Who Was Maurice Pinay?

Started by Vetus Ordo, July 02, 2019, 05:30:29 PM

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Vetus Ordo

Jewish infiltration of the Catholic Church (Part 2): Who was Maurice Pinay?

In Diversity Macht Frei.

The Second Vatican Council was the take-down of the Catholic Church by the Jews. More than a millennium worth of teaching, and knowledge distilled from hard experience, was jettisoned without justification. Jews were declared innocent of the crime of killing Christ, thus repudiating the Gospel of Matthew ("His blood be upon us and our children!"). Antisemitism was decried. Active efforts to convert Jews were abandoned. And the doors were thrown open to the dilute, interfaith utopianism we see prevailing to this day ("Religions are all the same! They just call God by different names!"). As I discussed in Part 1 of this series (link), this victory was achieved partly through infiltration of the Catholic Church by Jews "converting" to Catholicism (not a few of whom "converted" back to Judaism afterwards) then working to undermine it from within, and partly through successfully applied sophistry, a Jewish specialty.

But while the Council was in session, an extraordinary last-minute effort was made to avert this final capitulation of the Catholic Church before Jewry.

QuoteEven while the Council was sitting there appeared a book of more than 600 pages, not obtainable through normal channels but distributed among the council fathers, with the title Complotto contro la Chiesa (Rome 1962), written by a certain 'Maurice Pinay' In an extreme and the book reflects what at the time of the Council was printed in some Italian newspapers; that the Council was a clever manoeuvre to push through the reluctant apertura a sinistra (the Italian idea of a break through). One passage is enough to illustrate this:  . . . a veritable fifth column of agents controlled by Freemasons, communism and the secret powers that command them; some of these agents were even to be found among those cardinals, archbishops and bishops who form a kind of progressive wing within the Council and who are trying to get the various reforms adopted . . . and all this ostensibly in order to modernise the Church and to align her with the times, but with the hidden intention of opening doors to communism, to hasten the collapse of the free world and to prepare for the imminent destruction of Christendom'.

Vatican II: Impressions of a Struggle of Minds E. SCHILLEBEECKX Life of the Spirit (1946-1964) Vol. 17, No. 202 (JUNE 1963), pp. 499-505

The Plot against the church is one of the most fascinating works of antisemitism ever. As well as covering contemporary topics such as Communism, it goes into the deep history of the conflict between Christendom and Jewry, elaborated over the centuries as a struggle between the Christian church and vicious Jewish adversaries who foment heresies in order to weaken and confound it. It was reported that "America First" nationalist Gerald L. K. Smith was involved in trying to gain an audience for the book.

Quote...Msgr. George Higgins, a columnist for the National Catholic Welfare Conference's press service reported angrily (St. Louis Review, July 30) that Gerald L. K. Smith had written to all American bishops offering to supply them, free of charge, with a copy of an English translation of a "sickening diatribe against the Jews." This long "pathologically antisemitic book/' by a pseudonymous Maurice Pinay, entitled II Complotto contra la la Chiesa ("The Plot Against the Church"), had been distributed to all of the bishops during the second session of the Council (AJYB, 1965 [Vol. 66], p. 112). Smith's four-page letter, Msgr. Higgins reported, suggested that the American bishops had been taken in by "a fraternity of deceivers too close to the centers of authority in the affairs of the church."

Source:  THE CHURCH AND THE JEWS: THE STRUGGLE AT VATICAN COUNCIL II by Judith Hershcopf, The American Jewish Year Book, Vol. 67 (1966), pp. 45-77. Published by: American Jewish Committee

But who was the author? Maurice Pinay had never been heard from before and was never heard from again. How was he able to produce a work that was clearly the product of profound study, translate it into multiple languages, print thousands of copies of it (all the bishops attending the council got one) and somehow distribute it inside the Vatican during a secret conclave? The book was distributed in Italian but there are reports and indications that it was originally written in Spanish. Various sources claim it was written by a group rather than an individual. Some reports in Italian mention Joaquín Sáenz y Arriaga as one of the authors.

Joaquín Sáenz y Arriaga

One traditional Catholic French website mentions "a Jesuit priest who was the amanuensis and spokesman of Cardinal Ottaviani (1890-1979) and a group of cardinals". Ottaviani was the head of the Holy Office, successor to the inquisition. News reports at the time of the council (almost invariably hostile) depict him as a hard reactionary holding out against the tide of liberal change. The New York Times said this:

QuoteIf anyone was defeated at Vatican Council II, it was Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani. head of the Holy Office, official guardian of Roman Catholic orthodoxy, president of the all-important Theological Commission, fiery spokesman for the council's intrepid conservatives and, in his own words, the Roman Catholic Church's "old policeman". He was outspokenly opposed to almost every change brought about by the council and fought the losing battle against most of them with all the considerable resources at his disposal.

Source: New York Times, "Vatican's Policeman", March 3, 1966

Joaquín Sáenz y Arriaga was indeed a Jesuit and a profound and learned man. In 1971, he wrote a book called "La Nueva Iglesia Montiniana (The New Montinian Church)" (1971). Montini was the real name of Pope Paul VI, the Pope who had presided over the council. The book earned Sáenz y Arriaga almost instant excommunication. Here is an extract:

QuoteLet us examine pictures which have appeared in communications media of Paul VI with the Pectoral of Judaism and the Ephod of the great Levite priest of Judaism ... therein, may be a decisive key. Notice the unorthodox ritual sign above the chest of the Pope and keep in mind the current subversion of the Church, the confessed infiltration of the Jews, Masons, and Communists into the clergy. Though we do not know the total extent of Pope Montini's secret and public relations with the worst enemies of the Church, we can study the steps he has taken to reform the Church, destroy its structure and, little by little, eliminate the Marks of Catholicism, blending the Church into other religions. I exhort you to remember Montini's visits and discussions at the United Nations and the Geneva World Council of Churches; his ecumenical surrender, his humanistic dialog lacking spiritual quality. I believe we have the right ... even the obligation ... to ask this question: Is John B. Montini a true Catholic ... or, is he an infiltrator, a Jewish director for the Mafia? I have been suspicious for some time. Now, I have near-certain evidence that Paul VI is not a legitimate Pope, but an anti-Pope ... a trained Jew, employed by the Mafia to use diabolical but undiscerned methods, employing time, money and the unquestionable ability of those who have always dreamed of dominating the World.

Source: The New Montini Church

Sáenz y Arriaga actually mentions "Maurice Pinay" in this book in a section called The Plot Against the Church.

QuoteAccording to the pontifical teaching of such eminent prelates as Msgr. Delassus and Msgr. Jouin as well as the brave writers Leo Poincins, Peter Virion and Maurice Pinay, a dreadful truth was foretold of A SATANICAL PLOT FOR WORLD DOMINATION by the Counter-church; a plan wherein the agents of Satan already considering themselves victorious - do not hesitate to publish these declarations. Not only do we recall Stanistas Guaita, the economist Roca of St. Yves d'Alveydre, etc. and Sinarquia, but this plot is amply confirmed by the "Judicial Records of Learned Scholars from Sion," discovered at the end of the last century, due to an error (the OCCULT POWER would never have permitted these documents to be published voluntarily, since their very nature was one of ultra-secrecy). It is a shame that these warnings, condemnations and revealing records were not heeded by our ecclesiastics or faithful Catholics.

Msgr. Jouin, Pierre Virion and Léon de Poncins were all French Catholics who worked on a publication called Revue internationale des sociétés secrètes, which trafficked in conspiracy theories about Freemasons, Communists and Jews. These generally have the same tenour as the Maurice Pinay book. It's far from implausible that they were involved in writing it. Set against that is the fact that it was originally written in Spanish and that Léon de Poncins is known to have written (in French) another book/pamphlet while the council was in session and had it distributed to those attending. This was "Le Problème Juif Face au Concile" [The Jewish Problem before the Council - English translation], which documented the infiltration and lobbying of Jews, particularly Jules Isaac, aimed at undermining traditional Christian teaching. If Sáenz y Arriaga was Maurice Pinay, why would he not have revealed himself in this section? Why persist in pretending it was a third party? Recall that, at this time, Sáenz y Arriaga was still a member of the Catholic church. It was only the publication of this very book that earned him excommunication.

In 1973 (after being excommunicated), Sáenz y Arriaga expanded on these thoughts in another book called Sede Vacante: Paulo VI no es legítimo Papa (Vacant Seat: Paul VI is not a legitimate Pope), which argued that the reforms of Vatican II meant that the Catholic Church had effectively ceased to be the Catholic Church; Paul VI was an invalid Pope and his successors would also be invalid. This helped start an entire movement, known as sedevacantism, a kind of Alt Catholic Church, which continues to this day, of die-hard Catholics waiting for the Vatican to un-Jew itself and return to its true nature. Post-Vatican II Establishment Catholicism, Sáenz y Arriaga branded "The Montinian Heresy". Anyone who has read The Plot Against the Church and The New Montinian Church cannot help but be struck by their similarity in style. To me, these appear very much like works of the same author. Supporting the idea of Mexican authorship of the text, this blog (in Spanish) argues that the "The Plot Against the Church" or "Complot contra la Iglesia" was written by the "Mexican far-right", although it does not mention Joaquín Sáenz y Arriaga specifically. The only proof it cites of this claim is the following text which appeared on a 1968 Spanish edition of the work.

Quote"México, D. F. el primero de septiembre del año del Señor de 1968. -LA COMISION DE SACERDOTES CATÓLICOS QUE ORDENÓ ESTA EDICIÓN"

Mexico, Federal District the first of September of the Year of Our Lord 1968 - The Commission of Catholic Priests which ordered this edition.

This hardly seems definitive proof of authorship. The blog goes on to claim that the authors were the "neo-nazi secret society 'Tecos' which controls everything that happens at the Autonomous University of Guadalajara" and the Organización Nacional del Yunque, also known as just El Yunque. The Autonomous University of Guadalajara was a private university founded in protest against the efforts of the Mexican government to control education and supposedly infuse it with Marxist indoctrination. El Yunque is alleged to be a secret far-right paramilitary organisation in Mexico, which is said to have carried out political assassinations operating through various front groups. It has also been active in Spain. Its mission, it is claimed, is to "bring order to the state to establish the City of God in conformity with the Gospel".

The book "Feathers of the Condor: Transnational state terrorism, exiles and civilian anticommunism in Latin America" also claims, without any substantiation, that the Maurice Pinay book was written and published by the "Tecos", a group that emerged in the 1930s from another right-wing counterevolutionary formation called Los Cristeros whose purpose was to defend the Catholic church against anti-clerical, Marxist-inspired legislation.

QuoteCarlos Cuesta Gallardo was one of the most influential Teco members. He spent some time in Berlin studying the Nazi regime and developed close ties with important members of Hitler's entourage in Germany and Europe, including Nazi collaborators such as the Ustashi and Iron Cross. Upon his return to Mexico, Gallardo introduced the Nazi ideal to other Teco members and made "Jews, Jesuits and Communists" their sworn enemies. Until the 1950s, Los Tecos were very close to the Catholic Church. 

...As the Cold War progressed, tensions began to emerge between the most radical elements in the group and the Catholic Church. This situation reached one of its highest points during establishment of the Vatican II Council in 1962. The Tecos rejected this Council and argued that the Catholic Church had been infiltrated by communists and, particularly, the Jews. That year, in order to undermine the Council's attempt to include pressing social issues as part of its religious doctrine, the Tecos published a highly controversial book [The Plot Against the Church] heavily loaded with anti-Semitic material. In it, the organisation blamed Jews and communists for almost everything in history.

...The publishing of this book represented a major shift from the organisation's origins, and led to a number of internal power struggles among its members. Subsequently, the Tecos became more violent.

...Anderson and Anderson maintain that thanks to Gallardo and Julio Meinveille, a Jesuit priest who lived in Buenos Aires and was a fervent admirer of Adolf Hitler, the Tecos "became the spiritual mentors for many of the continent's neo-Nazi movements and, eventually, the coordinators of right-wing death squads throughout Central America" in the 1980s.
Source: "Feathers of the Condor: Transnational state terrorism, exiles and civilian anticommunism in Latin America" by Fernando López

The book "Homage to Chiapa: The New Indigenous Struggles in Mexico" by Bill Weinberg also claims that the Tecos were responsible for the Maurice Pinay book.

QuoteAfter the war, Los Tecos established the Mexican Anti-Communist League (FEMACO), the Mexican chapter of the World Anti-Communist League (WACL), and became a clearinghouse for ant-Semitic literature, such as their Conspiracy Against the Church. They also established control over the Automonous University of Guadalajara, loaning their name to the school fútbol team.

This website, which says it is a Wiki on the topic of the Yunque, claims that Carlos Cuesta Gallardo not only founded Los Tecos but wrote The Plot Against the Church under the pseudonym Maurice Pinay as well as another book called "La Gran Conspiración Judía" [The Great Jewish Conspiracy - I don't think an English translation of it has been done] under the pseudonym Traian Romanescu. The latter focuses mainly on analysing the connections between Jews and Communism. It does strongly resemble The Plot Against the Church in parts, without demonstrating quite the same depth of historical or theological understanding. However, both books could certainly be by the same author.

Carlos Cuesta Gallardo aka Traian Romanescu (aka Maurice Pinay?)

But if Los Tecos wrote and published The Plot Against the Church, how did they get the kind of clout to have it distributed inside the Vatican during the Second Council? Joaquín Sáenz y Arriaga said his first Mass in Guadalajara but I haven't been able to find any information about whether he had enduring ties to it or to the university. Guadalajara did indeed become the one of the principal powerbases for sedevacantism so this is not implausible. The city is also said to be a bastion of Mexican conservatism, including the "far-right". I have to admit, I hadn't previously realised there was a Mexican "far-right". But you live and learn.

Since "The Plot Against the Church" clearly bears the imprint of profound study, including study of theology, it's difficult for me to believe that it could simply be put together by a bunch of right-wing, counter-revolutionary gunmen. That said, Los Tecos were obviously not your average pistoleros. They were clearly highly intellectual and impregnated with a sense of spirituality. The López book claims that the group even split up in 1965 over disagreement the reforms of the Second Vatican Council. A new group, called Yunque, which accepted the reforms, emerged; while die-hard Tecos denounced Pope Paul VI as a Communist and Jew and became more intensively violent. I still incline towards the conclusion that the principal author of "The Plot to Destroy the Church" was Joaquín Sáenz y Arriaga but several published sources say it came from Los Tecos and Carlos Cuesta Gallardo. This raises an intriguing question. Will American "White nationalists" find it emotionally challenging to acknowledge that one of the greatest works of antisemitism was written by a Mexican?

Joaquín Sáenz y Arriaga

I will update this article if I acquire more information about the author or authors of "The Plot Against the Church."

UPDATE: Aha! I found a new published source that confirms my suspicion of a connection between Joaquín Sáenz y Arriaga, Carlos Cuesta Gallardo and Los Tecos. I'll just cite a long extract from it here.


Carlos Cuesta Gallardo, the creator of the modem-day Tecos, spent World War II in Berlin. His exact role or function there is unknown. Some say he was a secretary to Hitler; others say he was a confidant of Alfred Rosenberg, the Nazi ideologue who formulated the German anti-Jewish policy and who was executed at Nuremberg. Whatever his role, Cuesta Gallardo was almost certainly used by the Germans in the hope of establishing a private Mexican army that would be sympathetic to Nazi goals on the United States's southern border. When Germany's plan for global conquest didn't work out, Cuesta Gallardo returned to Mexico but remained an ardent fascist and antiSemite.

Cuesta Gallardo settled in Guadalajara, the financial center of Mexico and its second-largest city; it is as well the historical home of the Cristeros. According to a report by an American League member in 1973, "Today he leads a most secluded life in Guadalajara, never appearing in public. His house is a disguised fortress, well-guarded all the time."

Cuesta Gallardo was not idle in his Guadalajara lair. He envisioned a renaissance of the Tecos, this time committed not only to fighting the anti-clerics in Mexico but also to battling all enemies wherever they existed throughout the world. Those enemies included the United States, Jews, Freemasons, and most of the hierarchy of the Vatican Church, for they were all, according to Cuesta Gallardo, conspirators in the Jewish-Freemason-Communist plot to take over the world.

When Cuesta Gallardo embarked on this mission in the late 1940s, he could count among his allies the "Nazi priests" whom he had met while he was in Germany. These Catholic clerics had collaborated with Germany and its allies during the war; many were not priests but were regular war criminals who, with Church assistance, had donned robes to facilitate their escape. They were now scattered throughout Western Europe and Latin America. The Tecos' present ties to the "religious leaders" of the Croatian Ustasha and the Romanian Iron Guard most certainly date from their leader's tenure in Berlin.

Cuesta recruited a young Mexican intellectual, Raimundo Guerrero, to his cause. Guerrero succeeded in drawing other right-wing students and academics into the Teco cabal and in time assumed its overt leadership. The real power, however, would always remain with the shadowy Cuesta.

From the old Mexican Nazi's standpoint, Guerrero was a good choice as protege. In 1952, Guerrero was dispatched to Buenos Aires to represent Mexico at a conference of the World University Organization. There he made contact with other neo-Nazi student groups from around the world. In addition to forging a lasting relationship with the anti-Israel Arab League, it was in Buenos Aires that Guerrero came into contact with the Jesuit priest Julio Meinveille.

Meinveille was an ultra-right Argentine ideologue who launched vitriolic literary attacks on the world's "plagues": Jews, Freemasons, and liberal elements of the Catholic Church. By 1952, Meinveille was already the spiritual leader of the Tacuaras, an Argentine secret society of neo-Nazis, and he would become the same for the Tecos. His hate books, including such tracts as The Jew, The Cabal of Progressivism, and Among the Church and the Reich, became the Tecos' Bibles. The Mexicans frequently distributed Meinveille's books at World Anti-Communist League conferences and the aging priest was even invited to be the main speaker at the first CAL conference in Mexico City in 1972.

Stefan Possony a professor emeritus at the conservative Hoover Institute at Stanford University and a longtime American League member, investigated the Tecos in the early 1970s. Pointing out Meinveille's importance to the Mexican neo-Nazis he nonetheless portrayed the Argentine in a favorable light:

He is a theologian with knowledge in the social sciences, and he is far more scholarly and also more moderate than the rest. He is knowledgable on many aspects of Communism, about which he wrote with wisdom and insight. He produced the overarching interpretation of history on which the reasoning of the Tecos literature is based. But he has also been the victim of obsessive ideas, especially anti-Semitism, in the pursuit of which he resorted to questionable methods.

Despite Possony's characterization of Meinveille as a scholarly moderate, the interpretation of history that he gave the Tecos was one of violence, hatred and paranoia. To them, practically all established leaders, whether in the religious, economic, or political fields were traitors and tools of international Zionism. Franklin Roosevelt, Harry S. ("Solomon", according to the Tecos) Truman and Nelson Rockefeller, they believe were all Jews. So too, were several leaders of the Spanish Carlists, a movement best known for its ardent Catholicism and unwavering support of Generalissimo Francisco Franco, and so were conservative and Catholic politicians throughout South and Central America. The Tecos saw and continue to see all their enemies as performing assigned roles toward the secret Jewish plan of global domination. And their "enemies" quickly became an even larger bloc upon the inclusion of the Vatican Church under Pope John XXIII.

Although many conservative Catholics were disturbed by what they saw as the liberal bent of the Pope and by the decrees that emerged from Vatican Council II in 1962 none reacted as bitterly or as blasphemously as the Mexican Tecos did in authoring the Complot contra la Iglesia ("Conspiracy Against the Church"). The Complot remains one of the most scathingly anti-Semitic and unabashedly pro-Nazi tracts ever written. Translated into a half-dozen languages, it was supposedly the work of one "Maurice Pinay", a fictitious name. The Italian edition was distributed at Vatican Council II, causing a minor uproar.

We must join forces against Jewish imperialism and liberate our own peoples, all who are being kept captive by Jews, so that after victory over the worst imperialism the world has ever seen ... all countries can form a world organization.

That world organization was clearly not to be the United Nations, for the UN is "controlled by the secret power of Jewry and Freemasonry and used for the purpose of securing the triumph of the imperialist schemes hatched by the Synagogue. The Complot went a step further than other apologists had in lamenting Nazi Germany's failure: "If they had confined themselves to saving their nation and Europe from the deadly threat [Judaism] they could not be blamed, and perhaps their commendable enterprise might have succeeded."

Many journalists and shocked Church leaders attempted to discover the true identity of the author of the Complot; they came to the conclusion that it was a collaborative effort of European neo-Nazis and Latin American fascists. Actual responsibility, however, belonged to the Tecos, specifically Cuesta Gallardo and Garibi Velasco, another Teco leader; they were its major authors. The Tecos' front man for the hate campaign at Vatican Council II was their theologian, Father Saenz y Arriaga, a Jesuit priest. At the close of the council, he issued a press release "signed by twenty-eight conservative Catholic leaders that attacked the council for having "yielded to the pressures or to the money of Judaism." Most of the signatures were forgeries, and Saenz y Arriaga was later excommunicated.

Some of the more moderate Tecos disgusted at the group's actions, broke away to form the Group of Puebla in 1964. The parting was not amicable. To the Tecos, the Pueblas had now proven themselves to be part of the Jewish conspiracy. According to a South American rightist who has followed the Puebla-Teco split, "They've been killing each other ever since. Neither group is composed of saints."




I have The Plot..., but haven't yet read it.

Is it any good? Stilted or flowing?

"If anyone does not wish to have Mary Immaculate for his Mother, he will not have Christ for his Brother." - St. Maximilian Kolbe


I guess it's not too surprising that the opening post article is basically the same story as Adam Weishaupt's plan to infiltrate the Church, or the Alta Vendita's plans to infiltrate the Church, or the book AA-1025 about the French Canadian nurse that found plans to infiltrate the Church in a communist accident victim's belongings, or what Yuri Bezmenov said about the West slowly being subverted into Marxism by the methods of "ideological subversion," a form of warfare the KGB used against America, or how the former communist Bella Dodd testified before the U.S. House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) saying "In the 1930s, we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within. The idea was for these men to be ordained, and then climb the ladder of influence and authority as Monsignors and Bishops."

LifeSiteNews just had an article about this last year.

Catholic abuse crisis is likely no accident, but a strategy to 'destroy Church from within'
Like John Vennari (RIP) said "Why not just do it?  What would it hurt?"
Consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (PETITION)

"We would be mistaken to think that Fatima's prophetic mission is complete." Benedict XVI May 13, 2010

"Tell people that God gives graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Tell them also to pray to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for peace, since God has entrusted it to Her." Saint Jacinta Marto

The real nature of hope is "despair, overcome."

Non Nobis

Quote from: Gardener on July 02, 2019, 08:05:09 PM
I have The Plot..., but haven't yet read it.

Is it any good? Stilted or flowing?

It was on my Mom's bookshelf for years, and very controversial in our family (Mom pro, Dad con). I never read it (maybe I'm not so good at controversy).  My liberal Catholic brother completely despises it; my traditionalist Catholic (definite right-wing) sister-in-law read it all lately and loved it. They keep off of politics and religion when they talk together. 
[Matthew 8:26]  And Jesus saith to them: Why are you fearful, O ye of little faith? Then rising up he commanded the winds, and the sea, and there came a great calm.

[Job  38:1-5]  Then the Lord answered Job out of a whirlwind, and said: [2] Who is this that wrappeth up sentences in unskillful words? [3] Gird up thy loins like a man: I will ask thee, and answer thou me. [4] Where wast thou when I laid up the foundations of the earth? tell me if thou hast understanding. [5] Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it?

Jesus, Mary, I love Thee! Save souls!


Quote from: Gardener on July 02, 2019, 08:05:09 PM
I have The Plot..., but haven't yet read it.

Is it any good? Stilted or flowing?

It's online here too.

The Plot Against the Church
Like John Vennari (RIP) said "Why not just do it?  What would it hurt?"
Consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (PETITION)

"We would be mistaken to think that Fatima's prophetic mission is complete." Benedict XVI May 13, 2010

"Tell people that God gives graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Tell them also to pray to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for peace, since God has entrusted it to Her." Saint Jacinta Marto

The real nature of hope is "despair, overcome."


Quote from: Gardener on July 02, 2019, 08:05:09 PM

Is it any good? Stilted or flowing?

It's a page-turner. Eye-opening. Will change your view of the world.


Here we go again. If the jews managed to corrupt 6000 bishops all at once then the Church is pathetic and good for nothing.

This is my understanding of the crises: Vatican 2 is about reconciling Catholic faith with the new scientific data that had emerged through the 20th century (Like our own poster Sojourn said in another thread).

Philip G.

Quote from: Sempronius on July 02, 2019, 10:06:50 PM
Here we go again. If the jews managed to corrupt 6000 bishops all at once then the Church is pathetic and good for nothing.

This is my understanding of the crises: Vatican 2 is about reconciling Catholic faith with the new scientific data that had emerged through the 20th century (Like our own poster Sojourn said in another thread).

Your understanding is wrong.
For the stone shall cry out of the wall; and the timber that is between the joints of the building, shall answer.  Woe to him that buildeth a town with blood, and prepareth a city by iniquity. - Habacuc 2,11-12

Michael Wilson

I've had that book in my library for over 40 years (actually it was my Dad's book); never read it, will have to correct this eventually. But I have read "El Mysterio de los Judios en la Historia" by Fr. Meinvielle; The Mystery of the Jews in History"; hardly a ''rabid anti-semitic, neo-Nazi" work; Fr. Treats of the mystery of the Jews in the history of salvation, including the conversion of many of them to the faith before the end of the World, but also their ever hardening opposition to the work of Our Lord and His Church in the salvation of souls.
"The World Must Conform to Our Lord and not He to it." Rev. Dennis Fahey CSSP

"My brothers, all of you, if you are condemned to see the triumph of evil, never applaud it. Never say to evil: you are good; to decadence: you are progess; to death: you are life. Sanctify yourselves in the times wherein God has placed you; bewail the evils and the disorders which God tolerates; oppose them with the energy of your works and your efforts, your life uncontaminated by error, free from being led astray, in such a way that having lived here below, united with the Spirit of the Lord, you will be admitted to be made but one with Him forever and ever: But he who is joined to the Lord is one in spirit." Cardinal Pie of Potiers


Quote from: Vetus Ordo on July 02, 2019, 05:30:29 PM
Joaquín Sáenz y Arriaga was indeed a Jesuit and a profound and learned man. In 1971, he wrote a book called "La Nueva Iglesia Montiniana (The New Montinian Church)" (1971). Montini was the real name of Pope Paul VI, the Pope who had presided over the council. The book earned Sáenz y Arriaga almost instant excommunication. Here is an extract:

QuoteLet us examine pictures which have appeared in communications media of Paul VI with the Pectoral of Judaism and the Ephod of the great Levite priest of Judaism ... therein, may be a decisive key. Notice the unorthodox ritual sign above the chest of the Pope and keep in mind the current subversion of the Church, the confessed infiltration of the Jews, Masons, and Communists into the clergy. Though we do not know the total extent of Pope Montini's secret and public relations with the worst enemies of the Church, we can study the steps he has taken to reform the Church, destroy its structure and, little by little, eliminate the Marks of Catholicism, blending the Church into other religions. I exhort you to remember Montini's visits and discussions at the United Nations and the Geneva World Council of Churches; his ecumenical surrender, his humanistic dialog lacking spiritual quality. I believe we have the right ... even the obligation ... to ask this question: Is John B. Montini a true Catholic ... or, is he an infiltrator, a Jewish director for the Mafia? I have been suspicious for some time. Now, I have near-certain evidence that Paul VI is not a legitimate Pope, but an anti-Pope ... a trained Jew, employed by the Mafia to use diabolical but undiscerned methods, employing time, money and the unquestionable ability of those who have always dreamed of dominating the World.

Source: The New Montini Church

Source - THE NEW MONTINIAN CHURCH by Fr. Joaquin Saenz Y Arriaga, PhD

Another photo of him wearing it.

Source - The Day Paul VI Ditched The Tiara

And another,


For comparison.

Source - High Priest of Israel

Source - Priestly breastplate
Like John Vennari (RIP) said "Why not just do it?  What would it hurt?"
Consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (PETITION)

"We would be mistaken to think that Fatima's prophetic mission is complete." Benedict XVI May 13, 2010

"Tell people that God gives graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Tell them also to pray to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for peace, since God has entrusted it to Her." Saint Jacinta Marto

The real nature of hope is "despair, overcome."


The book is fantastic and confirms many secular sources claims in regards to the Jewish infiltration. It's undeniable.


That grayscale photo of Montini is creepy.
"These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you shall have distress: but have confidence, I have overcome the world." John 16:33