Christ the Bridegroom will not abandon his Bride the Church

Started by Guapo, August 18, 2018, 09:50:26 AM

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 The law ¨Yes is Yes, and No is No¨ taken straight from the book, reveals that Sp. was to be a beta test but was delayed, imo. At the ferias (festivals or fairs), a (sex) booth shows up with stickers that say Yes is Yes, No is No and the female teens are told to place them on their bodies which some comply, like the book.

Case in point, the film starring Kirk Douglas, ¨Holocaust 2000¨ he is the father of the AC. While at a party the son stabs his mother in the womb, and she dies. The movie is very subtle but Biblically accurate, for example in one scene Kirk Douglas is speaking to the devil on the beach but soon he is swept up by the sea... as the Bible says, ¨The devil standing on the shore of the sea.¨

A documentary on Mel Gibson at GLP, had one segment from the 80s on his discussion with a hollywierd producer. When asked about women in film, he says, ¨Women on film? Better naked or dead, preverbably both.¨
Keep Mel in your prayers.


Japanese Art
Unfortunately some Sacred Hearts processions had to be cancelled due to rain and flooding, yet, the media guys, the experts tell us the drought continues.

¨The goddess Amaterasu-Ōmikami is in the center. Amaterasu became curious how the gods could make merry while the world was plunged into darkness and was told that outside the cave there was a deity more illustrious than she. She peeped out, saw her reflection in the mirror, heard the cocks crow, and was thus drawn out from the cave.¨

Keep in mind that the Knight Templar shield was a mirror. Estorically, were they trying to call the goddess out to defend Japan?


3000 year old Sword that still shines found (perhaps far older- 4000 years? The Etruscans had a double blade and would decorate the swords, the Hittites were known for their iron weapons...)

Rt editor said the following:
 "They are already dead! They are the undead! Our Army, our heroes are fighting against the undead! They fight the darkness that drowns out the light!" ~ huh?

Large yellow python found in Rome near Saint Basil´s

First, Greek Mythology had a python tied up with the Oracle of Dalphe and secondly, Nostradamus, chapter 2, quatrain 43 ¨During the appearance of a bearded star, the 3 great Princes will be made enemies. The shaky peace on earth will be struck from the skies, the Po, the winding Tiber, a serpent placed upon the shore.¨
Nostradamus elsewhere alludes that the serpent is the AC who will take a submarine from Asia to Italy during the WW3 with his fake peace proposal, and usually assortment of lies....(thus, the serpent placed upon the shore)


Hittite word for wine is ¨wiyana¨ think of Vineyard. They spoke a Indo-European language which incredibly enough is still in use in the mountain villages of Turkey. ¨Kard¨ was heart or Corazon.
¨Genu¨ is knee or rodilla. Similar to genuflect!!
¨Spand¨ is libation or expand to extend to pour out... etc---

In short, it is not entirely true that the Phoenicians is the mother language of Europe. More later.


Since Babel means Babylon in Hebew consider that the Tower of Babel was Babylon or relatively near Babylon.

¨The original derivation of the name Babel (also the Hebrew name for Babylon) is uncertain. The native, Akkadian name of the city was Bāb-ilim , meaning "gate of God"

Abram (Abraham) another reason to dislike Babylon. Genesis 11 describes the confusion of languages but it does not indicate that any city was destroyed, ie Babylon.


Nippon (Japan) stems from Nippur, ancient Sumeria
(Nippur is called Niffer today)
(Sippar is another plausible theory)

Nippur was below Babylon next to the Euphrates river

¨Micropedia, Great Civilizations¨ page 165 the unification of Japan in 667bc was by a warrior leader,  Jimmu Tenno or JimmuTenno ...points out he was a descendant of the sun goddess Amateratsu- Omikami which accounts for the name, ¨Land of the Rising Sun¨ If that is the case most likely JimmuTenno was from Sumeria or Indus Valley (Atlantis descendants colonizers). First, it is possible that the name Nippur goes back to the stone builders of Japan, the direct Atlantis refugees who after an earthquake left Japan to South America.
Second possibility is to take the ancient records literally, Jimmu Tenno being a real person around the year, 667bc. Ascertaining that once again he was a foreigner from Sumeria-Indus Valley region.

Susiana is called Susa today. Susiana= Susanoo, imo.

 Note well that the Japanese goddess Susanoo was a warrior who chopped the head of the 7 headed dragon.
Su-meria- Su in Sumerian language means hand. (Hand is extremely important to the ancients- ie Egypt the hand was the unit of measurement and to the Atlantis the hand represented more estoric meansings. Think of Orchestra conductor with movements of his fingers to individual musicians, life has a  rhythm...)
In Sumeria was a region called Susiana (Elam). Susiana is probably taken from the goddess Inanna (goddess of war among other things) later called Ishtar goddess. In all probability the records were whitewashed ...wanna wager that Inanna was a goddess who slew the dragon? Therefore, Su- Inanna or Su-sanno the Japanese goddess.


Japan (Nippon) comes from the city of  Nippur in Sumeria

In light of all this what about Jimmu Tenno who in 667bc fought and united the country? One possibility candidate is Essarhaddon, the Assyrian King who allegedly died in 669bc. However, note well he was pulling fake King act for a while (no CGI in those days), in short he inserted a double several times.
¨Esarhaddon, the great king, king of Assyria, viceroy of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four regions of the earth, favorite of the great gods, his lords....¨

Plus, note that JimmuTenno (Essarhaddon?)
¨For the first time a Mesopotamian ruler included "king of Egypt" among his royal titles.¨ He conquered Egypt and rebuilt Babylon. his devotion to the Utu-Shamash the sun goddess..

¨.and in 672 BCE asked for the hand of a daughter of Esarhaddon in marriage,[10] which is attested in Esarhaddon's questions to the oracle of the Sun-god (Utu)-Shamash.¨

Lastly, in the Japanese chronicles it relates he was from Kashiwabara which could be Kathiawar a city in Sumeria region but borders on the Indus Valley. Interestingly enough it is near the Persian Gulf  near India. So traveling from Kathiawar (Kashiwabara) would have been a must if going to Japan.
I"t is bounded by the Little Rann (marsh) of Kachchh (Kutch)"

Intersesting the story of Joseph and Essarbaddon are very similar!

¨All Assyrian kings are known to have sought the guidance of the sun-god  (utu)Shamash (which was obtained through interpreting what was perceived as signs from the gods) for advice in political and military matters, such as whom to appoint to a certain position or if a planned military campaign would be successful. Queries concerning the possibility of betrayal are known only from Esarhaddon's reign.¨

CGI move over, nothing new under the sun- aka Substitute King¨
¨¨The "substitute king" ritual involved the Assyrian monarch going into hiding for a hundred days, during which a substitute (preferably one with mental deficiencies) took the king's place by sleeping in the royal bed, wearing the crown and the royal garbs and eating the king's food. During these hundred days, the actual king remained hidden and was known only under the alias "the farmer". ¨


Hypothesis #3

Nippon (Japan) stems from the word Nipa (sometimes called Nypa and Nipah) fruit plant.

Nippur and Nippon are indeed linked. The link is the Nipa Plant found in Egypt and in India (Indus Valley).
Evidently the Nippa plant must have been in Nippur along the lush Euphrates River in Sumeria. It is also found in Japan.

 ¨They are common on coasts and rivers flowing into the Indian and Pacific Oceans, from India to the Pacific Islands¨ Moreover, ¨The northernmost natural occurrence is on the Ryukyu Islands of Japan, arak or arak nipah in Indonesia¨

Most likely it was the 2nd arrivals of the Assyrians to Japan that named it Nippon after finding the Nipa plant.
In the desert this plant would have been vital for re-hydration.

¨Nypa fruticans is a mangrove palm which is widely distributed from tropical to subtropical zone of Southeast Asia and Oceania. For N. fruticans, Iriomote Island in Japan represents the most northern limit of the distribution of the species¨

The Assyrian -Sumerian goddess Inanna was also goddess of vegitation (along with war).


Hypothesis #4

King Essarbaddon took a ship (modeled on the Egyptian sea faring ships) from Kathiawar in the Gulf of Oman (correction not the Persian Gulf but closer to India Gulf. He landed in Japanese islands and stayed ultimately unifying Japanese islands perhaps for the first times since the Sun Cult (Akh) also from Sumeria-Indus Valley to construct the mammoth stone buildings.

Why would King Essar-haddon do this???

First, his enemies were enclosing him in. He handed over power to his 2 sons knowing that he was in grave danger and had to act fast. He was a trickster, clever, and very, very paranoid. He probably had ships ready at the Indus Valley port to take him at a moments notice. Point in fact, he built a impregnanable fortress out in nowhere surrounding by many loyal troops. In 669bc he head faked going north to battle (already handed power to his eldest why go to battle?) and instead went south, south east to India.

Second, He was King of Egypt. As King he would have heard of the Tropical Paradise, Land of Aton--->YUCATON
he was intrigued and sent a ship to investigate and to give his greetings. How is this known????
page 96, Vincent Gaddis in his masterpiece, Indian Myths and Mysteries cites this finding in the Olmec (Atens) temples...¨Reliefs (carvings) of African dancers in ASSYRIAN style¨

This was perplexing until now. Of course many Egyptian relics have been found in Mayan country but Assyrian???
Now it all makes sense. It is indicative that there must have been coming and going from Yucatan to Egypt for the Assyrians found Yucatan and had to report back to Egypt their findings. Shirely, the historical records were aaaalll cleansed (well it is not about them is it). Thus, they had trajectory coordinates from previous ships.

In a nutshell, King Essar-haddon had in mind to visit this Tropical Paradise called Land of Aton (Aten) or Yucatan. Perusing his history, he consulted constantly with sages, Oracles and of them most likely the Sun-Utu- Oracle in Susana which had a Temple dedicated to Inanna as did Nippur told him his destiny is to leave Mesopotamia and go on a voyage where he will UNITE a nation, in his mind it would be Yucaton. But like Columbus- who thought he found India, he found Japan thinking it was Yucatan and stayed unifying Japan, something he was good at. He is the legendary Jimmu-Tenno of Japan who united Japan in 667bc. It all fits.

The KEY is that Jimmu-Tenno claimed to be descended from the Sun Cult....that shirely narrows it down to him!

¨Inanna...identifying with Babylonian goddess later called Istar (astara), cultures practiced in Susa (Susanaa)
from 3000bc.¨

Regurgitate once again, the oldest line in Sumerian cosmology in 3000bc is that a ¨a god will cut the head off the snake¨ most likley the original line was goddess. So how did Susanno in Japan cut the head off the 7 headed dragon? Possibly because China had in its mythology a 9 headed dragon???

The mythological Sword of Susanno to cut the head off the 7 headed dragon relic is stored in a Temple near Tokio.

¨La espada con que Susanoo mato al dragon de siete cabezas y una joya. Estos objectos han sido conservado por todos los emperadores que fueron sucediendo a JIMMUTENNO (King Essarhaddon) y aunque nadie-----ni el propio mikado ---los ha visto, se conserva envueltos en innumerables sedas en Templo no lejos de Tokio.¨
page 220 -lecture from Enigmas de las Civilacion Desparaecida II
circulo de amigos de la historia

The blades of Japan are some of the strongest in the world due to high mineral content found in Japanese rivers.

Wine did the trick!
¨ instructed that eight vats of sake (rice wine) be prepared and put on individual platforms positioned behind a fence with eight gates. The monster took the bait and put one of its heads through each gate. With this distraction, Susanoo attacked and slew the beast (with his sword Worochi no Ara-masa),[3] chopping off each head and then proceeded to do the same to the tails.[2] In the fourth tail, he discovered a great sword inside the body of the serpent which he called Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi. He presented the sword to the goddess Amaterasu to settle an old grievance.[1]¨


Have any ancient Assyrian artifacts been found in Japan???
No, however, if one examines, ie., the music and dance perhaps some parallels emerge.
The famous Japanese Kugar dance seems imo, close to the Assyrian dance as well perhaps the Istar prostitute Temple dance, that became the geisha dance??? Examine the ancient Japanese musical instruments as well and constrast it with the Assyrians. etc... Most likely someone of King Essarhaddons ego, would have carved in stone his triumphs, long buried in Japan.

Feb 11, 667bc  is the important date when Japan was unified. Feb 11 is the Feastday of Our Lady of Lourdes. Seems like the good Lord (ie Columbus) wanted Japan unified and used a very capable man, King Essarhaddon to do it.

of interest...


Sister Lucia is now Venerable. If she is declared a Saint will the Sr. Lucia -was- replaced- with- a- double
stop? She was given a mission and fulfilled it any double speak was to cover up the fact that the Consecration Our Lady of Fatima asked was not about Russia but about the unmentionables.

Vamp chic dress?

(Japanese like Bach, and Vamps hate Bach music, ergo Japanese are not There are movies where the vamp freaks out while someone began to play Bach on piano.)

50 years since AKITA


Quote from: Guapo on June 27, 2023, 03:31:32 AMHave any ancient Assyrian artifacts been found in Japan???
No, however, if one examines, ie., the music and dance perhaps some parallels emerge.
The famous Japanese Kugar dance seems imo, close to the Assyrian dance as well perhaps the Istar prostitute Temple dance, that became the geisha dance??? Examine the ancient Japanese musical instruments as well and constrast it with the Assyrians. etc... Most likely someone of King Essarhaddons ego, would have carved in stone his triumphs, long buried in Japan.

Feb 11, 667bc  is the important date when Japan was unified. Feb 11 is the Feastday of Our Lady of Lourdes. Seems like the good Lord (ie Columbus) wanted Japan unified and used a very capable man, King Essarhaddon to do it.

of interest...

Japanese are prob not too exicted to hear about the Assyrian (Sun) King hypothesis, better if it was the ie. Greeks, Romans or the Etruscans. At any rate, Fulford stipulated that the Japanese Royal Family claim descendancy from the Pharoahs (thus, the hereditary line of Atlantis-Atens-Pharoahs). So this may in fact be the case with the Assyrian King Essarhaddon hypothesis the conquerer of Egypt. Below is a interesting article on the son of King Essarhaddon.

¨He was an avid scholar, amassing an extensive library in Nineveh, the capital of Assyria. This collection contained a wealth of knowledge, including historical texts, scientific treatises, and literary masterpieces. His passion for learning elevated him as a patron of the arts and sciences, and his patronage attracted scholars and intellectuals from far and wide.¨

King Essarhaddon had a thrist for knowledge it is undeniable that this litery renaissance was his idea and prob began under his direction.
 ¨It is possible that Esarhaddon is to be credited with encouraging Ashurbanipal's collection and education.¨

(May have been Fulford? or someone while in Japan 15 years ago had interviewed David Sr. ------------ noted that his face was similiar to the old emperor now retired? Was John Sr. ------------- running around Japan 90 years ago?) Thus the theory of King Essarhaddon sounds better.

Julius Caesar had the same idea after his venture in Egypt: he returned to Rome and announced he was to build the greatest library and collection in the world rivaling Alexandria library. Next scene, he is stabbed in the back.

In the marvellous book, Rubicon by Tom Holland, he demonstrates that Julius Caesar did not just go to Egypt for fun but to investigate and seek revenge Pompeii´s death (just 3 days later). Despite the Hollywood version of Julius Caesar (Richard Burton and Elizabethe Taylor) Julius was a serious scholar who dug deep and found out the real culprits of the death of Pompeii. Tom Holland wrote: page 342, about Rome after his triumphant return, ¨he had big plans for Rome, a library was to be founded...¨ which is indicative that the library of Alexandria did not burn down perhaps a port  with or 2 warehouses with some scrolls but not the library itself or else why risk a new library? There prob was an attempt to burn it, someone did not want the Romans to know.,,?  Cleopatra being Greek was not a bimbo, but ¨She was the first Greek Monarch to speak Egyptian.¨ page 334. Obviously Julius Caesar learned a great deal about the past during his stay in Egypt.
page 329, ¨The inhabitants of Egypt were much given to rioting and ¨the biblophile Caesar accidentally set fire to warehouses crammed with priceless books.¨ Perhaps others tried to burn the warehouses, but history blames Julius? page 326 ¨Its celebrated library boasted 700,000 scrolls and had been built in pursuit of a sublime fantasy; that every book ever written might be gathered in one place. There were even slot machines and automatic doors...everything in Alexandria was a superlative.¨ Cleopatra must have supported this literay venture too.

¨As for Pompeii the Great, it emerged, had been a victim of a sinister backstairs Cabal.¨ Pompeii was beheaded as he arrived to Egypt in peace. Recall he was one of the Generals that stupidly insisted on walking through the Temple (although he took nothing, nothing was to be taken unlike Cassius who also descerated the Temple, who took alot from the Temple, and he was beheaded as well by the ¨Parthians¨ in Persian. The Persians mocked him with 12 men with axes walking alongside his head -how did the Parthians know this waaaay out in Persia that he had 12 bodyguards with axes while he stayed in Rome?)¨Clearly the Parthians knew more of Roman military traditions than the Romans had known of theirs.¨ page 269 Pompeii was no Saint, having entertained Rome colseium audience with spearmen who slew 20 elephants, ¨Romans wept at the noise¨ guess it did not bother to weep at the human loss.
¨Alexandria was home to vast number of Hebrews, more certaintly than Jerusalem.¨ page 332- ¨They completely dominated one of the 5 administrative districts, ...they remained defiantely unassimalated.¨ Oddly, Rome did not like foreigners, page 333, ¨So it was the Hebrews and Babylonian astrologers were endless being expelled from the city. So too Egyptian gods.¨ However, Tom Holland remarked, ¨They always managed to find a way back in.¨ Thus, when the plot against Julius Caesar took place, ¨They wept and cried and made huge noises of lamenatation all night in Rome¨ hmmm, mirror, what did Julius Caesar find out in Alexandria and what was his future plans besides the national library? Note that no one Roman Senator or Caesar approached the idea of a national library again.
Another question 50 years later...if Alexandria had such a large number of the Tribe how is it the Holy Family ignored it going to a backwards village? Alexandria was also center of black magic and occultic schools?


Quote from: Guapo on June 20, 2023, 03:40:55 AMThe law ¨Yes is Yes, and No is No¨ taken straight from the book, reveals that Sp. was to be a beta test but was delayed, imo. At the ferias (festivals or fairs), a (sex) booth shows up with stickers that say Yes is Yes, No is No and the female teens are told to place them on their bodies which some comply, like the book.

Case in point, the film starring Kirk Douglas, ¨Holocaust 2000¨ he is the father of the AC. While at a party the son stabs his mother in the womb, and she dies. The movie is very subtle but Biblically accurate, for example in one scene Kirk Douglas is speaking to the devil on the beach but soon he is swept up by the sea... as the Bible says, ¨The devil standing on the shore of the sea.¨

A documentary on Mel Gibson at GLP, had one segment from the 80s on his discussion with a hollywierd producer. When asked about women in film, he says, ¨Women on film? Better naked or dead, preverbably both.¨
Keep Mel in your prayers.

Just to clarify in the documentary the Hollyweird producer chillingly said this to Mel. Well many, many Hollyweirdos are moving here, to Spain. Many Italians and French as well. There was a GLP video of Milan bread line going on for miles, sadly it was recent and mostly if not older Italians and one or too foreigners. While in Southern Italy, an Italian farmer is shaken because the migrant have eaten her goats, her chickens and even skinned and eaten her 3 dogs and the authorities do nothing. They leave a mess, garbage and excrement. No wonder they are leaving Italy.

In the book, ¨Hellas¨ by Nick Gage, page 56, he cites that ¨The last name of Charleston Heston is deliberately misspelled in its Greek form as Easton, because the word is scatological curse.¨ Scatological, look it up, it is smelly business.  Pretell, what roles was Easton in? El Cid, Moses (he was a Druze, they did not like him), John the Baptist, etc...and in one movie of L.A. earthquake he dies in a sewer drain...


Quote from: Guapo on July 05, 2023, 03:57:10 AM
Quote from: Guapo on June 20, 2023, 03:40:55 AMThe law ¨Yes is Yes, and No is No¨ taken straight from the book, reveals that Sp. was to be a beta test but was delayed, imo. At the ferias (festivals or fairs), a (sex) booth shows up with stickers that say Yes is Yes, No is No and the female teens are told to place them on their bodies which some comply, like the book.

Case in point, the film starring Kirk Douglas, ¨Holocaust 2000¨ he is the father of the AC. While at a party the son stabs his mother in the womb, and she dies. The movie is very subtle but Biblically accurate, for example in one scene Kirk Douglas is speaking to the devil on the beach but soon he is swept up by the sea... as the Bible says, ¨The devil standing on the shore of the sea.¨

A documentary on Mel Gibson at GLP, had one segment from the 80s on his discussion with a hollywierd producer. When asked about women in film, he says, ¨Women on film? Better naked or dead, preverbably both.¨
Keep Mel in your prayers.

Just to clarify in the documentary the Hollyweird producer chillingly said this to Mel. Well many, many Hollyweirdos are moving here, to Spain. Many Italians and French as well. There was a GLP video of Milan bread line going on for miles, sadly it was recent and mostly if not older Italians and one or too foreigners. While in Southern Italy, an Italian farmer is shaken because the migrant have eaten her goats, her chickens and even skinned and eaten her 3 dogs and the authorities do nothing. They leave a mess, garbage and excrement. No wonder they are leaving Italy.

In the book, ¨Hellas¨ by Nick Gage, page 56, he cites that ¨The last name of Charleston Heston is deliberately misspelled in its Greek form as Easton, because the word is scatological curse.¨ Scatological, look it up, it is smelly business.  Pretell, what roles was Easton in? El Cid, Moses (he was a Druze, they did not like him), John the Baptist, etc...and in one movie of L.A. earthquake he dies in a sewer drain...

*The poor Italian woman who lost her dogs and farm animals at least some have been used for ie. voodoo since the migrants are given new phones, clothes, food, money, etc... and the Africans arrived here take small vans to Italy to obtain (free) documentation, what a racket.

*Charleston Heston also played the role of Michangelo (drank only wine from Florence of course,  not water and never caught the plague) well guess they did not like him. He was the clearly the illegitimate son of Lorenzo
Lorenzo de Médici that allowed him to waltz in and out of high circles such as the Papacy.
¨Michelangelo (6 March 1475 - 18 February 1564) had a complicated relationship with the Medici family,¨ heck, he lived off and on in the Palace, they sponsored his studies, etc...

*Add to the above post regarding Julius Caesar; in Italy they have a saying about Mafia Bosses are the first to send flowers to a wake (and first to show up at the funerals)... page 348- Rubicon by Tom Holland, they were ¨The first wails of grief could be heard by Rome´s... began to mourning¨ all night long.

*Sound of Freedom film breaks records