Historical critique of the Grammatical-Historical hermeneutic

Started by AlfredtheGreat, November 21, 2022, 07:23:10 AM

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Can anyone recommend a work or works which critiques the prevailing Protestant approach to Scriptural interpretation known as the grammatical-historical hermeneutic? I'm familiar with the different hermeneutical schools in the early Church such as the Antiochian (literal) and the Alexandrian (allegorical). I'm looking for a work that undercuts the foundational premise that historical grammatical is both the correct hermeneutic and also to show that the Fathers did not understand Scriptural exegesis in the way that subsequent generations of Protestants did after the Reformation.

These people are crazy

Justin Martyr

The Commonitorium of St. Vincent of Lerins addresses interpretation of scripture at multiple points, and expresses the patristic view on the subject.
The least departure from Tradition leads to a scorning of every dogma of the Faith.
St. Photios the Great, Encyclical to the Eastern Patriarchs

CANON I: As for all persons who dare to violate the definition of the holy and great Synod convened in Nicaea in the presence of Eusebeia, the consort of the most God-beloved Emperor Constantine, concerning the holy festival of the soterial Pascha, we decree that they be excluded from Communion and be outcasts from the Church if they persist more captiously in objecting to the decisions that have been made as most fitting in regard thereto; and let these things be said with reference to laymen. But if any of the person occupying prominent positions in the Church, such as a Bishop, or a Presbyter, or a Deacon, after the adoption of this definition, should dare to insist upon having his own way, to the perversion of the laity, and to the disturbance of the church, and upon celebrating Pascha along with the Jews, the holy Synod has hence judged that person to be an alien to the Church, on the ground that he has not only become guilty of sin by himself, but has also been the cause of corruption and perversion among the multitude. Accordingly, it not only deposes such persons from the liturgy, but also those who dare to commune with them after their deposition. Moreover, those who have been deposed are to be deprived of the external honor too of which the holy Canon and God's priesthood have partaken.
The Council of Antioch 341, recieved by the Council of Chalcedon

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.