Does prayer just seem pointless?

Started by Bataar, January 28, 2023, 05:39:05 PM

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I honestly pray first to try make myself a little bit holy. God may or not answer an intention, but apparently unanswered prayers are not wasted. Praying for the holy souls is good, part motivated by the hope that others will pray for me when I am no longer on this earth.
Padre Pio: Pray, hope, and don't worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer.


I am sure most people feel this way one time or another.
"If anyone is excommunicated it is not I, but the excommunicators." - Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre
" A false church cannot have a true mission." - St. Francis De Sales
" The way is open for us to deprive councils of their authority, contradict their acts freely, and profess confidently, whatever SEEMS to be true. " - Martin Luther