The Post Modernist Problem

Started by james03, May 07, 2023, 04:08:07 PM

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I touched on this briefly in another thread.

There are the naturalists, rationalists, and modernists, all pretty much the same.  We saw them in the Church when they launched their successful wicked council.  A short time after the post modernists showed up and said, "you correctly point out that the Church was wrong, though you use flowery language, that is what you say.  So how do we know YOU are correct right now?".  And thus things degraded until we are on "a journey of accompaniment" and the modernists have no basis for complaint.  And we have the motto of the post-modern heresiarch "who am I to judge?".

It's on the science side also.  The modernist announced that "God is dead".  Except science must rest on the pillar of Greek Realism.  And we know Greek Realism by necessity MUST presuppose God.  And so science fell apart with self-defined gender and infinite universes to explain the finely tuned universe and the insane odds of protein synthesis.  The post modernists are at least coherent in their complaint, the modernist godless heathens are insane.

And finally we have arrived at the destination.  The Will to Power.  Right and wrong?  Rule of law?  Throw people in prison for insurrection when they weren't armed?  The vote matters not, it is who counts the votes that matters.

The modernists toppled the protective walls and have now ushered in the reign of anti-Christ.
"But he that doth not believe, is already judged: because he believeth not in the name of the only begotten Son of God (Jn 3:18)."

"All sorrow leads to the foot of the Cross.  Weep for your sins."

"Although He should kill me, I will trust in Him"