Bp. Williamson's Eleison Comments

Started by Kaesekopf, December 29, 2012, 04:45:28 AM

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Father Constant Louis Marie PEL (1876–1966) is not a name well-known among the souls gifted by God with a knowledge of how God is going to set today's world straight, but for those who knew him he was a priest very close to God. Doctor in theology, seminary professor, founder of a convent for women and of a seminary for men, with a great devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, he was a personal friend of Padre Pio who said of him to some French pilgrims in San Giovanni Rotondo, "Why do you come to see me when you have so great a Saint in France?"

Fr Pel would spend nights on his feet in church with his forehead leaning against the Tabernacle, conversing with God in a permanent ecstasy. He died in a car accident just after Vatican II, but not before a seminarian, one of his spiritual sons, had been able to note down a prophecy of his, dating from 1945, concerning the chastisement which will strike France in particular. Here it is, quoted or abbreviated:?—

"My son," said Fr Pel, "know that with the sins of the world increasing in horror as this age wears on, great punishments from God will come down on the world and no continent will be spared by the Wrath of God. France being guilty of apostasy and denying its vocation will be severely chastised. East of a line stretching from Bordeaux in the south-west to Lille in the north-east, everything will be laid waste and set on fire by peoples invading from the east, and also by great flaming meteorites falling in a rain of fire upon all the earth and upon these regions especially. Revolution, war, epidemics, plagues, chemical poison gases, violent earthquakes and the re-awakening of France's extinct volcanoes will destroy everything . .

"France to the west of that line will be less affected . . . because of the faith rooted in the Vendée and in Brittany . . . but any of God's worst enemies seeking refuge there from the worldwide cataclysm will be found out, wherever they hide, and put to death by devils, because the Wrath of the Lord is just and holy. Thick darkness caused by the war, gigantic fires and fragments of burning stars falling for three days and nights will cause the sun to disappear, and only candles blessed on Candlemas (February 2) will give light in the hands of believers, but the godless will not see this miraculous light because they have darkness in their souls.

"In this way, my son, three quarters of mankind will be destroyed, and in certain parts of France survivors will have to go 60 miles to find another live human being . . . . Several nations will disappear off the face of the map . . . . A France thus purified will become the renewed "Eldest Daughter of the Church," because all the Cains and Judases will have disappeared in this 'Judgment upon the Nations'". This Judgment is not yet the end of times, but so great is the punishment due to the sins of the nations that Our Lord told Fr Pel that the desolation at world's end will be lesser.

Dear readers, what do we conclude? Let each of us strive with might and main, and with the help of the Catholic sacraments given to us by God for that purpose, to live in God's grace and not in the state of sin, and let us make full use of the time he gives us between now and the Hour of his Justice to pray for the largest possible number of sinners to repent and save their souls for eternity when the Chastisement closes in. God, have mercy. Mary, help.

Kyrie eleison.


By Eleison Comments in Eleison Comments on November 25, 2023

Readers may well appreciate something being said about the insane clash between Israel and Hamas which began on October 7. Our Lord Jesus Christ is at the very centre of it. Here are two quotes. The first is from Scripture, the Word of God (and not just of St Paul), from I Thessalonians II, 14–16:
"For you, Thessalonian Christians, became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus which are in Judea; for you suffer the same things from your own countrymen as the Judeans did from the Jews, who both killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out, and displease God and oppose all men by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles that they may be saved – so as always to fill up the measure of their sins. But God's wrath has come upon them completely."

Two comments on this first quote. Firstly, if anybody is tempted to think that St Paul was an "anti-semite," let them read in Romans IX, 1 to 5, how St Paul loved and respected his fellow-Jews, but that did not stop him from telling the truth about them. Jews may well dismiss him as a "Jew-hater," but that is obviously false, by the quote from Romans. And secondly, two thousand years of history are there to show how the Jews have indeed continually persecuted the Catholic Church from the Crucifixion onwards. See for instance Maurice Pinay's 2000 years of Plot against the Church, written by a team of Catholic priests to warn every bishop at Vatican II against the danger of the Jewish influence in the Council. Alas, the warning was not sufficiently heeded. The Church largely succumbed to that influence.

But much more striking by way of proof that the Jews have not changed over 2000 years from how St Paul portrayed them above, is how they regularly "mow the lawn" in Palestine, their own expression in Hebrew for their vicious oppression of the Palestinians which we are observing once more today. Take for instance this speech of Israeli journalist Gideon Levy at the conference on "The Israel Lobby: Is it good for the US? Is it good for Israel?", National Press Club, Washington, D.C., April 10, 2015. In summary –

Israel is living in denial. This denial is corrupting for Israeli society. Israel has surrounded itself with shields and walls – not only physical, but mental walls. Is there any example from history where a country lived on its sword forever? Israel is addicted to occupation. There is no chance of change from within Israeli society. It is too brainwashed. Israel is a lost cause. How do Israelis live with this reality? How do they live in peace with the brutal occupation of Gaza and the West Bank? There are 3 reasons:

1. Most, if not all, Israelis believe that they are the Chosen People. If they are Chosen, then they have the right to do whatever they want.

2. There has never been in history an occupation in which the occupier presents himself as a victim. Not only the victim but the only victim. Israel adopts a dual strategy – victimhood on the one hand and manipulation on the other. With victimhood also comes the 'holocaust.' Golda Meir, Prime Minister of Israel from 1969–1974, stated that after the 'holocaust,' "Jews have a right to do whatever they want."

3. The systematic de-humanisation of the Palestinian people. If Palestinians are not human, then there is no question of human rights. Almost no Israelis will treat the Palestinians as human beings. Israel is a democracy for its Jewish citizens (as long as they think like the majority) but it is an apartheid regime in Gaza and the West Bank. This shared set of beliefs enables Israelis to live in peace with their ongoing crimes. Why would the Israelis change? What is the incentive?

In other words, says this intelligent and relatively honest Jew, there is no solution. You can only leave us to do as we like . . . . But that cannot be true. The true solution is the Catholic Faith. When souls had the Faith in the Middle Ages, Jews were more of a threat than a problem. But when souls prefer Mammon (money) before God, then God uses the Jews to scourge their backs, so that they do not all fall into Hell.

Kyrie eleison.


posted in Eleison Comments on December 2, 2023

A reader sends in a few penetrating questions concerning recent history of the Church, of the Society of St Pius X and of the so-called "Resistance" movement. One day, when Mother Church comes back to her senses – as she is already quietly doing – the shadows and darkness will be dissipated, and the history will be opened wide in truth and charity. Here meanwhile is a sketch of some answers.
1 How can you be against any structure for the "Resistance"? Can anything Catholic thrive without it?

The strength of the "Resistance" is, firstly, the Truth, and secondly the very looseness of the connections between the various small groups resisting the revolution of Vatican II. That revolution swiftly overcame the large part of the Catholic Church because Catholics were too obedient to unfaithful authorities above. Likewise the large part of the SSPX was swiftly blunted in 2012 because its priests were too respectful of the authority of their official leaders above them, who wanted to get back in with apostate Rome. They were serving no longer the true Church or the true Faith, like Archbishop Lefebvre, but themselves. On the contrary, to capture one small pocket of Resistants will not necessarily mean capturing even a second pocket. Thus the Faith will survive until God chooses to restore Catholic structure, in His own good time.

2 Were the SSPX leaders who were deceived by the apostate Roman officials in the mid-1990's driven by personal ambition?

It is always possible, but one may think that their problem was rather their lack of faith in the means of God to solve the crisis of the Church, and their excessive trust in merely human Vatican politics to solve it. Not grasping, as did the Archbishop, the divine and pre-apocalyptic dimension of the worldwide crisis, they conceive it in relatively small and worldly terms, missing the mark altogether. Contrast Archbishop Lefebvre, always pondering the full-scale collapse of the Church. Compare Archbishop Vigano, also reflecting constantly on the universal fall of Church and world, brought on by Vatican II.

3 Was there clear evidence of this insufficiency of SSPX leaders at the General Chapter of 1994?

Evidence, yes, but clear evidence, not yet. The participants at that General Chapter gave the impression of nice children playing games rather than of grown warriors fighting a gigantic war for the glory of God and for the salvation of souls in a highly dangerous environment. It takes a Saint to believe in evil, said Gustavo Corcao. That Chapter's dear and pious young priests seemed not up to the gravity of the hour.

4 When, for you, did the two camps of SSPX Compliants and SSPX Resistants divide from one another?

Certainly in the 1980's the elements of the division were already there. I know a priest who in 1982 after professing for five years at Econe, was sent across the Atlantic for more than a quarter of a century, most likely to get him out of the way. Young seminarians needed to be prepared to obey the liberals who already foresaw themselves taking over the SSPX from the ageing Archbishop. He had been wonderful in his day but, for the Compliants, was becoming steadily out of date by his implacable condemnation of the modernists of Rome, who were seen as the true Authority of the Church and as evolving all the time for the better. Nor will these liberal leaders of the SSPX have thought of themselves as liberals, on the contrary. They see themselves infiltrating modernist Rome and converting it to Catholic Tradition. Is that likely? They have little idea of how deep and serious is the crusade of the liberals to destroy the Catholic Church.

5 Has the Compliants-Resistants clash always been there inside the Society of St Pius X?

Surely, yes. Archbishop Lefebvre used to tell us that reading Fr. Barbier's history of liberalism's clash with Catholicism in the 19th and 20th centuries made him realise that the only difference between the same clash before and after Vatican II was that before, the Catholics were in command, whereas after, it was the liberals. For as long as the Archbishop was alive, his personal magnetism kept the SSPX Catholic, but as soon as he died in 1991, the constant magnetism of Rome for Catholics began to reassert its sway. Let us have patience. God will not be outmanoeuvred, by the Devil or by fallen angels or fallen churchmen.

Kyrie eleison.

Men can suppress reality for a while,

But on God's face, a sad and gentle smile.