What are Rebuttals to the "Socialization" Problem of Homeschooling?

Started by Mushroom, February 26, 2024, 02:02:22 PM

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I always hear the arguments against homeschooling like your kids won't learn socialization but having been to public school, I don't really agree because you're not allowed to talk during class and you have bullying. You have social cliques (girls can be really mean) and social media can be used to shame unpopular classmates. When I was in elementary school, I would spend most of my time during recess just reading or talking to a few people but I'm still very introverted. Also, most of my peers had divorced parents or were raised by single moms.

Or the fact that many people don't want to spend all day with their kids and would rather just ship them off to school so they can relax (which I understand) but I think it's a sacrifice on the parents' part to teach them. I just know if I send my kids to public school, their peers will negatively influence them no matter what I do.


No rebuttal is necessary.  Very little socialization occurs in government schools.  Apart from lunch and recess, the children are either queuing for something, running between classes, or stuck at a desk, not allowed to speak unless answering a question.

What does occur is that children are programmed to be docile factory and office workers, and creativity and independent thinking are praised only in art and composition classes, if ever.
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Nothing wrong with homeschooling but the lack of socialization is going to arise due to the self selection towards families who want to cut themselves off from others.  And those types are certainly attracted to home schooling programs.  But even in regular schools the same issue can occur.

My son went to a local grammar school with a boy called Joseph from a strict baptist or anabaptist Christian family.  Not sure what exactly.  The kind of people who would typically homeschool their children.  The boy was bullied a bit as he was clever and studious but since my son is a massive Trump and Putin supporter and they are both homophobic and knew their Bible and had those things in common anyone who tried to bully Joseph got their face punched in by Maxim.

But despite all that, and being friends at school Joseph wasn't allowed to visit our house or my son his house in the 7 years they went to that grammar school.  So Joseph is pretty held back socially now.  Nothing to do with homeschooling and everything to do with having parents who want to be separated from the world.
Contentment is knowing that you're right. Happiness is knowing that someone else is wrong.

The Curt Jester

Ever interact with a typical public school kid these days?  They have no clue what socialization is.  For that matter, the private school kids are pretty bad at it too.
The royal feast was done; the King
Sought some new sport to banish care,
And to his jester cried: "Sir Fool,
Kneel now, and make for us a prayer!"

The jester doffed his cap and bells,
And stood the mocking court before;
They could not see the bitter smile
Behind the painted grin he wore.

He bowed his head, and bent his knee
Upon the Monarch's silken stool;
His pleading voice arose: "O Lord,
Be merciful to me, a fool!"


I'd say no rebuttal is necessary either.  Let your mentally normal, healthy children be the rebuttal! People will notice.  I experienced it myself, when a coworker was shocked I was homeschooled yet not a social deviant lol. 

 If you do want a rebuttal though, remind them that for most of history children were NOT crammed into schools with their peers, but associated with their family of elder parents and siblings, and younger siblings.  Yes, there would be other children their age in the village, but they weren't stuck with them all day because they were too busy helping their family with work or chores.  They could play with them "after hours" of course, no different than your homeschooling kids can attend boys' group meetings, or church/homeschooling socials, etc.
"My hope is the Father, my refuge is the Son, my protection is the Holy Spirit.  Holy Trinity, glory to You." 
"All my hope I place in you, O Mother of God; keep me under your protection."


It actually doesn't matter what you say, these one's that are concerned about socialisation don't actually give one fig for your child and will form a negative opinion anyway and they would never know the word socialisation unless they read it on a negative comment on facebook.

That being said I just say.......football, swimming, music lessons, homeschool meet ups, summer camps, friends and neighbours, family, cousins, get togethers like funerals and weddings, mine go with me. The homeschool meet ups are generally very active and we have field trips also, I had to curb some of them as I was never off the road.  Ask them what extra socialisation to they get in a classroom for 6 hours a day and a 15 min break and a half hour for lunch which is taken up with eating and rules?