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The Bookstore / Re: Normandt' Catholic Meditat...
Last post by Normandt - Today at 06:45:43 AM
7 Seeing God's face

We are called to a resplendent life. The Apostle John describes to us all the splendour of the Holy City that he receives in a vision. At that moment, John must be living heaven on earth. These images will remain engraved in his memory forever.

John sees the Lamb and he mentions that those who have accepted the Love of God will see his face:
Nothing accursed will be found there anymore. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and his servants will worship him. They will look upon his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. Night will be no more, nor will they need light from lamp or sun, for the Lord God shall give them light, and they shall reign forever and ever. Revelation, chapter 22, verses 3 to 5

Seeing the face of God is the ultimate dream from the beginning of mankind to its end, when we return in him. Whether they're aware of it or not, it will happen. But often they look elsewhere and move away from their reality as children of God.

Down here, we carry in ourselves the image of God. But we must also want to welcome the life of Christ in us as Mary made herself available to his will. We will not bear God like her, but we will carry him in the core of who we are.

The Holy Spirit can already place on our faces the light of God, in our hands the gift of God, in our eyes the vision of God on the world, and in our feet the footsteps of little pilgrims of Love who hurry on to go to the people, to lead them to Jesus.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: The Shepherd's Mission, Normand Thomas
Hypothesis: Hercules ruled China

¨According to Chinese annals, Tai - Ko - Fokee, the great stranger king, ruled the kingdom of China. In pictures he is represented with two small horns, like those associated with the representations of Moses. He and his successor are said to have introduced into China 'picture-writing,' like that in use in Central America at the time of the Spanish conquest. He taught the motions of the heavenly bodies, and divided time into years and months; he also introduced many other useful arts and sciences.

" Now, there has been found at Copan, in Central America, a figure strikingly like the Chinese symbol of Fokee, with his two horns; ...¨

Hercules, the stranger King was Tai-Ko-Fokee. (similar to Man-Co) who wore the Tong-Tian-guan the Crown that reached the Heavens...aka Tiarra,imo.
The two horns was the Miter or Tiara.
 Even the Emperor of China initially wore a Tiarra of sorts:
...  <¨Emperor Yuan of the Western Han dynasty is depicted, and the crown he wears is thought to be the tongtianguan (通天冠, lit. 'crown that reaches to the heavens').[14] According to the Book of Later Han,
the tongtianguan was a crown usually worn by emperors.¨

* Hercules as Numa in Rome introduced the Alb and stole....
 ¨the alb and chasuble were prescribed by Numa Pompilius ; the stole was borrowed from the official...¨

* In retrospect, Hercules grew up in Macedonia- but born in Tartessos (Spain)
Evidently, the ancient pre-Hellenic people were Pelagas that must have came from Spain. Note that Constantine the Great was born near Naissus to Helena and Constantius I.
Naissus or Naussus - was probably founded by Hercules.
Quote from: Guapo on January 30, 2025, 05:14:27 AM
Quote from: Guapo on April 17, 2024, 09:07:58 AMIncas and the Divine Boy that made the World

¨Viracocha who had made the world taught all goodness and virtue, and then walked away on the water across the Pacific¨ - Inca Legend

¨When God was a boy...¨ - Seris indians of California

The Incas and indians in general, do not mince words. At some point, Our Lord appeared to them. When? Perhaps when Jesus was a boy at age 12 or 13 years old, he was ¨lost for 3 days¨ in the Temple? Now young teens-boys are curious, and especially if you are Logos, the Divine Word, who made the world, wouldnt you be curious to see how things are going? The clue is He walked on the water. Did Christ bi-locate during those 3 days to see how His world was doing?

Ecuador has an Apparition of Christ Child!!

¨The Child Jesus of the Cross on Pichincha Mountain¨

" In the beginning there arose the golden child. He was the one born Lord of all that is. He established the earth and the sky. Who is the god to whom we shall offer sacrifice?¨

Golden Child? This can only be Christ as a Divine Child ¨lost¨ for 3 days...teaching the Incas.

Interesting that the Incas use the same phrase of ¨walking on water¨ can be translated as walking on the  ¨foam of the sea¨ which is exact phrase used for Queen of Sheeba in Crete as Afroditus, she came from under ¨the foam of the sea¨
¨According to legend, she emerged from the foam of the sea¨

The Christ Child may have visited the Mayans as well. On page 584, ¨Tribes and Temples¨ by Blom, Volume II
One of the Mayan dialects listed has the Spanish word for Child, ´Nino, un poco, mas grande´ as ¨Haitcu¨
Drop the H, ¨aitcu¨ has some resemblance to Iesus or Jesus phonetically. (haitcu reminds one of Haiti, the island,  which means ¨Ayiti¨ very close to the Mayan, ¨Aitcu¨ translated means ¨land of the high mountains.¨ However, this was probably a Conquistador translation... ascertain it originally meant ¨Divine Child¨ In Luzon, the Filipinos use ´lalaki´ which is ¨boy¨, etc...
(Spanish version has both volumes in one book)

Tibet and Nepal have similar words for Child, Son, Boy

Meaning of "Son"  in Nepal, ie. B-Alak closely resembles Filipino word lalaki

1. bAlak OR बालक  (putra, chhoro, chhora)

2. Meaning of Child in Tibet is aka as ´Tai Thibet´,or ´Tien-Chan´ as called in the book, Atlantis; ¨The celestial mountland¨

•¨lm  liczba mnoga¨ is  children

• child (plural children or (dialectal or archaic) childer)

* Boy is called (plural)Poikani, or  Poika-

Example, ´Poika sai jumalten miekan ja ihmiset kokoontuvat hänen ympärilleen.
Translated, ´The boy has the sword of the gods and the word is that people rally to him.´

* Tir-na-noge in the Irish Myths is the ¨land of the eternal youth¨
Note: Tibet or  Thibet or Tien- Chan is close to Tir-na - NOGE or NOGA
and the word for children: lm  liczba mnoga- note the NOGA-
Quote from: Guapo on January 24, 2025, 06:15:37 AM

Comic spoof on Jane Austen´s novel with the usual gratituous violence and gore but the ending was shocking.
Some of the Zombies were only sedated by ¨Holy Communion made of pigs brains¨ at Saint Lazarus´s Church, a Protestant one. Thus they inserted pigs brains into the making of communion hosts. It has been rumored that supermarkets use pigs lard in baking of bread, but this is overthetop... nay, it is not pigs brain they are making the hosts with... some years ago highlighted a mysterious meeting in Vatican City attended by one long Jesuit priest (who some question if he even offers the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass) and several important outsiders, etc... the Catholic media was barred from this closed door meeting:
Quote from: Michael Wilson on February 05, 2025, 06:17:28 PM
Quote from: Stubborn on February 05, 2025, 05:03:38 AMThis is:
1) A conclusion based strictly on opinion
2) Is contrary to Canon Law
3) Is a blatant rejection of what the pope told us to do about a heretic pope

Can we at least agree on these three things Michael? 
1.No, its based on the teaching of the three Popes that we have posted on this thread.
2.The Canon Law issue is one you brought in and is an ancillary issue i.e. One of your usual "rabbit holes" you want me to chase you down, and which I am not going to.
3. Blatant rejection of your last stated opinion "heretics remain members of the Church", which you also contradict two of your very own earlier posts.

1. Totally disagree
2. Can you admit Michael that you won't go there because Canon Law *very clearly* contradicts the whole idea that Catholics who've fallen into the sin of heresy are no longer members. Actually, Canon Law completely obliterates that whole idea.
3. Cum ex is quite clear Michael. What PPIV teaches is in complete harmony with Canon Law.
Quote from: Michael Wilson on February 05, 2025, 06:12:28 PMHere is your earlier post on Pius XII and Mistici Corporis Cristi:
QuoteBut then we have Pope Pius XII who taught in Mystici Corporis essentially that 'the public sin of heresy by its very nature separates the heretic from the Church.' This most certainly is the constant teaching of the Church, unanimous teaching of the Fathers, and unanimous teaching of theologians.
Now it cannot be stated any more clearly:  1. Pius XII is teaching that heresy by its very nature separates the heretic from the Church and 2. This is the unanimous teaching of the Fathers and theologians.
Lest Canon Law be a lie, based on Canon Law, PPXII is not kicking members of the Church out of the Church for the sin of heresy - both sentences immediately before and after attest to this. You gotta read it in context. 

Quote from: Michael Wilson on February 05, 2025, 06:12:28 PM
QuoteBoth PPIV's and PPXII's teachings are indeed true, Catholic teachings. But my guess is that it might appear to you that somewhere in there there is a contradiction between the two teachings. After all, one says popes can be a heretic, one says heretics severs themselves from the Church.
So you also confirmed that: "Heretics severs themselves from the Church" so in plain English, a person who "severs themselves from the Church" is no longer a member.
No there is no "contradiction" except in your own erroneous interpretation of E.C.A.O.
Sorry but I don't know what E.C.A.O. stands for. But again, you must read the whole thing in context, What you are doing is reading one sentence, taking it out of context, then claiming there is no  contradiction where there clearly is or would be if your understanding were correct.

Quote from: Michael Wilson on February 05, 2025, 06:12:28 PMIf a Pope were to fall into heresy, he "would sever himself from the Church" and therefore can be contradicted. Otherwise to contradict the teaching of the Pope would be (at least) a grave sin.
Refer to Canon Law and this is proven false. Refer to Cum ex and this is proven false.
See this is where you refuse to go because due in part to your misunderstanding, PPXII, PPIV and Canon Law are contradictory.

You're piecemealing PPXII and PPIV under the false pretense that popes cannot be contradicted at all - which is obviously contrary to what PPIV in no uncertain terms, taught.         

*  ¨Acacians, the, known also as the HOMOEANS, an Arian sect ¨

*  Cacachilas or C-Acachilans is a toxic fruit in Yucatan region, Mexico

Clearly, Acacians named after the Arian Heresy and the C-acachilans toxic fruit are not a coincidence. Arian Heresy was toxic fruit! So who connected the two?
 This would have been most likely the Syrian Christian influence and not the Irish monks.
 Saint Philosensus of Mabbug

It was Saint Philosensus that became Topiltzen ¨a follower of Quetzalcoatl¨ (Apostle Simon the Zealot)

In fact, Malta Crosses have been found engraved in the ancient Mayan buildings... if you havent heard about this is because they want to keep it quiet like the Ankhs found everywhere in Mayan sacred sites because it would lead to questions, such as who engraved the Ankhs? Egyptians, the Atens and so on. Initially archealogists and historians in the 1800s till about 1930 wrote and discussed this openly, but after that it was suppressed, imo.

* Moreover, Ignatius Donelly confirms that the Egyptians offered up bread... as did the Mayans:
...¨exuberant vegetation, and with a hill or a mountainous region — in a word, with a land of beauty, fertiliity, and joy. Thus it was expressed upon those circular and sacred cakes of the Egyptians, composed of the richest materials— of flour, of honey, of milk — and with which the serpent and bull, as well as other reptiles and beasts consecrated to the service of Isis and their higher divinities, were daily fed ; and upon certain festivals were eaten with extraordinary ceremony by the people and their priests. ' The cross-cake,' says Sir Gardner Wilkinson, *was their hieroglyphics-   for civilized land:' obviously a land...¨

Plus, reinforces the hypothesis that the Garden of Eden was in Egypt:
 ¨this land was the Garden of Eden of our race. This was the Olympus of the Greeks,...¨

* Bride cake...
¨The bride-cake which so invariably accompanies a wedding among ourselves, and which must always be cut by the bride, may be traced back to the old Roman form of marriage by '' conferreaiio^ or eating together. So, also, among the Iroquois the bride and bridegroom used to partake together of a cake of sagamite, which the bride always offered to her husband."

* ¨Not only infant baptism by water was found both in the old Babylonian religion and among the Mexicans, but an offering of cakes, which is recorded by the prophet Jeremiah as part of the worship of the Babylonian goddess-mother, " the Queen of Heaven," was also found in the ritual of the Aztecs. ("Buildersof Babel,"p. 78.)¨

´The Queen of Heaven´ was obviously a teaching from the Irish and Syrian Monks and not from Babylonian.



Quote from: Michael Wilson on February 05, 2025, 06:03:20 PM
Quote from: Stubborn on February 05, 2025, 04:55:00 AMI thought I was clear. "if a Catholic becomes a heretic he is still a member of the Church" yes, the censure of excommunication that canon law attaches to the sin of heresy states that he is separated from the unity of the Body, not kicked out of the Church.
Then for you, "confession of the Catholic faith", is no longer a condition for being a Catholic?
As you responded earlier on this thread, when asked
QuoteCatholics are those who have been baptized and profess the Catholic faith.
So did you change your mind?
No Michael, you are not following through. As we are taught and as I said, a Catholic is one who has been baptized and professes the Catholic faith - (now for the follow through) and can repent, go to confession and be absolved in the sacrament of penance should he ever fall into the sins of heresy, schism or apostacy, same as every other Catholic. 
The Coffee Pot / Re: Catholic Memes
Last post by Michael Wilson - February 05, 2025, 06:21:04 PM
The Cauliflower couple should be imprisoned for "crimes against humanity".