Binding Prayers

Started by Bernadette, November 25, 2024, 12:41:04 PM

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I was listening to a sermon from Romans10Seventeen about binding prayers, and I have a question that wasn't addressed in the content. Does one have to be in authority over someone else in order to use a binding prayer for their benefit? An example that was given of a binding prayer was a father saying it for the good of his child, over whom he obviously had authority, but what about for other family members?
My Lord and my God.
Ven. Matt Talbot, pray for Tom.


Yes, Fr Ripperger is very explicit about this. If it is someone you have authority over, you can say it in a "commanding" way (I bind the demon of X, etc), otherwise you say them as a request, "Lord, please bind the demons..."

There are some instances when this isn't true, according to Fr R. For example, because of the 4th commandment, he says that a child can say it for their parents.

A binding prayer said as a "request" is no less efficacious though, in my experience, so might as well stick with it.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son Of God, Have Mercy On Me A Sinner