Epiphany and The Unordinariness of Liturgical Time

Started by Miriam_M, January 06, 2021, 03:51:26 PM

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Another thoughtful article in Rorate:

It has always bugged the heck out of me, that the N.O. designated the bulk of the liturgical year as "Ordinary," and I don't care what their rational is or was.  And I know how the term can be construed. It is nevertheless off the mark, as this article explains. In designating an "ordinary" season, the diluted mainstream church ironically labeled itself oh so accurately.

The author ends on a hopeful note that unfortunately I do not share with him. I do not see any sign of episcopal enlightenment happening in my lifetime, while I do see much more of a division with the Church -- much more outspoken and acknowledged -- during my lifetime.  The bishops are consistent; even the crisis of 2020 merely solidified the reality of their regressive reaction to just about everything in the world.  If there had been any moment that encouraged them to shed their cowardice, the suppression of the sacraments would have been their shining opportunity.  Instead, they retreated, rationalized, and, proclaiming a false charity, supported the secular state, making themselves complicit in the repudiation of divine law.

While it is within their paygrade to examine the modernistic aspects of the liturgical calendar, it is not within their motivation, in my observation of what's been happening and continues to happen in most U.S. regions.  It's all about their own liability safety -- which is absurd, because any competent lawyer could explain how they would not have been held liable for contagion or outcomes -- and it is also about their own fear. The liturgical calendar is not on the front burner, I can assure the author.