
Started by Adonis33, December 28, 2012, 09:37:09 PM

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Hello. I am a Traditional Catholic from San Antonio, TX.



Greetings, Adonis33!  Hope you enjoy your stay at SD.
Quote from: Bishop WilliamsonThe "promise to respect" as Church law the New Code of Canon Law is to respect a number of supposed laws directly contrary to Church doctrine.



NOW OPEN:  A new Trad forum featuring Catholic books, information, and discussion!


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What brings you to SD?
Are you a member of other Internet fora?  If so, care to mention which one(s)? I go to CAF (rarely) and I spend quite a bit of time at FishEaters, although I do not post much.
Why did you choose your username and avatar? Adonis was a name a put on my name tag to be goofy while waiting tables, 33 was the age I joined my first Catholic Forum.
What is your state of life - single, married, religious, or still discerning? Married
Whereabouts do you live "in real life"? (be as specific or as general as you wish!) San Antonio, TX
Personality type? I haven't taken a personality indicator in a while.
Favorite books? Les Miserables, The Hunt for Lincoln's Killers, Where Eagles Dare
Favorite movies? A Man for all Seasons (Paul Scofield version), Gladiator, Hangover
Favorite TV shows? Game of Thrones, Boardwalk Empire, Sportscenter
Favorite sports/teams? Football - Dallas Cowboys; Basketball - SA Spurs (Hate the NBA, love the Spurs); Baseball - Texas Rangers
Have any hobbies? My kids seem to take up most of my time
Pet peeves: People who drive slow on the left lane
Fun random fact about yourself: I hate the water - I loathe anything that involves swimming pools.


Put not your trust in princes, in sons of men in whom there is no salvation. When his breath departs he returns to his earth; on that very day his plans perish.


Welcome and hello!  :) 

I hope you find your stay here to be lovely, and I look forward to you posting. 
Wie dein Sonntag, so dein Sterbetag.

I am not altogether on anybody's side, because nobody is altogether on my side.  ~Treebeard, LOTR

Jesus son of David, have mercy on me.
