Protests don't work?

Started by Greg, December 22, 2022, 06:29:34 AM

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Listen to what happened at 3 minutes

Worked for him.
If I used a ouija board as a mouse mat would my desktop computer get repossessed?


Took him a long time to wake up.
Better late than never I suppose.
in principio erat Verbum et Verbum erat apud Deum et Deus erat Verbum
hoc erat in principio apud Deum
omnia per ipsum facta sunt et sine ipso factum est nihil quod factum est


He was in prison for a while Frank.
If I used a ouija board as a mouse mat would my desktop computer get repossessed?


Quote from: Greg on December 22, 2022, 08:28:49 PM
He was in prison for a while Frank.
Morgan was too, but he has not come around yet, lol.
"If anyone is excommunicated it is not I, but the excommunicators." - Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre
" A false church cannot have a true mission." - St. Francis De Sales
" The way is open for us to deprive councils of their authority, contradict their acts freely, and profess confidently, whatever SEEMS to be true. " - Martin Luther