Trump says he strongly supports IVF

Started by LausTibiChriste, February 24, 2024, 03:26:33 PM

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Quote from: LausTibiChriste on February 24, 2024, 03:41:15 PM

If you listen to what he says, the foundation is correct, but the conclusion with IVF is very wrong, a lot of work has been done in regards to the evil of Abortion thanks to many people like Lila Rose, trying to show people what is actually happening here and more on that front still needs to be achieved, very little work has been done in regards to IVF, which once you go into detail, is far, far more than simply 'reproductive assistance' but rather playing God, which always ends very badly.

Especially when it comes to trying to 'screen' out genetic defects (killing "imperfect" specimens? As conception needs to take place first I presume) or 'choosing' certain traits such as eye or hair color and indeed gender (like the disastrous male bias of China's one child policy) or introducing third party genetics, that is a very, very serious problem not to mention the abortions that do occur there which contradicts the very premise, human beings are not commodities to be bought and sold.

This is simply a lack of knowledge IMO, but the base principles are there, and once the premise is correct the rest should fall into place once the truth is learned.

Furthermore, your either moving forward or backwards, this is a step backwards, but he is still moving forward, unlike the alternative which is adamantly running backwards. We must raise awareness as to what really occurs in IVF clinics, all we see is the child that was born, not the experimentation, failed attempts, leftovers etc, like the IVF that produces twins yet the client only wanted one child... very sickening in some cases when going into detail here.

IVF etc reminds me of movies like The Island and Blade Runner, trying to play God, deciding who lives and who dies, created by 'their' hands and on 'their' terms (Contraception, IVF), ended by 'their' hands and on 'their' terms (Abortion, Euthanasia) the people who come about through such processes are devalued by their creators who believe themselves to be god-like over them with the power of life and death in the palm of their hands, whenever they deem it and on whatever terms they desire. 

We need to pray for him.

God Bless
"I will not delude you with prospects of peace and consolations; on the contrary, prepare for great battles. Know that you are now on a great stage where all heaven and earth are watching you. Fight like a knight, so that I can reward you. Do not be unduly fearful, because you are not alone." (Diary, 1760)

"It is in My Passion that you must seek light and strength." (Diary, 654)

"I never reject a contrite heart." (Diary, 1485)