Black people could REALLY do with the civilisation the Church gives society

Started by Greg, February 15, 2023, 08:41:09 AM

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^^Jesus made the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church to institutionalize the love of God and fellow being through that love that is to will the good of the other. In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus taught us how to be fair-minded using your words. Stereotyping leads to prejudices against certain group of people. Fr. Chad Ripperger in his lectures mentioned that this happens in all people even those who call themselves traditionalist Catholics. I see that as reiteration of the parable I mentioned which Jesus explicitly told all of us.

The diabolic exploits this by charging everyone with words like "racists" and/or "homophobes." It does not mean we must accept the wrongful acts of other people and tolerate it in the incorrect interpretation of the word, "charity." We simply need to put willing the good of the other in our thoughts and our deeds.

Michael Wilson

The answer to all of the world's problems has been proposed by Our Divine Saviour, and He established His Church as the only means to solve these problems and for men to lead virtous lives and save their souls.
"For there is no salvation in any other name."
Men have increasingly turned their back on Our Lord and His Church since the Protestant Reformation, and even more since the second Protestant revolution at Vatican II. The falling away from the Catholic faith of men and nations, inevitably leads to barbarism and paganism in an increasingly greater scale. The only thing left is for the anti-Christ himself to appear.
"The World Must Conform to Our Lord and not He to it." Rev. Dennis Fahey CSSP

"My brothers, all of you, if you are condemned to see the triumph of evil, never applaud it. Never say to evil: you are good; to decadence: you are progess; to death: you are life. Sanctify yourselves in the times wherein God has placed you; bewail the evils and the disorders which God tolerates; oppose them with the energy of your works and your efforts, your life uncontaminated by error, free from being led astray, in such a way that having lived here below, united with the Spirit of the Lord, you will be admitted to be made but one with Him forever and ever: But he who is joined to the Lord is one in spirit." Cardinal Pie of Potiers


Quote from: AlfredtheGreat on February 19, 2023, 06:11:21 PMWhat many forget is that before LBJ's Great Society coupled with systemic housing discrimination most American blacks lived in intact families where the father worked and mother took care of the home. A hundred years of Jim Crow and segregation brought to you by the party of slavery contributed greatly to the destruction of the black family and the establishment of impoverished ghettos.

Yes. Also the leftists spread a program calls MARS or Man Assuming Role of Spouse, in which a poor married woman with children received NO support from the state. However a poor UNmarried woman living in sin could rake in the cash the more children she had (as long as she avoided marriage.) This was done intentionally to destroy families. Just as they push hard for abortion in the inner cities, they pushed this program hard in the inner cities.

To have courage for whatever comes in life - everything lies in that.
Saint Teresa of Avila