Manual of Prayers for the Catholic Laity (Baltimore Prayer Book)

Started by Bernadette, July 22, 2024, 05:47:20 PM

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My Lord and my God.


I grabbed a copy of this off eBay (1930s edition, I think).  It's been promoted to being a pretty solid regular in my Mass attending lineup.  It has everything I need for Sundays/HDOs, a good confession section, and the prayers I want around Communion.  The size is right, and it's in used enough shape I don't mind if it gets beat up (with the children, this is a major consideration - and why I don't use my main missal anymore). 

The Conciliar fathers were brilliant in calling for this.  I think Sophia just issued a new printing of it, as well.
Wie dein Sonntag, so dein Sterbetag.

I am not altogether on anybody's side, because nobody is altogether on my side.  ~Treebeard, LOTR

Jesus son of David, have mercy on me.


I actually used it in college to help me write my term paper for Sacramental Theology.
My Lord and my God.


 I will certainly make good use of this. Many thanks for posting this.
Nemo me inpune lacessit.