Christ the Bridegroom will not abandon his Bride the Church

Started by Guapo, August 18, 2018, 09:50:26 AM

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Scientists Explored Supposedly Demon-Laden 'Well Of Hell' - What They Found

¨A team of myth-busting explorers descended into Yemen's infamous 'Well Of Hell' and made some not-so-evil discoveries like rock pearls and dead birds.¨

Huffpost added it was the Israelis scientists behind the exploration. The CTs forums on Oct. 1st alleged that the last of the Yiddish community in Yemen was expelled from Yemen.  It is not a coincidence that this exploration took place and they must have taken something from their per the article. Nostradamus and one other source indicate that the AC will be given an ancient artifact (pre-Flood?) that would give him power, makes one wonder. What was so drastic that this expulsion took place??

Yemens people are spooked by it for good reason.  It looks like when the fallen angels fell it made a crater!




Correction above: Los Gatos not San Gatos.

Xavier posted this regarding Garabandal developments

Video of purportedly Angels entering a Russian Orthodox Church

¨Any Religion that can save the Russians must be very strong¨ said the Eskimos to the Russian Missionaries.
and the whole Alaskan Inuit eskimos tribe converted to the Orthodox Church.  From the american Indians Myths and Mysteries book.


Quote from: Guapo on November 24, 2021, 04:53:40 AM
Quote from: Guapo on November 16, 2021, 04:38:48 AM
The Druze con´t  --Summary--

*Graham Phillips wrote that the great and glorious world renowned Egyptian Army became humble brick layers in building a new
city for the Aten pharoah. The city was called Amarna, page 45 in the ¨Act of God¨. Now if the high Priest was a Hebrew as identified
by the Tomb discovered in early 1900s, it is not unreasonable that the Hebrews probably told the ¨brick layers¨what to do.
How the tables would turn later on.  Wonder if the soldiers were treated fairly? As the movie Serenity said, ¨History books are written
to conceal the truth¨

*For all intents and purposes Joseph the Patriarch was founder of the Atens-Druze. Did not the Tribe of Joseph descendants settle in Northern Israel and Tribe of Benjamin in the Nazareth-Bethlehem region exactly where the Druze lived in Ancient Times because they were the Druze.  The North ie Galiee was considered the place of heretics and despised. ¨No Temple, no Priesthood, etc...¨ well at least recognized by the Religious authorities. (the Tribe of Benjamin is vilified in history and since everything is reveresed in the Middle East it is the exact opposite)

*Egypt was a place of darkness, thus, they were probably contaminated with the line of Cain. Therefore, the Sect of On, that Joseph married into, would not have been Egyptian. My guess is Atlantis. Out of His mercy, Egypt was favored sending Joseph, Moses and finally the Holy Family to convert Egypt.

*The Talmud claims that ¨Jesus was an Egyptian¨ This hypothesis absolutely refutes that; Our Lady´s blood is His blood, thus, Her
ancestors the Atens-Druze did not have a drop of Egyptian blood. He was not a Egyptian.

*If Moses´s body resides on this planet, it is not plausibe that the Druze took his body to Ethopia.  Recall Jacob´s Blessing of Joseph´s sons- a founder of nations, ie. Ethopia? At any rate, there is a place in Ethopia, a ancient tomb so old that the Egyptians do not even know the Saints name. Women are not allowed per the documentary. IF Moses was a Aten-Druze as suggested perhaps it is time for
him to once again take them from darkness into the light. Minus the Rambos? Amazing what tact and diplomacy can achieve. They had
not centuries for 1000s of years to prepare for that day and like Tolkien´s  Silmarillion, it was probably dropped down a bottomless pit.

*The Essenes aka Druze were indeed hiding of caves but not from the Romans. The Romans wouldn´t have taken notice of them as long as they paid their taxes and did not rebell.

*New Testament also refers: Acts of the Apostles, chapter 21 verse 38
¨¨Are you not the Egyptian, which before these days madest an uproar and leadest out into the wilderness 4000 men that were murderers?¨ A soldier accused Saint Paul of being an Egyptian.
Paul replied, I am a Hebrew from Tarsus, (in other words not a Druze and not from Galilee region) and a Roman citizen.¨
(Josephus the historian related that a mercernary from Egypt raised an army in Judea to overthrow the Romans- typical M.O. and blame it on the Druzes)
page 447- ¨This episode poses some interesting questions: Why should a Egyptian bother to lead a revolt against the Romans?...more pertintently why should the Romans connect Paul, a Christian Preacher with a mercernary  Egyptian? What on earth do they have in common?¨ The Egyptian came out of no where and was able to escape.- The Templar Revelation, page 447

page 423- ¨A close dichotomy in Jesus´s preaching Egyptian message to a Jewish audience... perceives the close connection ... original Hebrew Theology and Egypt.¨ Also see ¨Egyptian Light and Hebrew Fire¨ by Karl Luckert.

* ¨As Jesus the Nazorean, He was part of a primitive family of Hebrew heretical sects who are believed to have passed on the original
form of the Religion.¨ page 391- The Templar Revelation (dont bother, no Revelation and written by them)

Correction: Meant to say implausible
If Moses´s body resides on this planet, it is not implausibe that the Druze took his body to Ethiopia¨ 
The Saint that with no Name, most unusual, most ancient, most likely not an Ethiopian, could very well be Moses.

*From the beginning division in the Family: Cain and Abel, second time, with Noah´s sons, third time (imo) Jacob´s sons- Joseph and Benjamin
divided against the others. The circle will be completed when the Consecration of ! is properly done, it will be the finalility and climax to this
long, long drama.  (If you still think the Consecration is about Russia, wake up!).

*¨Outside of Scripture there is no evidence that Moses or Joseph existed¨ said G.Phillips.  It is not just the purge of later Pharoahs´that just doesn´t entirely cover it.  The burning of the Library of Alexandria around 65bc -witnessed by Julius Ceasar where 700,000 scrolls and tablets, etc... were destroyed or deliberately destroyed.  What is perplexing is that Julius went back to Rome and laid out a plan to build a library even
bigger and better that Alexandria. He must have had formulated a fireproof plan to stop any attempts at burning. There were at the time of Julius more Hebrews in Alexandria than Jerusalem. Therefore there must have been some historical evidence of Moses and Joseph at that time. Strangely after Julius proposed this plan he was murdered.

*So what happened with the Aten - Hebrew Pharoah?  It went swimmingly well for a number of years and than seemed to fall apart. (recall that St. Paul had a difficult time with putting idol makers out of work- In Egypt one Temple alone at its height had 30,000 workers.) But the problem was probably Spiritual- they lost Heaven´s Blessing, imo.  There is one ugly little caveat that the Aten Pharoah allowed and that is the cult of the Bull- Baal worshipping.  Plus the usual infighting between the 2 facions Tribes- probably sabatoge since one faction did not want them to succeed imo, but this could be wrong.  The end result is that the Aten-later called Druze had to flee for their lives probably to Ethiopia.

For those who wish to extend this research the following books and vidoes may help:
1950´s movies with the Aten Pharoah such as one starring with Victor Mature

The film depicts the anti-Aten purge, problem is it didnt happen that way according to Graham Phillips. King Tut who followed was
very receptive to Aten and images found in his Tomb. At some point someone or sect went through alot of trouble to purge anything
regarding Joseph the Patriarch to the Atens. There were 3 purges in my estimation. Later, the records and documents were destroyed or partially so, some taken?- which Julius Cesar witnessed the fire of Alexandria Library and wharehouse. See ¨Rubicon¨ by Tom Holland, excellent book. Once again when the 19th century explorers and arch. went to Egypt to the city built by the Aten Pharoah they were
able to record and draw some depictions. However, later all the depictions and evidence was destroyed allegedly by the villagers.
Another book is the ¨Templar Revelation¨ it has some interesting nuggets in the back of the book otherwise it is useless. Of course,
American Indians Myths and Mysteries. ie. The Apaches of all people connect the Atlantis to Egypt with their stories of ancestors.

* Emphasis that the ¨evil¨ that prompted the Aten Pharaoh to build a new city from scratch (ignore foreign policy, bankrupt the state)
was something profound, supernatural. It was not an ¨evil¨ but the exact opposite. All depictions of it were systematically destroyed
at all 3 purge events. Note, that the Aten Pharoah swore he would never leave that city each year on August 13th (think Fatima).
He even built a ¨A House of Rejoicing¨ in the city!!! Why would he rejoice over something ¨evil¨¨?  - all his language is enlightening, using ¨Beautiful this and that¨ (Solomon must have imitated this) Things went bad after his wife died. He sort of fell apart and the daughter´s husband didnt help attacking the powerful Amun Re priesthood.

* The Amun Re deity was principle among the deities was demoted and later his daughter purged it.. what the Aten Pharaoh did was raise up a minor sun worship and surplanted all the others using it as a metaphor for the one God.

*Why Amarna? The supernatural event must have happened there, perhaps later the Holy Family may have passed through in their journey in Egypt.  Any researchers hopefully expand on why this place of all, perhaps something prophecied by Joseph the Patriarch.

Boniface VIII


Aten-Druze Summary con´t

* Queen Nefertiti was a Hebrew.  Retracting Graham´s Phillips assertion that they worshipped the Bull-cult from Minoan Princess. Incorrect. She was  undoubtedly a Hebrew-Aten from the line of Joseph-Benjamin.  She was the heart and soul to the Aten-Pharoah reign and taught him everything about the one true God, it makes no sense that she would have made one concession for bull-cult worship in offending God.  In my estimation she stands out as one of the greatest women in the Ancient world.

* She was a ¨fair skinned woman, with a straight narrow nose like the Greeks¨ In fact, Graham admits from the busts of her that survived she was a European. Therefore, the theory that Joseph the Patriarch married a Atlantis woman- is that so far fetched? Why did the Egyptian Priests tell the Greeks (Plato relatives) about Atlantis? ie.Would they not have told them that she was Greek?  Egyptian women did not have fair skin, she was obviously not from North Africa.  Moreover, her fair skin alludes to the close mating of Joseph´s descendants. The blood line was closely protected as the Druze till today do not marry outsiders.
Plus, Graham adds that a previous Pharoah married a commoner.  Nefertiti was the mother of 6 daughters and in one scened she and her daughters wore NO Jewerly.  This is of extreme importance and indicates how Faithful she was. It was She who converted the Aten-Pharaoh in Heliopolis.

* Akenaten...¨Proclaimed the Aten supreme Deity the moment he became Pharoah.¨ Furthermore, ¨From the very beginning, he sees himself as a Prophet.¨ How did this come about? Apparently he spent time at Heliopolis the center of the 2 Hebrew brances- Joseph´s and Benjamin´s lineage and the other Tribes descendants (bull-cult- Heliopolis was the center of the bull cult as well).  Graham Phillip
writes thus, he spent time prior to becoming Pharaoh. ¨Have influenced the young King....Northern Egypt around the area of Heliopolis.¨

* page 162, ¨Seems very likely that Aken. formulated his ideas in Heliopolis before he became King.¨ Thanks to the Nefertiti...and recall the High-Priest he chose was a Hebrew. Regurgitate again that The future Queen showed him the prophecies by Joseph the Patriarch that in the future Egypt would worship one true God. This can be discerned from his language, that he was chosen,etc... they lived out the 10 Commandments and if they succeded the world would have been very different but alas, they had enemies.

* Graham Phillips draws a comparison, he calls Akenaten the¨ Pharaoh of firsts¨. First, to install a single deity- Aten, the all powerful Heavenly Father who demands that his children live in truth (the ankh= living forever and in the film, Ankh is called the ¨Tree of Life¨)
First, to preach to the people, twice he built a Balcony like the Pope´s called the window of Appearance. In Karnak and later at Amarna
he Preached to the people and taught them from a Balcony window. First, to be called Father. First, Not to hunt, no depictions of him hunting, (vegetarian?)- First, to show a drawing of him leaning on his wife´s Nefertiti´s arm- (no Pharoah would ever allow this).
First, to rid of the dreary Egyptian art and use more flowers and animals drawings and motiffs from the Greek art.  First, to care about what the people worshipped and beliefed, prior they didnt care which deity they  prayed too. Similiar to Christ´s birth, it was a stable and peaceful time when he became Pharaoh. First, to declare a new city, Amarna- ¨The Seat of Aten¨ - that Aten Himself directed him to that site.¨

* Nefertiti- ¨From depictions- that she ¨enjoyed far more influence than almost any other Egyptian Queen.¨
In Egypt, ¨women played a subsidiary role in Religion. The moment she appears on the scene, she immediately breaks these ancient taboos.¨ ¨Whatever her Nationality she had enormous influence at Amarna and once she had gone everything seems to have fallen apart.¨  Initially, assumed what Graham Phillips asserted regarding them worshipping the bull cult of Minervas. This is a fabrication so they did not lose Heavens Blessing.  What probably occureded around the year 14 of his reign is she died, most likely murdered via poison.  It would explain her husband going to pieces and her daughter taking over the rule with her husband. Her daughter persecuted
the demoted Egyptian Priests and the powerful Amun-Re cult. Why? Because she was getting revenge for her mother´s death.

* Aten-Reprisals, when persection of the Atens took place (in the film it was after King´s Tuts rule- the General H. did it) they had to flee.
Where could they flee? The Egyptians had vassals states from Caanan and Syria over to Libya down to Nubia (Sudan).  Answer:

* The Atens (Druze) had hid the body of Akentaten during the persecution just like later they did with Moses´s body. Moses´s body
is very probable in Ethopia, the nobody Saint-Saint with no name, so ancient they dont know. The Ethopians would have known the name if he was Ethopian, that is a clue. That Saint with no name tomb in Ethopia is not Ethopian.

* page 282- ¨Perhaps when the Atenists were eventually suppressed by General Horemheb many of them fled from Egypt.¨ Ethopia was not a vassal state of Egypt!


Prophecies of Pope John XXXIII allude to Nur. I and II?... a cryptic phrase of sorts that ¨Those who judged at Nur. will themselves be judged...¨
¨ Ovili per il loro dolore e morte sottile. I carnefici sanno, a Norimberga mentiranno.¨
¨Solo oggi finisce Norimberga.¨



¨In sette dalla Grecia per il mondo, dopo la visione. E nuove parole conquisteranno la terra. Ripetute dal Cristo.¨

Why did he go to Greece again? (In Lesbos, Greek Orthodox Churches were vandalized 2 years ago and Olive trees groves destroyed.)
You may not take the Prophecies of J23rd seriously but they do? Was he poking around for information due to the above quote?

Recall the ancient find recently in Iberia- possibly Atlantis is the next following line, ¨I rotoli verranno trovati nelle Azzorre e parleranno di antiche civiltà che agli uomini insegneranno antiche cose a essi sconosciute¨

In fact, the takedown of the Knights of Malta could possibly be due to the above prophecy as well?

¨Dalla piccola isola nel Mediterraneo partirà il grido del nuovo cavaliere. E le navi dalle false bandiere saranno affondate. Il primo giorno d'Europa.¨


Sign: ¨Stunning "Good Shepherd" Ring with Carved Gemstone Found off Israel¨


Pedro Regis spoke of Antartica years back with a message that indicated the ice would melt and a mysterious find would result but that the mystery would not be solved.¨Obstensibly this could be the temple of sorts that was constructed by the Angels long, long ago, of course, they will say it was made by aliens. But something was found in 2015 when the ice melted, even the Sec. of state went to view it.
Not ufos.;read=189692


Quote from: Guapo on January 03, 2020, 11:31:54 AM
Heck even the Mormons are prepared for the Return of Christ!!!


Than terribe news:

Soon afterwards the Mormons took a beating in the Discovery Channel-negative news.  Not sure what all this means. Mormons are generally prepared with a years worth of food stored by Church law, etc... And if they set aside 100 billion you know that it wont be in useless paper Cash for His Return. What do you give the King of Kings? The Superforce has evidently taken an active interest in this drama and probably have figured out even more...

Point being if the Mormons are doing this, cant the Church prepare for His Return..with a Holy Year... Year of Hope or something?

Prepare and Declare a Holy Year soon is my prayer for 2020. The other prayer is that Our Lord speeds up time even faster if it means the Salvation of Souls, these kids and technology, how will they say no to the AC and yes to Christ or no to the Chip and yes to freedom? Anyways these prayers for 2020 besides the proper Consecration of Russia.

¨The motto for the 2025 Jubilee, approved by Pope Francis, is "Pilgrims of Hope."¨



¨Thank God¨

¨Archeologists excavating a sixth-century church in southern Turkiye unearthed a mosaic made by a former slave who thanked God after being freed.¨

¨Thank God¨ that the plandemic plug is being pulled.  The more reasonable faction is backtracking at warp speed while the AC faction (Prophecies of Pope John 23rd calls him a ¨madman¨ has a stranglehold over several nations said Luz de Maria) wont let up. Most of the ¨sockpuppets¨ off -the- wall comments from DC or London or even Rome are probably him laughing all the way.
At any rate, even he will have to backtrack, the narrative is falling to pieces and cruelty alone cant keep it sustained.
Long article and some nonsense, but highlighting this:
¨Thus, according to Steiner, around 2,000 BC Lucifer incarnated in human form in China, during the Xia Dynasty.¨
Well looks like the circle is complete using China, according to the prophecies, China as was Isis so it will be the army of the AC?


It seems almost definite that it is the location off of Cadiz. Ironic, because in the American-Spanish war the men from Cadiz refused to fight and were called sissies (maricones). It wasnt really a war anyways most of the men in P.R and Cuba were taking a siesta and eating tapas couldnt bother to fight- Teddy´s ¨Rough Riders¨ was more a glitz and glamour. The first thing the Yanks did is kick out the Priests from Spain (same as the Phillipines). President McKinley was against the war with Spain and was shot for it in train election campaign at the Buffalo train station, my grandmothers family watched this in horror. He was also trying to derail some of their plans imo- namely the oil guys. He was a nice man,  Edward VII was greatly grieved by his death. ¨Anarchists¨ shot him. Righto, recall sitting in 6th grade history class trying to figure out who were all these anarchists shooting the Royals (Portugal was brutal shooting of the King and his family) and Presidents, etc... took some time but figured it out.
