Writing a New Apologetics Book, 25 Reasons to be Christian.

Started by JJoseph, July 10, 2024, 10:38:16 AM

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Friends, I'm writing an Apologetics Book entitled: "Why I believe in Lord Jesus Christ: 25 Reasons to be Christian". Please see the table of Contents below. It's almost done, just in the final stages of editing/review. If you have any comments/suggestions for changes/improvements, please share. Thanks and God Bless.

QuoteIntroduction: The Astonishing Civilizing Influence that Jesus Christ of Nazareth has had on the World:
Intro 0.1 25 Quotes from many great men and women demonstrating the Greatness of Jesus Christ
Intro 0.2 25 Endorsements of this Book, from popular writers and thought leaders around the globe.
Intro 0.3 The tragic holocaust of 360 MN Christians being persecuted around the world today (2024).
Part I: Reasons to believe in One Creator God, the Father Almighty:
Demonstrations of God's Existence from Logic, Science and Morality:
Reason 1: Kalam Cosmological Demonstration: First Principles show a First Cause of the Universe:

Reason 1.1 Summary of the Kalam – A Reason to believe taken from the Beginning of the Universe
Reason 1.2 Synopsis of the Kalam – What begins to exist has a Cause and the Universe began to exist
Reason 1.3 Corollaries of the Kalam - Proves an Almighty, Eternal, Omnipresent, Personal Creator of the Universe exists outside time and space who brought the Universe into existence ex nihilo
Reason 2: St. Thomas' Contingency Demonstration: why a Necessarily Existent Being must exist at the end of the chain of contingent beings.
Reason 2.1 The distinction between Contingency and Necessity explained, and the explanation for why contingent beings (dependent on prior beings) must terminate in a Necessary Being proved.
Reason 2.2 The Argument from Contingency explained in 4 simple steps showing God's Existence
Reason 2.3 Summary of the Argument and a Mathematical Form of the Contingency Argument
Reason 3: The Fine-Tuning Argument: Empirical Evidence for a Supremely Wise, Supremely Good, Divine Creator or Intelligent Designer of the Entire Universe:
Reason 3.1 Quotes from Popular Scientists describing the Empirical Fact of Fine-Tuning:
Reason 3.2 Fine Tuning Argument stated and proved: Evidence of Design in the Universe.
Reason 3.3 Fine Tuning proving Intelligent Design proved by an analogy: Concluding Thoughts
Reason 4: Saint Anselm's Famous Ontological Argument, updated by Alvin Plantinga and Yours Truly: God may be defined as the One Necessary Being, on whom all contingent beings depend.
Reason 4.1 If there is a Possible World in which the Necessary Being exists, He then exists in Actual Reality!
Reason 4.2 A Reflection on Ontological Arguments. From St. Anselm to the modern age
Reason 4.3 Most Philosophers agree with steps 2 to 5 of the argument. The key is in Step 1.
Reason 5: Conscience demonstrates the Goodness of God, and the Beauty of Creation, His Beauty.
Reason 5.1 How Conscience reveals Objective Moral Duties, and Objective Moral Duties reveal God.
Reason 5.2 The Lord Jehovah, by making the Ten Commandments/Moral Law the basis of OT Religion, ensured these 10 Commandments became the Guiding Light of True Civilization.
Reason 5.3 The Lord Jesus, by beautifully summarizing these 10 Commandments into Two Commandments, summed up all True Religion and also laid the grounds for a lasting Humanism.
Part II: Reasons to believe in His Son, Jesus Christ, the Lord: Prophecy, Miracles, Historical Jesus.
Demonstrations that Christ is Truth from History, Miracles and Prophecy:
Reason 6: Evidence from Messianic Prophecies: Statistical Proof that Jesus of Nazareth is Christ.

Reason 6.1 Introduction to Messianic Prophecies; a summary of 7 points prophesied about Christ
Reason 6.2 Points 1 to 4 and their odds: Christ, born in Bethlehem, will work Miracles in a Public Ministry, institute a Melchizedek Sacrifice with Bread and Wine and offer Himself up like a Lamb!
Reason 6.3 Continuation of Messianic Prophecies: The Messiah is God/the Lord Jehovah Himself in the Flesh, the Lord of David in Psalm 110:1, the Pre-Existent Son of God in Daniel 3:25 etc.
Reason 7: Evidence for the Glorious Resurrection of the Lord Jesus: why His Resurrection is no myth or invention but is rightly called the best documented fact in history and well-attested.
Reason 7.1 St. John Chrysostom on the Resurrection; the Toledot Yeshu, Tacitus and Pliny on Christ.
Reason 7.2 The Jewish Historian Josephus on Jesus Christ: Saint Jerome and the Gospel Writers
Reason 7.3 The Argument for the Resurrection from the 4 Facts stated and proved – Anthony Flew and other Skeptics and former Skeptics admit the Resurrection Evidence is in a class of its own.
Reason 8: Evidence from the Shroud of Turin: the Miraculous Relic demonstrating Christ's Resurrection
Reason 8.1: The Shroud of Turin is a remarkable relic that provides Direct Evidence of Jesus Christ's Resurrection
Reason 8.1.1 The Image on the Shroud of Turin required a burst of immense energy to produce:
Reason 8.1.2 New scientific tests demonstrate that the Shroud of Turin originated in the Ancient Middle East or Near East, not medieval Europe:
Reason 8.1.3 Remarkable 120 Coincidences of blood and fluid stains with the Sudarium of Oviedo
Reason 8.1.4 The Blood Stains on the Shroud are Real Blood. They are of Blood Type AB
Reason 8.1.5 The Image on the Shroud is a Photographic Negative. Its Formation suggests a Divine or Supernatural Origin, because, as seen above, 1st or even 10th century technology couldn't produce it:
Reason 8.2 The Creed in 1 Cor 15, its early date, the authenticity of the Testimonium Flavium etc
Reason 8.3 The "Testimonium Flavianum" or Testimony of Josephus re-visited. The Letter of Pilate to Tiberius confirming the Resurrection, its attestation by St. Justin, Tertullian and ancient sources:
Reason 9: Evidence from Eucharistic Miracles: accessible Evidence of Christ's Real Presence among us in His Holy Eucharist – His Body and Blood which His Priests offer up on His Altar for us all.
Reason 9.1 Eucharistic Miracles have converted former skeptics and have been called by them, "the most powerful evidence in favor of Christianity" – these are amazing wondrous signs of Grace
Reason 9.2 The Eucharistic Miracle at Lanciano – a wondrous miracle still marvelled at today:
Reason 9.3 Evidence from more Eucharistic Miracles: 4-5 cited and quoted to bolster your Faith.
Reason 10: Evidence from Healings in the Name of Jesus. Direct Evidence of His Great Resurrection
Reason 10.1 Miracles in Divine Retreat Centre, Muringoor, Kerala, India (head) and its branches:
Reason 10.2 Miracles in Rwanda, Africa, in CFAN Crusades on that Continent:
Reason 10.3 This could easily be multiplied to 100, 1000 or 10,000 testimonies - Evidence is clear.
Part III: Miscellaneous Reasons: Reasons to believe drawn from Archaeology, Philosophy, History and Science: Further Demonstrations of the Truth of Christianity from Archaeology, Science, NDEs and the Contributions of Christianity:
Reason 11: Archaeological Confirmation of the Biblical Record: Nelson Glueck and the Old Testament.

Reason 11.1 Highly Accomplished Jewish Archaeologist Nelson Glueck's astonishing declaration: "it may be categorically stated that no archaeological discovery has ever controverted a Biblical reference ... scores of archaeological findings have been made which confirm in clear outline or exact detail historical statements in the Bible(!)":
Reason 11.2 John's Gospel confirmed by archaeological finds: The Pool of Siloam
Reason 11.3 A Familiar Story: Archaeology confirms the Biblical Record over and over:
Reason 12: Archaeological Confirmation of the Biblical Record: Sir William Ramsay, St. Luke and the NT.
Reason 12.1 How Oxford-educated Archaeologist and world renowned expert Sir William Ramsay became a Christian – by studying the Gospel and Historicity of the Book of Acts and Luke.
Reason 12.2. External Evidence from the Fathers for Matthean priority (St. Matthew writing first)
Reason 12.3 Three Syllogisms demonstrating the Early Dates of the Synoptic Gospels and showing all 3 of them were written before 55 AD, when Saint Paul refers to Saint Luke's Gospel as having been widely disseminated in the Early Christian Churches:
Reason 13: From DNA to Design. From "Nature's Laws" etc. From various arguments for Intelligent Design. Fine Tuning revisited.
Reason 13.1 The basic argument for design was developed long ago by Saint Thomas Aquinas.
Reason 13.2 How the Genetic Code in DNA suggests a Divine Intelligence that designed that Code:
Reason 13.3 Fine Tuning revisited. Evidence of not merely a Natural Designer, but a Cosmic One. Objections considered and refuted. False analogy of Lottery, and True analogy of sharp-shooters.
Reason 14: From Veridical NDEs. From First Person Experience. From the Evidence for the Soul. From Consciousness.
Reason 14.1 Philosophical Proofs we have a Soul dwelling with us – that we are not just animals nor mere matter.
Reason 14.2 NDE's continued. Consciousness studied. First Person Experience requires a Soul. And the existence of the Soul proves also the existence of God, of Heaven, and of an Afterlife to come.
Reason 14.3 Some examples of NDEs. Peace in Heaven. NDEs should show Modern Atheists at the least that Ancient Philosophers who proved the Existence of the Soul were right.
Reason 15: Christianity's Valuable Contributions to Humanity: An Examination of Militant Atheism
Reason 15.1 Prof. Alvin Schmidt, in "How Christianity changed the world" (for the better) clearly proves and shows Christianity has by and large had a benign and positive impact on the world:
Reason 15.2 Christianity, Atheism and Religious Freedom: After some mistakes, Christians gave complete Religious Freedom to all, including Atheists, while the latter denied it to Christians.
Reason 15.3 Prof. Thomas Woods, in "How the Catholic Church built Western Civilization" demonstrates the manifest falsehood of militant atheism; Christianity in fact built True Civilization.
Part IV: Reasons to believe drawn from the Spirit's Guidance of the Church: Demonstrations that Almighty God has given throughout all history to confirm the Truth revealed in Christ:

Reason 16: Evidence from the Martyrdom of the original 12 Apostles, many of the 72, the Early Church Fathers.
Reason 16.1 The Martyrdoms of Saints Peters and Paul in Rome; Matthew in Africa; Thomas in India.
Reason 16.2 The Martyrdoms of Saints Andrew and Simon the Zealot; of Philip the Apostle and Bartholomew.
Reason 16.3 The Martyrdoms of Saint James recorded in the NT and St. James the Just in History; St. Jude and St. John.
Reason 17: Evidence from the Personal Experience of 2.6+ BN Christians. Personal Testimonies of Ex-Atheists.
Reason 17.1 When you're looking for a Good Physician, the Testimonies of many who've benefited by consulting said Physician are quite important: thus too the testimonies of Christians
Reason 17.2 The special value of the testimonies of Ex-Atheists, their confessed attachments to sins, and the root causes of Atheism. Atheism often comes from desire to live in sins.
Reason 17.3 Some objections of Atheists to internal First Person Experience considered/addressed.
Reason 18: Evidence from the fact that there are 360 MN Persecuted/Martyred Christians in the world even today.
Reason 18.1 Flying a plane into a building and forgiving a would be assassinator are not the same
Reason 18.2 Martyrs show great constancy and heroic patience that comes from God. They also are living witnesses to the Truth of Eternal Life, and Eternal Reward for heroism in witness of faith.
Reason 18.3 Martyrs rouse the careless from living only for money and pleasures, and from indifference, and from taking no thought of Heaven, Paradise, the Afterlife, and Hell/Purgatory.
Reason 19: Evidence from the likelihood of Christianity crossing 3 BN Souls soon, becoming even more Universal.
Reason 19.1 Long ago, God promised to make believers in Him very numerous, as numerous in fact as the Stars in the Sky or the Sand on the Seashore. He now has.
Reason 19.2 But that's not all. Christianity is expected to cross 3 BN soon, even reach 3.3 BN by 2050. Christianity might cross 3 BN Souls as soon as 2030, and its geographical diversity expands.
Reason 19.3 From such humble beginnings, One Carpenter's Son, and His 12 mostly fishermen disciples, Christianity has grown so great and so large, just as Jesus Christ prophesied (Mat 24:14).
Reason 20: Evidence from the impossibility of Christianity being defeated, and its indestructibility/inevitability.
Reason 20.1 The Prophetic and Historical Context: Daniel and Christ speak of the Kingdom of God.
Reason 20.2 Philip Jenkins and other sources on the coming of Global Christianity or Christendom
Reason 20.3 Christianity exploding and continuing to expand in diverse geographic territories is a sign of its divine origin. If it were not true, as Gamaliel said, it would have collapsed long ago.
Part V: Reasons to believe taken from Holy Spirit's ongoing Supernatural Signs: Final Demonstrations from Miscellaneous Miracles and Well-Known History:
Reason 21: Evidence from Miracles of the Divine Mercy and Sacred Heart: Well-known historical events.

Reasons 21.1 The Tilma of Gaudalupe, how 10 Million Mexicans became Christian, the Sacred Heart manifestations to St. Margaret Mary and the French Revolution:
Reason 21.2 The Divine Mercy Devotion, the Prophecy of World War II, the Divine Mercy Miracle Image identical with the Holy Face on the Shroud of Turin, and Fatima – the miraculous prophecies of the spread of Atheistic Communism, its persecution of the Christian Church, and Final Defeat:
Reason 21.3 Evidence from Popular Culture: Exorcisms, and the Priests of Christ having Authority over Demons
Reason 22: Evidence from the Amazing Conversion of Armenia/Europe to Christianity.

Reason 22.1 The Conversion of Armenia in the 4th Century – Precursor to the Conversion of Europe, and God's Power manifest during it:
Reason 22.1.1 Sordid history of the 20th Century Armenian Genocide, the immoral behaviour of Islamist Turks during it, and the perseverance of Armenians:
Reason 22.2 The Conversion of Europe – from the 4th to the 14th Century – replete with Miracles and miraculous signs, once more confirming and proving that the Lord Jesus is the True God.
Reason 22.3 Four Quick Examples – St. Patrick in Ireland, St. Augustine of Canterbury in England, St. Remigius in France, and St. Boniface, the Apostle of Germany.
Reason 23: Evidence from the Downfall of Atheistic Communism in Russia.

Reason 23.1 Communists were intent on teaching Darwinist Atheism, not Marxist Economics – Communism was just a pretext to implement a Godless Dictatorship, an Anti-Christian State:
Reason 23.2 Solzhenitsyn reflects on the Russian Revolution that killed 60 Million Christians and other Innocents – "men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened."
Reason 23.3 Marvel of marvels: the Atheistic Soviet Union USSR collapsed and Communism fell on Dec 25, 1991:
Reason 24: Evidence from the Growth of Christianity in Africa, China, Indonesia and Rest of Asia:
Reason 24.1 "As of 2023, there are an estimated 718 million Christians from all denominations in Africa, up from about 10 million in 1900."
Reason 24.2 By 2030, there may be more Christian Believers in China than there are in America! There already are more Christians than Communists.
Reason 24.3 2 Million+ Muslims embrace Christianity in Indonesia every year. Indonesia will be Majority Christian by 2035!!!
Reason 25: Motivation to believe from the "Crown of Life" (James 1:12; Revelation 2:10).
Reason 25.1 The human heart naturally desires compensations/rewards. God satisfies this desire
Reason 25.2 The happiness of heaven is more to be desired than earthly happiness because this endures ETERNALLY. Eternal Happiness, as can be mathematically shown, is an INFINITE GOOD, a GOOD as Great as God Himself, which God so graciously and lovingly gives us. We should be prepared to die not once but a 1000 times, and amidst great pains, to inherit such Eternal Happiness.
Reason 25.3 Those who seek the Kingdom of God first, and are ready, if needed, to forfeit earthly happiness by giving up sin's alluring and foolish pleasures, often have great Earthly happiness too. God's Promise that those who seek the Kingdom first have all else added is verified in them.
Conclusion to the Arguments: A Final Challenge to Modern Atheists from a version of Pascal's Wager updated by Yours Truly.
Addendum: Brief Answers to Atheist Objections:

1. If God created everything, what created God?
2. Euthyphro Dilemma answered by Divine Simplicity.
3. The Problem of Evil answered by Heavenly Reward and Hell for Justice.
4. The Problem of Evil and Divine Discipline/Purgatorial Fire for sins.
5. The Problem of Evil and the Holy Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Conclusion of the Book: Invitation to become a Christian, give one's life to Jesus Christ, accept Him as Lord & Savior and accept Baptism and Communion.
Appendix I.1: Documentation of the Growth of Christianity in Africa from 10 MN to 750 MN+.

Christianity's extraordinary unprecedented growth in Africa is absolutely unheard of anywhere.
Appendix I.2: Documentation of the Incredible Growth of Christianity in the Nation of China.
The Name of Christ spreads and the Cross of Christ triumphs in the very land of the Atheist Communist Dragon.
Appendix I.3: Documentation of the Incredible Growth of Christianity in Indonesia and Rest of Asia.
Indonesia could quite conceivably turn Majority Christian as soon as 2035! What a remarkable development!
Appendix II: Documentation of the Impending Demise of Global Atheism: 145 MN to 130 MN by 2050.
Contrary to Atheist Propaganda, the Statistics reveal Global Atheism is in fact dying and will soon be dead. This book, a humble contribution toward establishing the Truth, hopes to speed up its demise.


Under Reason 6, I recommend discussing Wisdom Chpt. 2.
"But he that doth not believe, is already judged: because he believeth not in the name of the only begotten Son of God (Jn 3:18)."

"All sorrow leads to the foot of the Cross.  Weep for your sins."

"Although He should kill me, I will trust in Him"


Is this a book to convince others to become a true Christian, that is, a Catholic, or just a fictional generic "Christianity"?
"O Lord, save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance, granting to Thy people victory over all their enemies, and by the power of Thy Cross preserving Thy commonwealth."

"Through the prayers of the Theotokos O Savior save us"

"I like grumpy old cusses.  Hope to live long enough to be one" - John Wayne

Michael Wilson

This is against the teaching of the Catholic Church:
QuoteReason 15.2 Christianity, Atheism and Religious Freedom: After some mistakes, Christians gave complete Religious Freedom to all, including Atheists, while the latter denied it to Christians.
Men are not morally free to embrace God's revelation and the Catholic faith. Further, giving freedom for all kinds of religions to propagate in a country, leads to the loss of souls especially weak Catholics.
In addition, there should be a section just dedicated to proving that the Catholic Church is the one true Church founded by Our Lord Himself.
Here is a table of Contents from Msgr. Paul J. Glenn, Ph.D., S.T.D. "Apologetics-A Philosophical Defense and Explanation of the Catholic Religion".(for comparison)
QuoteI'll skip the first part and quote from the "Second Book" ffdd.
Ch.I The Nature of Religion; Art.1. The Meaning of Religion. Art.2. The Necessity and Universality of Religion. Art. 3. The Origin of Religion.II. Supernatural Revelation in Religion. Art.1. The Meaning, Possibility, and Necessity of Supernatural Revelation. Art. 2. The Fact of Supernatural Revelation. Buook Third, Christ. I. Jesus Christ The Redeemer. Art.1. The Redemption. Art.2. The Redeemer. II. Jesus Christ True God. Art. I Jesus Christ Claimed to be God. Art. 2. Jesus Christ Proved Himself God by His Personal Character. Art. 3. Jesus Christ Proved Himself God by His Wondrous Works. III. Jesus Christ, True Man. Book Fourth, The Church. Ch.I The Church of Jesus Christ. Art. 1. The Formation of the Church. Art.2The Primacy of St. Peter. II The Marks And Attributes of The Church of Jesus Christ.Art. I. The Marks of the Church. Art. 2. The Attributes of the Church. III The Identification of the Church of Jesus Christ. art. I The Catholic Church the Church of Jesus Christ. Art. 2. The Necessity of the Catholic church. 
"The World Must Conform to Our Lord and not He to it." Rev. Dennis Fahey CSSP

"My brothers, all of you, if you are condemned to see the triumph of evil, never applaud it. Never say to evil: you are good; to decadence: you are progess; to death: you are life. Sanctify yourselves in the times wherein God has placed you; bewail the evils and the disorders which God tolerates; oppose them with the energy of your works and your efforts, your life uncontaminated by error, free from being led astray, in such a way that having lived here below, united with the Spirit of the Lord, you will be admitted to be made but one with Him forever and ever: But he who is joined to the Lord is one in spirit." Cardinal Pie of Potiers


Thanks for the responses. I've added a sub-section on choosing between Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant. I also will treat that subject in more detail in a 2nd book:
Quote"Conclusion.1  Also, now that I have given my life to Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, how do I choose between Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox?

To answer this question in detail and depth is beyond the scope of this present book. It will be treated in an upcoming book called "Why I love Mother Mary: 25 Reasons to be a Catholic Christian". ... I would encourage those who are deciding to be Christian to join the Catholic Church. You can also check out further reasons for why on the blog ReasonstobeChristian.com which first gives the Evidence for Mere Christianity, and then adds: "Articles showing why every one should become Christian. Dear Friends, the following articles aim to show why all people everywhere are called to become Baptized Christians and be saved: "Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved" ~ Jesus Christ. As we are Catholic Christians, once you decide to become Christians, we will also guide you in Biblical and Patristic Reasons showing that the Catholic Church is the True Christian Church founded by Jesus Christ. "Where Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church" ~ St. Ignatius of Antioch, 107 A.D."

Michael said: "Men are not morally free to embrace God's revelation and the Catholic faith."

They are not free to embrace the Catholic Faith? They are to be coerced to it, then? Did you mean to say, to reject?

I favor Christian Nationalism/Catholic Integralism along with some Religious Freedom. Since 360 MN Christians are being persecuted as we speak, and hardly any nation is doing much about it, the question is more theoretical than practical. Those Christians, including many Catholics, would benefit much from getting Religious Freedom, and it's mostly Muslim/Islamic Countries that reject Religious Freedom that are doing the persecuting. As Indonesia and many African Countries show, once the death penalty for so called apostasy to Christianity and such obstacles are removed, and full Religious Freedom is given, Christianity often grows very fast.

Finally, recent Popes have used the same argument I'm using: "I ask and I humbly entreat those countries to grant Christians freedom to worship and to practice their faith, in light of the freedom which followers of Islam enjoy in Western countries!" https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/apost_exhortations/documents/papa-francesco_esortazione-ap_20131124_evangelii-gaudium.html Not only would those 360 MN Christians benefit in that they face less persecution, but many Souls would too. Many would hear the Gospel of Christ and His Church for the first time in their lives, which is currently hindered.


The 2nd book for Protestants has the book title as: "Why I love Mother Mary: 25 Reasons to be a Catholic Christian"

I just completed 5 chapter titles for the book. Aiming to get the first book published by August 15th and the 2nd by December 25th.

Quote"Introduction: How the Catholic Church built Western (and, in time, Universal) Civilization:

Intro 0.1 25 Quotes from many great men and women demonstrating the Greatness of the RCC. (Thomas Macaulay: "There is not, and there never was, upon this Earth, a work of human policy so well deserving of examination as the Roman Catholic Church").

Intro 0.2 15 Endorsements of this Book, from popular writers and thought leaders around the globe.

Intro 0.3 The tragic holocaust of Unborn Children being killed around the world today, which the One, Holy, Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church, almost alone against the world, staunchly opposes.

Part I: Reasons to believe in Mother Mary, Queen Mother of God, of Heaven, of Angels, and Saints:

Demonstrations that Mother Mary is (1) Alive (2) Crowned in Heaven & (3) a Powerful Intercessor:

Reason 1: Mother Mary is the Queen Mother of Revelation 12:1, Mother of Jesus Christ (Rev 12:5).

Reason 1.1 Mary is the Mother of Jesus Christ, and so is this Woman; Israel has not accepted Christ.

Reason 1.2 Is it the Church? No, for the Church is the Bride; this Woman is His Mother, ergo, Mary.

Reason 1.3 Corollaries of this Biblical Truth. It proves Mother Mary is Alive or Living in Heaven, that She must have lived a Perfect and Sinless Life. That She fights Satan and assists us in the Church.

Reason 2: Mother Mary is declared Full of Grace in Luk 1:28, ergo without sin, just as Christ is Full of Grace in John 1:14. Where Grace is full, there is no sin. St. Gabriel the Archangel, rebukes Zechariah, but praises/honors Mary. So do St. Elizabeth and the Baptist too, filled with the Spirit.

Reason 2.1 Mother Mary is Full of Grace, kecharitomene (Κεχαριτωμένη). This means one in Whom the giving of Grace has been completed. It means She is completed with All Grace.

Reason 2.2 Mother Mary has "found Grace" (Luk 1:30) with God. This means, like Moses (Ex 33:13), She is competent, equipped and qualified by God, to be an Intercessor for the whole Christian people, as Moses was for the Jews/Israelites. It is thus right for all of us to ask Her to intercede.

Reason 2.3 If the Prayer of the Righteous avails much (Jam 5:16), then the Prayer of the Most Righteous, the All-Holy Mother of God, the Greatest Saint after Christ, avails the very most possible. It avails even those graces ordinarily deemed impossible, as the Wedding at Cana (Jn 2) illustrates.

Reason 3: Wonder of Wonders, God Promises a Perfect and Immaculate Woman first in Gen 3:15 – He also promises a Perfect Seed of the Woman next, and it shows a Perfect Man and Perfect Woman, a New Adam and a New Eve, are necessary to undo by their obedience the fault of A&E.

Reason 3.1 The Enmity promised in Gen 3:15 is an Enmity of Perfect Sinlessness/Immaculate Nature/not being subject to slavery to Satan through original or personal sin for even one instant.

Reason 3.2 The Latin Vulgate reading is more probable: She, the Woman, will crush Satan's head.

Reason 3.3 It shows Christ and Mary are closely allied – certainly not opposed – in the Triumph over Satan and his Anti-Christs. "Blessed are You among women" confirms She is this long awaited Woman. The OT example of Judith shows God will use a Perfect Woman to crush Satan's Head.

Reason 4: The Mystical Woman of Proverbs 31, "You have excelled them all", Whose children arise and call Her Blessed, Whose Husband praises Her;"the Woman who fears Jehovah is to be praised".

Reason 4.1 The passage, like Isaiah 53 and Wis 2, seem to be describing just an ideal Man/Woman. Suddenly, the Holy Spirit begins to speak of the Perfect Woman: "You have excelled them all".

Reason 4.2 This passage shows rendering praise and honour to a Godly Woman is itself godly, not impious, and redounds to the Glory of God. Mary is the Perfect Woman who is always to be praised.

Reason 4.3 "Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate." (Prov 31:31). We ought to honor Mary for all She has done, and praise Her for all Her Works.

Reason 5: Psalm 45:9, a Messianic Psalm, shows there is a Messianic Queen along with the King.

Reason 5.1 The Gebirah or Queen Mother in ancient Israel held a special place of honor beside the King. Thus, we see in 1Kings 2, the King himself honors/venerates Her, and She sits and intercedes.

Reason 5.2 Psalm 45 is a Messianic Psalm. Hebrews 1 applies it to Christ. Yet, it speaks of an All-Glorious Princess, Daughter of the King, Who has all Her Glory within, accompanied by other virgins.

Reason 5.3 "All glorious is the princess within her chamber; her gown is interwoven with gold .. I will perpetuate your memory through all generations; therefore the nations will praise you forever"

Part II: Reasons to believe drawn from the Church Fathers, many of whom were Disciples of the Apostles, Great Apologists and Holy Martyrs who ensured Christianity's Triumph over Paganism and Judaism. The repeated Patristic Witness to the Catholic Church as the Apostolic Church.

Reason 6: The Church Fathers believed in the Real Presence. St. Ignatius of Antioch for example ......"
And that's all I have started with so far. Will be adding the remaining titles then write the chapters over the next few months once Book 1 on Christianity vs Atheism Apologetics is finished.

Michael Wilson

Quote from: JJoseph on July 16, 2024, 02:03:18 AMMichael said: "Men are not morally free to embrace God's revelation and the Catholic faith."

They are not free to embrace the Catholic Faith? They are to be coerced to it, then? Did you mean to say, to reject?
Correct, men are not morally free to reject the Catholic faith.
Quote from: JJoseph on July 16, 2024, 02:03:18 AMI favor Christian Nationalism/Catholic Integralism along with some Religious Freedom. Since 360 MN Christians are being persecuted as we speak, and hardly any nation is doing much about it, the question is more theoretical than practical. Those Christians, including many Catholics, would benefit much from getting Religious Freedom, and it's mostly Muslim/Islamic Countries that reject Religious Freedom that are doing the persecuting. As Indonesia and many African Countries show, once the death penalty for so called apostasy to Christianity and such obstacles are removed, and full Religious Freedom is given, Christianity often grows very fast.
Careful; Catholics ask for the "freedom of Religion" i.e. The One true Religion, because it is the one true faith and the only means of salvation for mankind; we cannot accept "Religious Freedom" i.e. The right and liberty of all creeds to propagate their errors, as Pius XII explained in his address to the Association of Italian Catholic Jurists, "Ci Riesce"
QuoteFirst: that which does not correspond to truth or to the norm of morality objectively has no right to exist, to be spread or to be activated. Secondly: failure to impede this with civil laws and coercive measures can nevertheless be justified in the interests of a higher and more general good.
If you mean to say that you favor the general principle that freedom for all "religions" (there is really only one true religion) to propagate is the best that one can hope for in the present situation, then there is no problem; if you hold that this is the best solution, then it is clear that this is against Catholic doctrine. 

"The World Must Conform to Our Lord and not He to it." Rev. Dennis Fahey CSSP

"My brothers, all of you, if you are condemned to see the triumph of evil, never applaud it. Never say to evil: you are good; to decadence: you are progess; to death: you are life. Sanctify yourselves in the times wherein God has placed you; bewail the evils and the disorders which God tolerates; oppose them with the energy of your works and your efforts, your life uncontaminated by error, free from being led astray, in such a way that having lived here below, united with the Spirit of the Lord, you will be admitted to be made but one with Him forever and ever: But he who is joined to the Lord is one in spirit." Cardinal Pie of Potiers

Michael Wilson

Pope Francis on the right to choose one's religion aka "Indiferentism"
Quote255. The Synod Fathers spoke of the importance of respect for religious freedom, viewed as a fundamental human right.[202] This includes "the freedom to choose the religion which one judges to be true and to manifest one's beliefs in public".[203] A healthy pluralism, one which genuinely respects differences and values them as such, does not entail privatizing religions in an attempt to reduce them to the quiet obscurity of the individual's conscience or to relegate them to the enclosed precincts of churches, synagogues or mosques. This would represent, in effect, a new form of discrimination and authoritarianism. The respect due to the agnostic or non-believing minority should not be arbitrarily imposed in a way that silences the convictions of the believing majority or ignores the wealth of religious traditions. In the long run, this would feed resentment rather than tolerance and peace.
The above is contrary to Catholic doctrine as contained in the following Encyclicals:
Pius IX "Quanta Cura" & "Syllabus of Errots" particularly propositions 15-17; Gregory XVI, Mirari Vos;
among others.
"The World Must Conform to Our Lord and not He to it." Rev. Dennis Fahey CSSP

"My brothers, all of you, if you are condemned to see the triumph of evil, never applaud it. Never say to evil: you are good; to decadence: you are progess; to death: you are life. Sanctify yourselves in the times wherein God has placed you; bewail the evils and the disorders which God tolerates; oppose them with the energy of your works and your efforts, your life uncontaminated by error, free from being led astray, in such a way that having lived here below, united with the Spirit of the Lord, you will be admitted to be made but one with Him forever and ever: But he who is joined to the Lord is one in spirit." Cardinal Pie of Potiers


Hope this post isn't too late but a few more things I would add, demonstrating the unique, supernatural origins of Christianity.

1) The Great Commission: Before He ascends into Heaven, Christ mandated His Apostles and their successors to baptize all nations in the name of the Trinity.  Before Christ, no religion or philosophy had this concept.  Most people honored the gods of their fathers.  There was not attempt to convert someone from worshipping Zeus to Thor for a generic example.  If anything, people would honor the gods of other nations just in case they were more powerful than your own (the Romans were notorious for this).  If you were educated, you might follow this or that philosophy, but there was no mandate to make all people Pythagoreans or Epicureans, etc.  If anything followers of a certain philosophy enjoyed their cliques.  But this all changed with Christ.

2) Truth is a Person:  Christ said "I am the way, and the life, and the truth."  Other religious founders or philosophers would expound their way and their teachings.  Christ threw this all to the side with the unheard of, revolutionary claim that He IS the Truth.  The Truth is a Person!  Christ does not want us to follow His "way." He wants us to follow HIM.

3) Humanly Absurd Claims: Finally, the two central tenants of Christianity: the Trinity and the Redemption.  If anyone wants to make a religion for all man to believe, one would create something like Islam, and very simple creed anyone can pick up.  Yet, Christianity has doctrines that men cannot fully understand!  Why anyone would come up with a doctrine as perplexing as the Trinity is literally beyond our minds.  And our Redemption by God dying on a cross like a slave?  As Saint Paul encountered with the Greeks, it is humanly absurd and laughable.  Humans would come up with a conquering king God who vanquishes His foes with might.  The God of Christianity conquered by becoming in human, worldly terms, a loser and a failure.
"O Lord, save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance, granting to Thy people victory over all their enemies, and by the power of Thy Cross preserving Thy commonwealth."

"Through the prayers of the Theotokos O Savior save us"

"I like grumpy old cusses.  Hope to live long enough to be one" - John Wayne


Thanks, all, for the responses.

Quote from: MichaelIf you mean to say that you favor the general principle that freedom for all "religions" (there is really only one true religion) to propagate is the best that one can hope for in the present situation, then there is no problem

Yes, thats what I mean.

Book came on Amazon just today!





Lord Jesus Christ, Son Of God, Have Mercy On Me A Sinner


Weren't you also before that, and then are posting normally now? It was a technical thing about putting quotes in boxes and not using caps etc.


Quote from: JJoseph on October 21, 2024, 03:20:35 AMWeren't you also before that, and then are posting normally now? It was a technical thing about putting quotes in boxes and not using caps etc.

Yes, and the correct action is not to register for another account. Rather, it is to email the forum owner and ask if he would reconsider lifting the ban.

As what happened with Laus. He did not create another account to circumvent a ban.

Harvard of India MBA, investment banker, makes over $100,000, sharp as a cue ball.
Put not your trust in princes, in sons of men in whom there is no salvation. When his breath departs he returns to his earth; on that very day his plans perish.


Lord Jesus Christ, Son Of God, Have Mercy On Me A Sinner


Quote from: LausTibiChriste on October 21, 2024, 05:12:43 AMWhat a fraud. No wonder he's in banking

Yep. Claimed to be making "over $100,000" for Credit Suisse.

The median salary for a risk analyst at that institution, which is what he claims to be, is ₹1.3M.

Or $15,000 US.


Total liar and fraud.
Put not your trust in princes, in sons of men in whom there is no salvation. When his breath departs he returns to his earth; on that very day his plans perish.