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I hold to the sede-vacante position, so for me it is a firm "no"; however, if you assist at an SSPX chapel, and have to problems with the validity of the N.O. Ordinations; then I would say that you are allowed to assist at the diocesan TLM. The only "caveat" I would add, is that the sermon of the the priest celebrating the Mass may be a danger, if he is a modernist.
Since yours is a case of extreme scruples, I think it is best to talk to a priest you trust. No answer you read here is going to satisfy you. That said, it is much better to be scrupulous, than to be careless.

Since you attend the Mass at an SSPX chapel, why not talk to the priest there and ask him about this? More often than not, SSPX priests are excellent at explaining things to laypeople.

And if you get a satisfactory answer, you can share it with us here, too. It would be interesting to read it.

Also, threads like these remind me how fortunate I am to have an SSPX chapel an hour away from home. May God bless my priest and his great efforts, the service he provides for our souls is invaluable.
Thank you for your response. I feel I don't have to see it to know it's happening given the example I gave from my husband. Their have been tests where people take non consecrated hosts and give them in the hand and you can see the fragments all over their hands. It's very disturbing. I can't feel safe with this given what I have seen. If that is scrupulous I guess I am but I think I'm very cautious because It is God himself. I can't risk desecrating him.
Arts and Leisure / Re: My book- Defending Dixie's...
Last post by Heinrich - Today at 04:43:02 PM
The Southern War for Indepence was the 2nd "Civil War."
That's not how sacramental or moral theology works.

Unless you see yourself trampling on visible fragments, there is no issue.

I don't know what you are looking for, but it seems like your mind was made up and you wanted this place to confirm your answer for you.

As one who has dealt with it, you seem to have severe scruples. I recommend the book Light and Peace. Changed my life.
General News and Discussion / Re: Russia Invades Ukraine
Last post by Heinrich - Today at 04:33:47 PM
Quote from: james03 on Today at 12:33:55 PMKind of interesting.  The Russians are marking their vehicles with a ruin from ancient Russia.  The ancient Russians used this ruin when they went to war against the ancient Khazars, also known as the Ashkanazi.

Might be a coincidence, or they might be announcing who they are going to smite with a mighty smiting.

If you don't know Spanish, run this through your translator of choice:

"Ya no hay duda de que Rusia sabe exactamente quiĆ©n es su enemigo." 

ETA: does it pop up for me in ES since my phone settings?
My husband who had served at the Latin Mass for years saw everytime he served particles on the paten. If particles are always on the paten then at every Mass at the novus ordo they are on the ground without the paten. With knowledge comes responsibility and we both know fragments are trampled on. What should we do with that knowledge?
You should do what you need to do in order to nourish your faith.

How are you aware of fragments/desecrations?

If the fragment is not visible to the naked eye, our Lord is not sacramentally present.

Let me tell you a story. My grandmother in law was dying, and a trad priest who had left his order for being too hardline had spent time with us. We actually took him to the airport, bought him altar wine, gave pocket money, for his trip/vacation to Philippines.

We asked him if he would be willing to do last rites for my wife's 96 year old grandmother. He agreed.

My in laws prepared a huge party and reception for him to come and give the last rites.

On the day, he hadn't shown up. 3 hours pass, and my brother in law texts him. "Ok I'm on the way, looking for a taxi."

Simultaneously my wife was texting him too. The priest was telling her:

1. He didn't have any oil (despite knowing that he was going to be traveling to do this, and since he is not a sede, per canon law he could consecrate the oil himself as it's a true state of emergency. Even if he did not want to do that, he could've gone to hear confession and brought viaticum).
2. I don't have money for a taxi (this is a country where the most expensive cab fare would've been $15. We easily gave 10x that in pocket money, favors, etc).

He then ghosted my wife and BiL. Wife is crying as now, it's too late to ask anyone else. My Grandma in Law is on a remote island that requires a ferry ride.

One of my wife's friends sees a local "Novus Ordo" priest from the local parish.

She explains everything, without hesitating, the priest hops on a motocab, won't allow the friend to pay, and hustles over and does it. Doesn't accept any pay or stipend.

Which of these pleased our Lord? Acted in persona christi? The "invalid" or "only bread" Novus ordo priest, or the trad priest who had a PhD in theology, former seminary professor, spoke 4-5 languages, impeccable Latin, and lace alb?
I have a question for anyone who can help. When I can't travel out of town to the sspx Masses I go to my local novus ordo Church where they offer a Latin Mass to fulfill my Sunday obligation. I refuse to go up for communion because I won't step on the fragments from communion in the hand from other Masses offered there. I feel guilty even sitting in the back of the church. Is it a sacrilege to even participate in that liturgy if at communion time sacrilege is happening as people go up for communion and desecrate Jesus on the floor in the Eucharist? Should I stay home and do holy hours on those Sundays I can't go out of town? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. I can't get any priest to answer this question for me.
Quote from: james03 on Today at 10:36:38 AM
Quote"Taking conciliar custom into consideration and also the pastoral purpose of the present Council, the sacred Council defines as binding on the Church only those things in matters of faith and morals which it shall openly declare to be binding. The rest of the things which the sacred Council sets forth, inasmuch as they are the teaching of the Church's supreme magisterium, ought to be accepted and embraced by each and every one of Christ's faithful according to the mind of the sacred Council. The mind of the Council becomes known either from the matter treated or from its manner of speaking, in accordance with the norms of theological interpretation."

The Vatican has on several occasions made it very clear you have to accept the totality of Vatican II to be in communion with the Pope, and several documents like Unitatis Redintegratio state this:

"Each and all these matters which are set forth in this Decree have been favorably voted on by the Fathers of the Council. And We, by the apostolic authority given Us by Christ and in union with the Fathers, approve, decree and establish them in the Holy Spirit and command that they be promulgated for the glory of God."