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In this podcast/video, I go over my recent online interaction with The Byzantine Scotist (aka Gideon Lazar) and show how he is ignoring the ontological problem between Jewry and Christianity, and he does not seem to see how one cannot be both ontologically Jewish and Christian at the same time.
General News and Discussion / Re: Yuri Again
Last post by james03 - Today at 09:04:48 AM
QuoteAlready, though, the new administration's approach to USAID has had sharp consequences all over the world—after taking office, Trump signed an order freezing virtually all American aid spending for ninety days, grinding dependent humanitarian operations to an immediate halt across a dizzying array of different project areas. Journalists have been among those affected: according to Reporters Without Borders (RSF), the aid freeze appears to have put a hold on $268 million that was earmarked to fund "independent media and the free flow of information" this year.

Big hit to the bolshevik NGOs and journalists.  No wonder they are screaming.  The blood sucking parasites just got cut off.  Learn to code, dude.
The big story will be crude oil.  When Trump ends the Ukraine War, I anticipate that Russian sanctions on their energy will be lifted.  Not 100%, and Trump may drag his feet in the interest of the US energy industry.  However Trump also needs crude oil to fall in price.

So we are likely to see crude fall to $65/bbl., and possibly a lot more.  Downside is $45/bbl.  This will eliminate inflation in the US and give the Fed room to cut, which lower US government interest expense.

On the investment front, my strategy will be to continue to stack shekels in the money market account, and then buy great oil company stocks and LLPs at a deep discount, locking in fat dividends for the rest of my life.  This takes patience, and you generally only get this opportunity in a 2-week window every 4 years or so.  During the last cycle you could buy Vanguard VDE at $36, and end up getting paid fat dividends.  The recent quote for VDE is $126.  Fat dividends, triple your money in 4-5 years, that's something worth waiting for.

In the UK, the BoE just cut.  The UK is in trouble, and the word is STAGFLATION.  The socialists have run out of other peoples' money to spend, which is a problem as they have a country full of primitive savages that need to eat and be housed.  Otherwise they take out the machetes and start chopping off the heads of little girls.

Same story in the EU.  Their rate is something like 2.75%.  Really bad for inflation.

The drop in oil and gas prices will help the EU and the UK, hence there must be a lot of hidden support for Trump ending the war.  However the big beneficiary will be the US, which is deregulating and cutting the government, making it poised to take advantage of cheap energy.

Throw in tariffs, and a lot of Euro companies are going to move more and more manufacturing to the US.  I recently mentioned I know one German company that has purchased various fabrication shops in Tulsa.
General News and Discussion / Yuri Again
Last post by james03 - Today at 08:33:15 AM
Looks like the jewish bolsheviks were running the Yuri cycle again.

1.  Demoralization:  We just discovered that the organization called USAID, which reported to Blinken, was funding close to $100 Billion for anti-Western programs.

2.  Destabilization:  We know that Mayorkis was flooding the country with foreigners, which caused major problems.

3.  Crisis:  We know that Trump has opened up a concentration camp at Gitmo, and that we just cut a deal to open a concentration camp in El Salvador.  Which means the Trump admin is aware of perhaps 100,000 very dangerous people linked to international gangs and terror groups.  Which means Garland also knew.  Some sort of terror event was fixin to happen during the Emhoff Presidency.

4.  Normalization:  Likely President Emhoff would have used the crisis to institute Central Bank Digital Currency and social credit to "track terrorists", and that the jewish terror state would have been further ramped up, especially with online censorship, to "prevent radicalization".

They were running the Yuri Bezmenov subversion campaign again.
Plagues and Pestilence / Re: Infertility starting to sh...
Last post by james03 - Today at 08:24:12 AM
Quote from: The Curt Jester on February 04, 2025, 05:14:32 PMCould it also be that vaccinated women are less likely to want to have children in the first place?  I'm sure the infertility problems are real, but there the mindset of the individuals is also a factor.

I originally put that out there, but if you think about it, it does not explain the massive drop off after the death vax, as seen in the chart.

Looks like the vax causes sterility.  I think this is going to be a big story as more and more women discover they can't have kids now.
The Coffee Pot / Re: Catholic Memes
Last post by james03 - Today at 08:20:15 AM
The Coffee Pot / Re: Catholic Memes
Last post by james03 - Today at 08:13:16 AM
The Bookstore / Re: Normandt' Catholic Meditat...
Last post by Normandt - Today at 06:45:43 AM
7 Seeing God's face

We are called to a resplendent life. The Apostle John describes to us all the splendour of the Holy City that he receives in a vision. At that moment, John must be living heaven on earth. These images will remain engraved in his memory forever.

John sees the Lamb and he mentions that those who have accepted the Love of God will see his face:
Nothing accursed will be found there anymore. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and his servants will worship him. They will look upon his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. Night will be no more, nor will they need light from lamp or sun, for the Lord God shall give them light, and they shall reign forever and ever. Revelation, chapter 22, verses 3 to 5

Seeing the face of God is the ultimate dream from the beginning of mankind to its end, when we return in him. Whether they're aware of it or not, it will happen. But often they look elsewhere and move away from their reality as children of God.

Down here, we carry in ourselves the image of God. But we must also want to welcome the life of Christ in us as Mary made herself available to his will. We will not bear God like her, but we will carry him in the core of who we are.

The Holy Spirit can already place on our faces the light of God, in our hands the gift of God, in our eyes the vision of God on the world, and in our feet the footsteps of little pilgrims of Love who hurry on to go to the people, to lead them to Jesus.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: The Shepherd's Mission, Normand Thomas
Hypothesis: Hercules ruled China

¨According to Chinese annals, Tai - Ko - Fokee, the great stranger king, ruled the kingdom of China. In pictures he is represented with two small horns, like those associated with the representations of Moses. He and his successor are said to have introduced into China 'picture-writing,' like that in use in Central America at the time of the Spanish conquest. He taught the motions of the heavenly bodies, and divided time into years and months; he also introduced many other useful arts and sciences.

" Now, there has been found at Copan, in Central America, a figure strikingly like the Chinese symbol of Fokee, with his two horns; ...¨

Hercules, the stranger King was Tai-Ko-Fokee. (similar to Man-Co) who wore the Tong-Tian-guan the Crown that reached the Heavens...aka Tiarra,imo.
The two horns was the Miter or Tiara.
 Even the Emperor of China initially wore a Tiarra of sorts:
...  <¨Emperor Yuan of the Western Han dynasty is depicted, and the crown he wears is thought to be the tongtianguan (通天冠, lit. 'crown that reaches to the heavens').[14] According to the Book of Later Han,
the tongtianguan was a crown usually worn by emperors.¨

* Hercules as Numa in Rome introduced the Alb and stole....
 ¨the alb and chasuble were prescribed by Numa Pompilius ; the stole was borrowed from the official...¨

* In retrospect, Hercules grew up in Macedonia- but born in Tartessos (Spain)
Evidently, the ancient pre-Hellenic people were Pelagas that must have came from Spain. Note that Constantine the Great was born near Naissus to Helena and Constantius I.
Naissus or Naussus - was probably founded by Hercules.