Normandt' Catholic Meditations

Started by Normandt, September 20, 2020, 12:33:44 PM

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109. Love is the journey to our salvation

God offers us his creation. We are the fruit of his creation. He offers us life, joy, peace and above all the freedom to choose. But we often live as people who stay away from God.
This freedom to choose, we often seem not to know what to do with it. The proof is that with our freedom, we could feel free to choose something other than God. Or we just stay far enough, so as not to be afraid of God, which is a totally useless fear.
We are especially afraid of being afraid of God. We believe that God is the cause of our fear. However, he cannot scare us because Love is not scary. Fear is the sign of us leaving the Lord.
God's Law is simple. Let's remain suspended to his Love and we will be saved. We're already in his Love. Jesus shares with us his law of Love. Let's love Jesus. It's an easy choice.
God's Law is related to his Perfect, True, and Real Love. The word "law" may seem to mean something strict and caging. Yes, we can say that for a badly practised law that becomes dehumanizing, but never for the law of God.
God's Law of Love is the real journey to our salvation. If it seems strict and stifling, we're not grasping it. Such an interpretation prevents us from living peacefully in God.
Let's ask Jesus for healing and purification, in order to advance in faith. May fear and suffocation stay away from us. Let's get closer to Jesus.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: ... for Love, Normand Thomas
God says : I Love you

Thank you Lord for Loving me
and thanks for your Love
passing through me
into others hearts.


110. To meditate on

Someone has this question for Jesus:
"'Lord, will only a few people be saved?' He answered them, 'Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough.'" Luke, chapter 13, verses 23 to 24

We will be saved to the extent that we find the narrow door.
There are many people who wonder, in the light of this passage, whether their families, their friends will be saved if they don't find this door, if they don't open to the will of God. The question is launched. Do we want to live this passage toward, then in God's Heart? Jesus tells us how easy it is:
"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." Matthew, chapter 19, verse 24

Jesus says that it's necessary to go through the hole of a needle to enter the Kingdom of God. The camel succeeds easily. This is a message he sends us. It invites us to go beyond the conceptions, the sense that we usually give to things and to meditate on what he proposes.

The narrow door, the hole of the needle, is to be aware of what God asks of us. We must dare to rise and walk in Jesus's steps, so that we may always find the unique pathway to truth and Love that leads to the Father's house. Anyone can find it, because that's the easiest thing to do.

Let's ask Jesus if we are on the right path. Are we on the right track, Jesus?
Are we doing what is right? Do we live in the present moment as something precious, to cherish and celebrate with good deeds and good words?

Are we watchful of the poor? Not only to throw money at him, but to help him on his way and help him walk in your footsteps, Jesus. The answer Jesus offers us is in our heart.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: ... for Love, Normand Thomas
God says : I Love you

Thank you Lord for Loving me
and thanks for your Love
passing through me
into others hearts.


111. He opens our heart

For people who cannot be involved a lot, prayer is the answer. Prayer helps us to stay focused on the Trinity for the world.
It is up to us, who have found the narrow door in our heart, to let it stay open and let God's Love pass through. We will be saved to the extent that we find the door and let Jesus open it.
The narrow door is to always move forward to God by following Jesus; it is hoping to adjust ourselves to what Christ wants us to achieve in us and around us; it's becoming so united to Christ that people see Christ in us; it's wanting to be at the service of the neighbour, because Christ invites us to love, with his Love. This is the only path that leads to the narrow gate. Many other trails lead out of Love.
Let's trust and walk with Jesus. We will evolve to the extent that we will keep him with us.
For the Love of God, everything is possible. It's too easy. The needles hole and the narrow door represent the path, the tunnel that leads to the Trinity. If we really think about it, it is possible for Love to make us pass into eternal life, in the Heart of God. Love doesn't suffer restrictions. It goes anywhere. It opens the main door of the Kingdom of God at the same time it opens our heart.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: ... for Love, Normand Thomas
God says : I Love you

Thank you Lord for Loving me
and thanks for your Love
passing through me
into others hearts.


112. Discernment is a grace

We can observe what we do, what we say, how we live, and here we have the basis for discovering and correcting many small annoyances we're living in.

Discernment is a grace that we can ask to the Holy Spirit. Discernment allows us to fully observe all facets of our lives and stay in a fair path. Better still, it's a grace we already have, which comes with the gift of life. We only need to accept it and practice discernment. Grace will do the rest. Everything is simple when we only need to ask and receive.

James tells us:
"For one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, it is a sin." James, chapter 4, verse 17

It's clear that if we enter the good path, we move away from evil, we move away from sin.

We are faced with multiple choices every day, but we also have the possibility to sort through our memory, clean our habits. In this way, we will learn to become more ourselves by avoiding clutches and traps.

The freedom we have is to choose the right passage, the road that leads to the Heart of God and let go of the empty, illusory and useless.

If there's someone who does good in the name of Jesus:
"do not prevent him. There is no one who performs a mighty deed in my name who can at the same time speak ill of me." Mark, chapter 9, verses 39 to 40

Jesus assures us that if the person does good, according to the Heart of God, he is a person who discerns, makes good choices and does Jesus's will. This is the path that leads to God's Heart.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: ... for Love, Normand Thomas
God says : I Love you

Thank you Lord for Loving me
and thanks for your Love
passing through me
into others hearts.


113. True freedom

"For to everyone who has, more will be given and he will grow rich." Matthew, chapter 25, verse 29

If the question of talents mentioned by Jesus, moreover, was the movement of our freedom? Because what freezes us prevents us from being free. But by receiving the Love of God in our heart, everything becomes possible.

We have the opportunity to do everything in life, but it is not everything we do that leads us to happiness. We experience suffering that is sometimes linked to choices that have not been well thought out, to desires that have not been identified or contained, to actions that are contrary to charity toward ourselves or others, or that we have suffered.

Every day we have the freedom to choose or refuse what is presented to us. We have the choice between this new TV or another one. We have the choice of different programs. We also choose our friends according to criteria that resemble us. The choice of our work depends on the skills that we possess and that have shaped us over the years:
"Freedom is the power, rooted in reason and will, to act or not to act, to do this or that, and so to perform deliberate actions on one's own responsibility." Catechism of the Catholic Church, number 1731: Catechism of the Catholic Church - IntraText

However, choosing requires thinking first. We know that when the choice we make is not well thought out, we are prone to making mistakes, hurting ourselves, hurting others. The less we understand it, the more likely it is to deceive us and cause useless mistakes. The less we know the Trinity, the more likely it is to enter a tortuous path. In the life of faith:
The more one does what is good, the freer one becomes. There is no true freedom except in the service of what is good and just. The choice to disobey and do evil is an abuse of freedom and leads to "the slavery of sin". (cf Rm 6, 17) Catechism of the Catholic Church, number 1733, website:
Catechism of the Catholic Church - IntraText

We have a choice between the tortuous or the virtuous way. One leads to evil, the other to the Heart of God. Becoming a slave to sin is so easy, but climbing the Mount of Beatitudes requires attention and consistency, no matter which street brings us there. Effort in good will makes the road much easier than slavery in evil. We only need to recover, to pray in the silence of our heart, to find the way and the Trinity.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: ... for Love, Normand Thomas
God says : I Love you

Thank you Lord for Loving me
and thanks for your Love
passing through me
into others hearts.


114. Inner joy

Obedience to the will of God is a great way to keep our intentions orderly. Obedience to God may not be the most popular virtue today, but it makes us free and responsible. Obedience to God keeps us awake. This obedience is always linked to Love, never to the evil that is opposed to it. Obedience is always keeping us in line with the narrow door, the Heart of God.

Realizing good around us gives people a pleasant feeling and helps them continue to offer a well-being around them. Then, another person will receive and share it. It's the wheel of happiness. We will become free and we will feel a deep inner joy that will indicate to us that our accomplished action is directly related to the love of the neighbour and wanted by God. This is how we reach our family and friends, as well as the people we meet. Let's stay in God.

On the contrary, sinking into evil or because of the evil of another, causes a feeling of not succeeding, a feeling of guilt and sadness that can lead to depression and distress. Evil suffocates, while goodness frees.

We have the freedom to do good or not. We understand that the freedom we possess as humans leads to the different actions we accomplish throughout our life, every moment.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: ... for Love, Normand Thomas
God says : I Love you

Thank you Lord for Loving me
and thanks for your Love
passing through me
into others hearts.


115. The vital movement of Love

It's simple to enter into a certain spiritual laziness, for example, and tell ourselves that we have freedom, without verifying the consequence of our actions and our words, without being responsible.

In the Parable of talents, we read that people have the freedom to multiply their gifts or bury them in a closed heart that will become heavier than a basket of unshared fruits. Evil freezes the heart of the person and makes it so heavy that it can become frozen like stone:
"The man who received one went off and dug a hole in the ground and buried his master's money." Matthew, chapter 25, verse 18

To keep the basket of fruits in hand, to keep the graces received from God for ourselves, is to remain fixed on the spot at the expense of faith. In our hands the basket becomes heavy. The unshared fruits of the trees will not serve and they will rot, like the fruits of the Holy Spirit remain in our hands.

While the fruits of the Holy Spirit are not shared, they remain in our consciousness. They're waiting to be shared. Not to share them cuts us off from the vital movement of Love. Love just won't pass through us.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: ... for Love, Normand Thomas
God says : I Love you

Thank you Lord for Loving me
and thanks for your Love
passing through me
into others hearts.


116. Nourished by Love

The heart of flesh is one who is nourished by the Love of God and shares it with his neighbour:
"To everyone who has, more will be given and he will grow rich." Matthew, chapter 25, verse 29

The one who has shares, the one who has and does not share, has nothing. That is to say, the one who blocks the talents that God offers him closes up and he will go so far as to believe that he has nothing to share. This sentence can be a good indicator: "Ah, I'm never doing anything good... I'm not able. It's impossible." Do continue and you'll get there! Give yourself small goals and, with experience, you will achieve bigger ones.

Blocking God's Love prevents him from circulating in us and sharing it. This causes us personal suffering and distress.

Graces will become numerous when they are passed on to others by the one who shares the Love of God. Let's continue with the catechism:
"Freedom is the power, rooted in reason and will, to act or not to act, to do this or that, and so to perform deliberate actions on one's own responsibility.
By free will one shapes one's own life. Human freedom is a force for growth and maturity in truth and goodness; it attains its perfection when directed toward God, our beatitude." Catechism of the Catholic Church, number 1731, website: Catechism of the Catholic Church - IntraText

Our freedom becomes total when our whole life is given to God for the neighbour. This attention to the other teaches us to become also charitable toward ourselves. Our freedom becomes mature when it is also engaged by the mercy of God. He seeks mercy givers.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: ... for Love, Normand Thomas
God says : I Love you

Thank you Lord for Loving me
and thanks for your Love
passing through me
into others hearts.


117. Better to think a while

We have in our hearts a natural law that is a grace of God. It helps us to discern and choose between good and bad. It is better to remain stationary in the face of evil than to be trapped in it.

It is better to think a while than to act too quickly and engulf ourselves in evil. The drug is a striking example. It is better for children to learn at length about the negative effects of drugs, so that they can get around it, i.e. alcohol, all drugs, divination that places the pride of a person between God and others, selfishness and all that leads to evil.

Let's ask the Holy Spirit to increase in us vigilance, courage, determination and constancy; to offer us his grace, as well as for the neighbour. If we want them, God gives us his graces.

May freedom always lead us to perfect goodness, with the desire to always return to the Paschal Meal that is placed upon the Altar of Love, by Christ, for us. It is the only true source that assures us a free and fulfilled life, thanks to the Life and Love of God.

May Mary and Joseph, who freely chose the will of God in them, inspire us with their total and definite "yes". May our life be offered with joy to him who gave us his life, Jesus, for our well-being and for the salvation of the world.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: ... for Love, Normand Thomas
God says : I Love you

Thank you Lord for Loving me
and thanks for your Love
passing through me
into others hearts.


118. God's Love and Light

From God's Love and Light, we can observe in ourselves and in people the shadows and the lights. Then, discern with wisdom what would be the best way to help.

If we move away from God, we close the shutters of the windows, and instead of having the full light of day, we glimpse at some rays that seek to join us. Again, it will be necessary to be aware of these rays and not worry too much for the specks of dust in it. Dust does not alter or define the purity of light.

The less we let the light in, the more we seek to protect our eyes. This phenomenon occurs during night time. When we wake up at night and open the light switch, our eyes close alone. We try to move away from the light. We even place our hands on our eyes. Even sometimes, we immediately turn off the light.

This is what happens when we move away from God. The less we seek God, the more we sink into darkness. We have trouble supporting what is clear and bright. Then we have difficulty receiving the power of his light. We may not find the door.

To flee the Light, to flee Wisdom, to flee the Love of God is already our judgment. The judgment of others is not necessary since we judge ourselves. We develop a fear of God, we close the Light ... on God. Then we dig deeper into the illusion that we are better, surrounded by our defences, going deep down and away from the Light.

This passage of wisdom has been transmitted for our greatest joy:
"If you choose you can keep the commandments; it is loyalty to do his will." Sirach, chapter 15, verse 15

That's totally God! He tells us: "If you choose." Around a buffet, we choose whatever we want. It's not for others to choose for us. They will also choose for themselves.

It's also up to each of us to remain faithful and to unite our life to Jesus or not. We are free, we are responsible for our faith. If we accept what God offers us, then we will have an overflowing buffet where everything will be good for us and for humanity.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: ... for Love, Normand Thomas
God says : I Love you

Thank you Lord for Loving me
and thanks for your Love
passing through me
into others hearts.


119. Immense Love

The author continues:
"Before man are life and death, whichever he chooses shall be given him." Sirach, chapter 15, verse 17

According to the choice of each person, life is proposed to them by God and death remains a personal choice ... "whichever he chooses". It's not God's choice. Death is not God's choice. He does not offer us this choice.

The choice for death is nothing but the rejection of God's Love, the refusal to let us love God, the refusal to welcome him and share the immense love that everyone expects. The refusal to receive Jesus' Love leads to evil and finally, to death.

Yet it is much easier to share what we receive. The buffet is not only there for us. Let's receive the Love of God and share it.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: ... for Love, Normand Thomas
God says : I Love you

Thank you Lord for Loving me
and thanks for your Love
passing through me
into others hearts.


120. We want what God offers us

This sentence, which makes us smile, allows us to meditate and deepen it:
"No man does he command to sin, to none does he give strength for lies." Sirach, chapter 15, verse 20

God commands nothing that is destructive to us and to our neighbour: "To none does he give strength for lies." He does not allow anyone to sin. Sin is not God's choice. God does not impose anything on us.

Let's say it like this: "He did not allow anyone to be stupid." Because the lack of intelligence, understanding and reflection is the sign of a closure to God and to others.

We are free as wind, free as children of God. It is up to us to discern and want what God offers us.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: ... for Love, Normand Thomas
God says : I Love you

Thank you Lord for Loving me
and thanks for your Love
passing through me
into others hearts.


121. The Light of our lamp

Paul understood:
"We do speak a wisdom to those who are mature, but not a wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age who are passing away." 1 Corinthians, chapter 2, verse 6

We are entertained ... while we are far from reality. The world, more specifically the mundane, entertains us and moves us away from good.

"The ruler of this age", mentioned by Paul, is usually the power that submits the neighbour. They entertain us while we pay or others pay the price.
The only one that can lead us to reality is Jesus:
"You, Lord, give light to my lamp; my God brightens the darkness about me." Psalm 18, verse 29

Jesus is "the Light" of our lamp if we welcome it. Night turns into day with the Lord.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: ... for Love, Normand Thomas
God says : I Love you

Thank you Lord for Loving me
and thanks for your Love
passing through me
into others hearts.


122. Within His Truth

"You were called for freedom, brothers. But do not use this freedom as an opportunity for the flesh; rather, serve one another through love." Galatians, chapter 5, verse 13

Our freedom lies in God's welcome. Our freedom lies serving "one another through love".

Jesus tells us:
"If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John, chapter 8, verses 31 to 32
Do we want to follow Jesus? Do we want to live within his truth? May we give our heart to Jesus.

Do we want to love the neighbour? Let's ask the Holy Spirit to Love with our hearts.

We want to live forever? Let's ask the Father to lead us to Jesus who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Jesus invites us to deeply meditate on his will. The others will not think about it for us. It is our responsibility to constantly ask Jesus to cleanse us, so we can grasp all the good that we can achieve for the world, in the world.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: ... for Love, Normand Thomas
God says : I Love you

Thank you Lord for Loving me
and thanks for your Love
passing through me
into others hearts.


123. One decision in life

May Jesus clean out our heart by his presence. The pure heart is the heart (the person) who emerges from evil and advances toward good, continually. May we let God simply Love us, like a child:
"Let the children come to me and do not prevent them." Luke, chapter 18, verse 16

We have one important decision in life. Jesus.

To welcome the Love of God or to refuse it? It is the key of our responsibility, the opening toward our freedom. If we accept the Love of God, we move toward him, if we refuse, we slip into evil.

Let's share and receive God's Love between us. It's too simple. It is the only path that leads to the pierced Heart of God. Let's go in often. May God manage our life, since he shapes us with Love.

If we really want to find ways to come back to God, we will have to be aware of what we are experiencing inside and outside of us. Jesus always chases us with his Love, he is with us with open Heart and always ready to receive us.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: ... for Love, Normand Thomas
God says : I Love you

Thank you Lord for Loving me
and thanks for your Love
passing through me
into others hearts.