Artificial "womb" now reality

Started by drummerboy, December 14, 2022, 01:50:46 PM

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Terrifying.  Listen to the implications though.   Their fake womb is better than the real thing - man once again playing God by "improving" creation.  I bet by early adolescence these children will display social and personality disorders. The mother/child connection in the womb is crucial!  And eugenics: you can pay extra to have your child genetically engineered to your specifications.  So much for "in the womb I formed you," now it can be "in the sterile plastic bubble Dr. Frankenstein engineered you."  I bet the elites will love this, another tool to create their master class to rule the world. Nazism: alive and well.
"O Lord, save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance, granting to Thy people victory over all their enemies, and by the power of Thy Cross preserving Thy commonwealth."

"Through the prayers of the Theotokos O Savior save us"

"I like grumpy old cusses.  Hope to live long enough to be one" - John Wayne


Take a look at his god like posture while standing in front of a bunch of artificially incubating babies:

That first name.....something about it.
These people are crazy


Your title is wrong

This is a conceptual video and the creator of it is an arab fantasist who comes up with all sort of sky hotels and other bullshit.

The living will envy the dead soon enough.  The corrupt capitalist system is failing.  Forget this science fiction stuff and worry about your 100% Beeswax candles and getting plenty of firewood for a long cold winter.  You have to take delight in seeing the evil suffering and dying and terrified of their doom.  Schadenfreude is the new currency.

One black swan, one nuclear war and all this meta, build back better, 4th Industrial revolution shit comes to nothing.
If I used a ouija board as a mouse mat would my desktop computer get repossessed?


Yesterday's Sci fi is today's reality.  They're showing in plain sight what they plan.  Animal testing first, humans next.  That's real enough.  Besides, Epstein style sex islands for breeding the elites' offspring won't be efficient enough.  They need a more practical alternative
"O Lord, save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance, granting to Thy people victory over all their enemies, and by the power of Thy Cross preserving Thy commonwealth."

"Through the prayers of the Theotokos O Savior save us"

"I like grumpy old cusses.  Hope to live long enough to be one" - John Wayne


Then why aren't we already on Mars?

We don't even have flying cars and instead of sexy female androids to serve us, we have curry munching pakis in call centres.  Can you imagine a science fiction film in the 1960s where you had to speak to pakis at the bank to transfer your money or get a new phone?

People would have laughed.

Don't take these science wankers too seriously.  Their ideas are all shit.  They are only capable of phucking it all up like Sam Bankman-Fried, Epstein, Madoff and Biden.

They haven't produced anything genuinely useful for years.

I hope the Antichrist is more capable otherwise he was oversold
If I used a ouija board as a mouse mat would my desktop computer get repossessed?


Because there's no money in going to Mars. But a sex robot fulfill all your perverted sex fetishes? Someone will pay for that.  Besides, you can have children.  You have no idea how desperate infertility will drive some people to become
"O Lord, save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance, granting to Thy people victory over all their enemies, and by the power of Thy Cross preserving Thy commonwealth."

"Through the prayers of the Theotokos O Savior save us"

"I like grumpy old cusses.  Hope to live long enough to be one" - John Wayne


So he was jailed, but genetic bioengineering is possible and has been done.  And this guy is probably just unkuky to have been caught, who knows how many others are playing with it.  And a govt ban? Like that'll stop anything for long.  With IVF now considered acceptable and mainstream, an artifical womb is the next logical step, and small potatoes comparatively speaking.
"O Lord, save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance, granting to Thy people victory over all their enemies, and by the power of Thy Cross preserving Thy commonwealth."

"Through the prayers of the Theotokos O Savior save us"

"I like grumpy old cusses.  Hope to live long enough to be one" - John Wayne


If your work involves dealing with government policy or you are involved with politicians or politics you will know how the system works.  So for instance when you see a headline in the local newspaper on local authority or gov dept mooting a new idea such as a new canal system to release a flood plane area of water just for arguments sakes and the local authority are inviting submissions on pros and cons.  Well I have heard government level politicians directly admit that when something like this reaches the public ear at the very early stages of development, its already a done deal and nothing or no one is going to stop the progress of the development.  There will be minor hiccups, sometimes major but at the end of the day, once it reaches the publics ears, it is going to happen.

Well these little propaganda pieces are something similar.  If this is already out in the public, its already developed, it has been developed.


The next logical step is not the next technical step.

There are decades between us and artificial wombs.
If I used a ouija board as a mouse mat would my desktop computer get repossessed?


Quote from: diaduit on December 16, 2022, 09:50:25 PM
If your work involves dealing with government policy or you are involved with politicians or politics you will know how the system works.  So for instance when you see a headline in the local newspaper on local authority or gov dept mooting a new idea such as a new canal system to release a flood plane area of water just for arguments sakes and the local authority are inviting submissions on pros and cons.  Well I have heard government level politicians directly admit that when something like this reaches the public ear at the very early stages of development, its already a done deal and nothing or no one is going to stop the progress of the development.  There will be minor hiccups, sometimes major but at the end of the day, once it reaches the publics ears, it is going to happen.

Well these little propaganda pieces are something similar.  If this is already out in the public, its already developed, it has been developed.

That's the point I'm trying to make.  Maybe this guy is a nut, nobody but a nut would stick his neck out and be the first to propose this.  But the foot is in the door, and now its just a matter of conditioning the public to accept it.
"O Lord, save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance, granting to Thy people victory over all their enemies, and by the power of Thy Cross preserving Thy commonwealth."

"Through the prayers of the Theotokos O Savior save us"

"I like grumpy old cusses.  Hope to live long enough to be one" - John Wayne


Quote from: Greg on December 17, 2022, 12:30:10 AM
The next logical step is not the next technical step.


There are decades between us and artificial wombs.

Why are you so certain?


Because I have read about the difficulties
If I used a ouija board as a mouse mat would my desktop computer get repossessed?


My friend told me about this... scary stuff.  I can't believe I was foolish enough to champion horrors like this in my pre-Christian life.


^^I thought things like that were cool. During that time however in the 340 days of the year I was drunk or was high in marijuana  with alternatives like meth and pills of ecstasy. Only so few days I was sober. I was even into thinking that cloning was such a great thing and if I had the money I shall clone all my internal organs so that I can continue all the abuses I was doing to my body and if one of them fails I can replace them anyway.

A serious Catholic shall think that this is very bad. I see that as design to provide more validation to homosexuality and all the comfort oriented way of living to the detriment of the truth of the correct adoration to our God.