Started by OmniaInstaurareInChristo, May 01, 2013, 08:27:53 PM

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The reading appointed from the Rule of St. Benedict for April 26:

If a Brother be commanded to do Impossibilities

If on any brother there be laid commands that are hard and impossible, let him receive the orders of him who biddeth him with all mildness and obedience. But if he seeth the weight of the burden altogether to exceed his strength, let him seasonably and with patience lay before his Superior the reasons of his incapacity to obey, with out shewing pride, resistance, or contradiction. If, however, after this the Superior still persist in his command, let the younger know that it is expedient for him; and let him obey for the love of God, trusting in His assistance.

Martyrology-April 27th
Roman Martyrology-April 27th-on this date in various years-

St. Peter Canisius, priest of the Society of Jesus, confessor and doctor of the Church, who departed to the Lord on the 21st of December.

At Nicomedia, during the persecution of Diocletian, the birthday of St. Anthimus, bishop and martyr, who obtained the glory of martyrdom by being beheaded for the faith. Nearly all his numerous flock followed him. The judge ordered some to be beheaded, others to be burned alive, others to be put in boats and sunk in the sea.

At Tarsus in Cilicia, the Saints Castor and Stephen, martyrs.

At Bologna, St. Tertullian, bishop and confessor.

At Brescia, St. Theophilus, bishop.

In Egypt, St. Theodore, abbot, who was a disciple of St. Pachomius.

At Constantinople, the abbot St. John, who valiantly defended the veneration of sacred images, under Leo the Isaurian.

At Tarragona in Spain, the blessed Peter Armengaudius, of the Order of Blessed Mary of Mercy for the Redemption of Captives. He endured many tribulations in Africa in ransoming the faithful, and finally closed his career peacefully in the convent of St. Mary of the Meadows.

At Lucca in Tuscany, blessed Zita, a virgin renowned for virtues and miracles.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.


The reading appointed from the Rule of St. Benedict for April 27:

That no one presume to defend another in the Monastery

Care must be taken that on no occasion one monk presume to defend another in the Monastery, or to take his part, even although they be connected by some near tie of kinship. Let not the monks dare to do this in any way whatsoever; because therefrom may arise the most grievous occasion of scandals. If any one transgress this rule, let him be very severely punished.

Martyrology-April 28th
Roman Martyrology-April 28th-on this date in various years-

St. Paul of the Cross, priest and confessor, founder of the Congregation of the Cross and Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. He went to his repose in the Lord on the 18th of October.

At Ravenna, the birthday of St. Vitalis, martyr, father of the Saints Gervase and Protase. When he had taken up and reverently buried the body of blessed Ursicinus, he was arrested by the governor Paulinus, and after being racked and thrown into a deep pit, was covered with earth and stones, and by this kind of martyrdom went to Christ.

At Atino in Campania, St. Mark, who was made bishop by the blessed apostle Peter. He was the first to preach the Gospel to the Equicoli, and received the crown of martyrdom in the persecution of Domitian, under the governor Maximus.

At Broussa in Bithynia, the holy martyrs Patrick, a bishop, Acatius, Menander, and Polyaenus.

On the same day, the holy martyrs Aphrodisius, Caralippus, Agapius, and Eusebius.

In Hungary, St. Pollio, martyr, under the Emperor Diocletian.

At Milan, the martyr St. Valeria, who was the wife of St. Vitalis and the mother of Saints Gervase and Protase.

At Alexandria, the martyrdom of the virgin St. Theodora. For refusing to sacrifice to idols, she was sent to a place of debauchery; but one of the brethren, named Didymus, through the admirable providence of God, delivered her
by quickly exchanging garments with her. He was afterwards beheaded and crowned with her in the persecution of Diocletian, under the governor Eustratius.

At Tarrazona in Spain, St. Prudentius, bishop and confessor.

At Corfinio in Peligno, St. Pamphilus, bishop of Valva, illustrious for his charity towards the poor and the gift of miracles. His body was buried at Solmona.

At St. Laurent sur Sevres, in the diocese of Lucon, St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort, confessor and founder of the Missionaries of the Company of Mary and the Sisters of Wisdom, a form of apostolic life. He was renowned for his preaching and devotion to the Blessed Mother, and was added to the number of the saints by Pope Pius XII.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.


The reading appointed from the Rule of St. Benedict for April 28:

That no one presume to strike another

Let every occasion of presumption be banished from the Monastery. We ordain, therefore, that no one be allowed to excommunicate or strike any of his brethren, unless authority to do so shall have been given him by the Abbot. Let such as offend herein be rebuked in the presence of all, that the rest may be struck with fear. With regard to the children, however, let them be kept by all under diligent and watchful discipline, until their fifteenth year: yet this, too, with measure and discretion. For if any one presume, without leave of the Abbot, to chastise such as are above that age, or shew undue severity even to the children, he shall be subjected to the discipline of the Rule, because it is written: "What thou wouldest not have done to thyself, do not thou to another."

Martyrology-April 29th
Roman Martyrology-April 29th-on this date in various years-

St. Peter, a martyr of the Order of Preachers, who was slain for the Catholic faith on the 6th day of April.

At Rome, the birthday of St. Catherine of Siena, virgin of the Third Order of St. Dominic, renowned for her holy life and her miracles. She was inscribed among the canonized virgins by Pope Pius II. Her feast, however, is celebrated on the following day.

At Paphos in Cyprus, St. Tychicus, a disciple of the blessed Apostle Paul, who called him in his Epistles, "most dear brother," "faithful minister," and "fellow-servant in the Lord".

At Pisa in Tuscany, the martyr St. Torpes, who filled a high office in the court of Nero, and was one of those of whom the apostle wrote from Rome to the Philippians: "All the saints salute you, especially those that are of the house of Caesar." For the faith of Christ, he was, by order of Satellicus, beaten, cruelly scourged, and delivered to the beasts to be devoured, but remained uninjured. He completed his martyrdom by being beheaded.

At Cirta in Numidia, the birthday of the holy martyrs Apapius and Secundinus, bishops, who, after a long exile in that city, added to the glory of their priesthood the crown of martyrdom. They suffered in the persecution of Valerian, during which the enraged Gentiles made every effort to shake the faith of the just. In their company suffered Aemilian, a soldier, Tertulla and Antonia, consecrated virgins, and a woman with her twin children.

In the island of Codyra, the seven holy thieves who were converted to Christ by St. Jason, and gained eternal life by martyrdom.

At Naples in Campania, Bishop St. Severus, who, among other prodigies, raised for a short time a dead man from the grave in order to convict of falsehood the lying creditor of a widow and her children.

At Brescia, St. Paulinus, bishop and confessor.

In the monastery of Cluny in France, St. Hugh Abbot.

In the monastery of Molesmes in France, St. Robert, the first abbot of the Cistercians.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.


The reading appointed from the Rule of St. Benedict for April 29:

That the Brethren be obedient one to the other

Not only is the excellence of obedience to be shewn by all to the Abbot, but the brethren must also obey one another, knowing that by this path of obedience they shall come unto God. The commands, then, of the Abbot or the Superiors appointed by him (to which we allow no private orders to be preferred) having the first place, let all the younger brethren obey their elders with all charity and vigilance. And should any one be found refractory, let him be corrected. But if a brother be rebuked by the Abbot, or any of his Superiors, for the slightest cause, or if he perceive that the mind of any Superior is even slightly angered or moved against him, however little, let him at once, without delay, cast himself on the ground at his feet, and there remain doing penance until that feeling be appeased, and he giveth him the blessing. If any one should disdain to do this, let him either be subjected to corporal chastisement, or, if he remain obdurate, let him be expelled from the Monastery.

Martyrology-April 30th
Roman Martyrology-April 30th-on this date in various years-

St. Catherine of Siena, virgin of the Third Order of St. Dominic, who on the previous day went to her heavenly Spouse.

At Saintes in France, blessed Eutropius, bishop and martyr, who was consecrated bishop and sent to France by St. Clement. After preaching for many years, he had his skull crushed for bearing testimony to Christ, and thus gained victory by his death.

At Cordova in Spain, the holy martyrs Amator, a priest, Peter, a monk, and Louis.

At Novara, the martyrdom of the holy priest Laurence, and some boys whom he was teaching.

At Alexandria, the holy martyrs Aphrodisius, a priest, and thirty martyrs.

At Lambesa in Numidia, the birthday of the holy martyrs Marian, a lector, and James, a deacon. The former, after having successfully endured many trials for the confession of Christ in the persecution of Decius, was again arrested with his noble companions, and both were subjected to severe and cruel torments, during which they were twice miraculously comforted by heaven, but finally fell by the sword along with many others.

At Ephesus, the martyr St. Maximus, who received his crown during the persecution of Decius.

At Ferno in Piceno, St. Sophia, virgin and martyr.

At Evorea in Epirus, St. Donatus, a bishop, who was eminent for sanctity in the time of Emperor Theodosius.

At Naples in Campania, St. Pomponius, bishop.

At London in England, St. Erkenwald, a bishop celebrated for many miracles.

At Chieri, near Turin, St. Joseph Cottolengo, confessor, founder of the Little House of Divine Providence, full of trust in God and remarkable for his charity toward the poor, whom Pope Pius XI enrolled among the saints.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.


The reading appointed from the Rule of St. Benedict for April 30:

Of the good zeal which Monks ought to have

As there is an evil zeal of bitterness, which separateth from God, and leads to hell, so there is a good zeal, which keepeth us from vice, and leadeth to God and to life everlasting. Let monks, therefore, exert this zeal with most fervent love; that is, "in honour preferring one another." Let them most patiently endure one another's infirmities, whether of body or of mind. Let them vie with one another in obedience. Let no one follow what he thinketh good for himself, but rather what seemeth good for another. Let them cherish fraternal charity with chaste love, fear God, love their Abbot with sincere and humble affection, and prefer nothing whatever to Christ. And may He bring us all alike to life everlasting.

Martyrology-May 1st
Roman Martyrology-May 1st- on this date in various years-

The birthday of the blessed apostles Philip and James. Philip, after having converted nearly all of Scythia to the faith of Christ, went to Hieropolis, a city in Asia, where he was fastened to a cross and stoned, and thus ended his life gloriously. James, who is also called the brother of our Lord, was the first bishop of Jerusalem. Being hurled down from a pinnacle of the temple, his legs were broken, and being struck on the head with a dyer's staff, he expired and was buried near the temple.

At Rome, Pope St. Pius V of the Order of Preachers, who labored zealously and successfully for the re-establishment of church discipline, the stamping out of heresies, and the destruction of the enemies of the Christian name. He governed the Catholic Church by holy laws, and the example of a saintly life. His feast is observed on the fifth day of May.

In Egypt, St. Jeremias, prophet, who was stoned to death by the people at Taphnas, where he was buried. St. Epiphanius tells that the faithful were accustomed to pray at his grave, and to take away from it dust to heal those who were stung by serpents.

In France, in the Province of Vivarias, blessed Andeol, subdeacon, who was sent from the East into Gaul with others by St. Polycarp to preach the word of God. Under Emperor Severus he was scourged with thorny sticks, and having his head split with a wooden sword into four parts, in the shape of a cross, he completed his martyrdom.

At Huesca in Spain, the holy martyrs Orentius and Patience.

In the town of Columna, in the province of Orleans in France, the martyrdom of St. Sigismund, king of Burgundy. He met death by being drowned in a well, and was afterwards famous for his miracles. His venerable body was later recovered and taken to the monastery of Agaune in the diocese of Sitten where it was honorably entombed.

At Auxerre, St. Amator, bishop and confessor.

At Auch in France, Bishop St. Orientius.

At Llanelwy in Wales, Bishop St. Asaph, in whose memory the cathedral city was later named

At Forli, St. Peregrinus of the Order of Servites of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

At Bergamo, St. Grata, widow.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.


Note: in the calendar in use in 1962, May 1 is the feast of St Joseph the Worker. The feast of Sts. Philip and James is celebrated on May 11.