no salvation. When his breath departs he returns to his earth; on that very day his plans perish.


Quote from: INPEFESS on December 31, 2012, 01:22:10 PM
Quote from: Penelope on December 30, 2012, 11:50:50 PM
Great to have you INP. I hope you'll use your old avatar here as well--it's how I quickly identify your posts!

So that you know to keep on scrolling, right?   ;)

No way! So that I'll know where to look for solid information whenever I may have tons of time on my hands. Your posts are good, but dense!


Quote from: Penelope on December 31, 2012, 02:30:50 PM
Quote from: INPEFESS on December 31, 2012, 01:22:10 PM
Quote from: Penelope on December 30, 2012, 11:50:50 PM
Great to have you INP. I hope you'll use your old avatar here as well--it's how I quickly identify your posts!

So that you know to keep on scrolling, right?   ;)

No way! So that I'll know where to look for solid information whenever I may have tons of time on my hands. Your posts are good, but dense!

I think he was alluding to the fact that his posts are usually so long that they don't fit onto the whole page.
Ps 135

Quia in humilitáte nostra memor fuit nostri: * quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius.
Et redémit nos ab inimícis nostris: * quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius.
Qui dat escam omni carni: * quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius.
Confitémini Deo cæli: * quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius.
Confitémini Dómino dominórum: * quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius.

For he was mindful of us in our affliction: * for his mercy endureth for ever.
And he redeemed us from our enemies: * for his mercy endureth for ever.
Who giveth food to all flesh: * for his mercy endureth for ever.
Give glory to the God of heaven: * for his mercy endureth for ever.
Give glory to the Lord of lords: * for his mercy endureth for ever.

-I retract any and all statements I have made that are incongruent with the True Faith, and apologize for ever having made them-


Hello - I was very new on Fish Eaters as well but we seem to be getting all of the best fish over here, Benedicamus Domino! I read a lot of your old threads on FE, I look forward to reading more of them ,but I doubt I could contribute much!


Welcome INP!  Great to see you -- you're a great poster, after all.  :)
-- currently writing a Trad romance entitled Flirting with Sedevacantism --

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Quote from: Penelope on December 31, 2012, 02:30:50 PM

No way! So that I'll know where to look for solid information whenever I may have tons of time on my hands. Your posts are good, but dense!

I'm working on the dense part. What suggestions do you have for me to make them easier to read? Should they be simply shorter,  contain less information,  be less technical? I want to communicate in the most effective manner possible, but,  in order to avoid having to make a plethora of follow-up posts that will side-track the discussion into countless red-herrings, I stand guilty of cramming all the information into one post. Perhaps it's just laziness or impatience on my part. Do you think cramming too much into one post is the main problem?
I  n
N omine
P atris,
E t
F ilii,
E t
S piritus
S ancti

>))))))º> "Wherefore, brethren, labour the more, that by good works you may make sure your calling and election. For doing these things, you shall not sin at any time" (II Peter 1:10). <º((((((<


Quote from: OCLittleFlower on December 31, 2012, 03:01:14 PM
Welcome INP!  Great to see you -- you're a great poster, after all.  :)

Thank you; it 's good to see you, too!

I 'm glad you like my posts. You must have time on your hands!  ;)
I  n
N omine
P atris,
E t
F ilii,
E t
S piritus
S ancti

>))))))º> "Wherefore, brethren, labour the more, that by good works you may make sure your calling and election. For doing these things, you shall not sin at any time" (II Peter 1:10). <º((((((<


Quote from: INPEFESS on December 31, 2012, 04:38:51 PMI want to communicate in the most effective manner possible, but,  in order to avoid having to make a plethora of follow-up posts that will side-track the discussion into countless red-herrings, I stand guilty of cramming all the information into one post.

I, for one, have always liked that about your posts.
Quote from: Bishop WilliamsonThe "promise to respect" as Church law the New Code of Canon Law is to respect a number of supposed laws directly contrary to Church doctrine.



NOW OPEN:  A new Trad forum featuring Catholic books, information, and discussion!


Very nice to see you here INPEFESS!  Hope to see you on the other 2 forums we have in common.  I haven't heard from you for a long time!