Argentine Elects New President

Started by james03, November 19, 2023, 07:00:09 PM

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If Ed Sheeran and Frodo Baggins had a test tube baby.
If I used a ouija board as a mouse mat would my desktop computer get repossessed?


It's funny watching the same emotional response against Trump as the sheep have with regards to Putin.

Lose the emotion.  Trump was bad in certain areas.  He kissed up to Israel, didn't drain the swamp and even abandoned some of the MAGA crowd in this area.  Coulter and Cernovich, whatever you think of them, reported on this early in his administration.  And he was pretty bad with COVID, especially the Vax.  But compared to Canada and Europe, he was better.

On the plus side he kept his word and let the Federalist Society, run by a Catholic, pick his judges.  Because of that abortion is illegal in my Prot state.  In Kansas, the heart of the SSPX, they chose to keep it legal.  In Ohio, a pretty Catholic state, they now have abortion in their Constitution.  He got rid of NAFTA and made a laughingstock of Justin Castro and Christia Rainbow Sparkles in the process, slapped tariffs on China, cut taxes on the middle class, paid for by raising taxes on the very wealthy, and shutdown the war pigs.

QuoteLet the Catholic Church in their country reform the country? You mean the same "Catholic Church" that gave us "Pope" Franky?

That's my point.  Latin America is mostly a $h!thole because of the "Catholic" Church, specifically the leftard Liberation Theology marxist crap.

"But he that doth not believe, is already judged: because he believeth not in the name of the only begotten Son of God (Jn 3:18)."

"All sorrow leads to the foot of the Cross.  Weep for your sins."

"Although He should kill me, I will trust in Him"


Quote from: james03 on November 20, 2023, 01:38:55 PMIt's funny watching the same emotional response against Trump as the sheep have with regards to Putin.

You're an idiot.

Quote from: james03 on November 20, 2023, 01:38:55 PMTrump was bad in certain areas.

Yeah, if you ignore the PP funding, pro-Israeli bullshit, pro-LGBT bullshit, "Father of the Vaccine" bullshit, he was basically Jesus! And here you are simping for another pro-Israeli. Does your last name end in stein by any chance?

For someone who claims and acts to be so logical and sincere, you really are full of crap, aren't you James?

If I didn't know any better, I'd bet you're controlled oppo too. Sorry you got a lame-ass message board as your target vs. something worthwhile. Keep at 'er tho!
Lord Jesus Christ, Son Of God, Have Mercy On Me A Sinner


Go and examine your conscience if you are being uncharitable or not.
"But he that doth not believe, is already judged: because he believeth not in the name of the only begotten Son of God (Jn 3:18)."

"All sorrow leads to the foot of the Cross.  Weep for your sins."

"Although He should kill me, I will trust in Him"


Ah, now we're going to pretend to play priest?

Lord Jesus Christ, Son Of God, Have Mercy On Me A Sinner


As regards Milei, I was not aware he is such a kiss up to the jews, and might even be one (I'd like to see a cite on it, not denying it).  So it is reasonable to suspect another Zelensky, who got elected promising to implement the Minsk Agreements, but was really only an actor working for Kolomoisky, looting the country.  That's reasonable to suspect.  And if that turns out to be the case, I'm not too proud to admit I was wrong.

If he does follow through with slashing the government and dollarization, it will be a big improvement for Argentina.  I worked with another company on trying to do business down there.  We concluded it was too much a $h!thole country to do business, and any money you put into it would be looted. 

As far as abortion, if he does hold the referendum, he kept his word.  And if Argentines vote to keep abortion legal, then it will be the fault of the "Catholic" Church.
"But he that doth not believe, is already judged: because he believeth not in the name of the only begotten Son of God (Jn 3:18)."

"All sorrow leads to the foot of the Cross.  Weep for your sins."

"Although He should kill me, I will trust in Him"


Quote from: ChairmanJoeAintMyPrez on November 20, 2023, 09:25:05 AMIs anybody's Spanish good enough to give us a more literal translation of this?  Mine isn't good enough to keep up, but it was just good enough to identify that the captioner took some minor liberties (i.e. a "dynamic equivalence" translation...)

The translation is good, but Milei uses metric system and speak Argentinian Spanish. The translator ignores those thing for make it more understandable to the American reader, I guess.

A more literal translation, with my comments in bold:

-You can't give shit left handed an millimeter.  Milei says "zurdo" the literal translation is "left handed" but means left in a political sense. And says milimeter, he use metrical system

-Can you define "shit left handed"?

-All of that, we say, collectivists.

Why you put them "shit" she means "call" but literally say "put". Argentinian Spanish

-Because they are shit.

-They both are screaming for 2-3 seconds and I don't understand what they are saying. Milei is the next.

-But if you think different from they, they are going to annihilate you. That's the point. So you can't give left handed an millimeter. Because you give him a millimeter and he takes it to destroy you. So you can't negotiate with the left handed. You don't negotiate, you don't negotiate with that shit, because they are going to steal your position. I don't know what "steal your position" means exactly, I'm spaniard, not argentinian. I understand many argentinian words and expressions but not all. I guess the translation if right here

Milei still speaking, I just write a new paragraph.

-And since we are being so much better than them. Since we are crushing them in the cultural battle. Because we not only are winning them in the productive thing, we are morally superior, we are aesthetically superior, we are better at everything. And it hurt them. And since they can't fight with the legitimal tools, they hold on the repressive  apparatus of the State, putting money towers to make us shit. And they still can't. They had to lower the grade. They are desperate, shit left handeds are losing the cultural battle for the first time, shit left handeds are cornered for the first time.


About Milei, he is absolutly pro-Israel:


QuoteMilei, a 52-year-old economist who was raised Catholic and who leads the two-year-old La Libertad Avanza (Freedom Advances) party, studies Jewish topics regularly with Rabbi Shimon Axel Wahnish, who heads ACILBA, an Argentine-Moroccan Jewish community based in Buenos Aires.

That sucks.
"But he that doth not believe, is already judged: because he believeth not in the name of the only begotten Son of God (Jn 3:18)."

"All sorrow leads to the foot of the Cross.  Weep for your sins."

"Although He should kill me, I will trust in Him"


Might want to re-title this post before you need to examine your conscience mate.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son Of God, Have Mercy On Me A Sinner

red solo cup

Wants to legalize prostitution and drugs.
Death created time to grow the things it will kill - Rust Cohle


Lord Jesus Christ, Son Of God, Have Mercy On Me A Sinner


"But he that doth not believe, is already judged: because he believeth not in the name of the only begotten Son of God (Jn 3:18)."

"All sorrow leads to the foot of the Cross.  Weep for your sins."

"Although He should kill me, I will trust in Him"


James' idea of Catholic presidency:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son Of God, Have Mercy On Me A Sinner


Remember back in the day when your average layman would rather be thrown into the Coliseum with lions than give a pinch of incense in honor of the [demons] Roman gods?

Now we have a pussy grabbing, LGBT-loving, Israel-loving, Vaccine promoting, New York billionaire being touted as our saving grace just because he extended an olive branch with RvW to keep you all lapping it up like the pathetic, American losers that you are?

American Catholics are a disgrace.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son Of God, Have Mercy On Me A Sinner