Alphabet geometry

Started by Daniel, May 04, 2017, 08:35:10 PM

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What shall we call you, O full of grace? * Heaven? for you have shone forth the Sun of Righteousness. * Paradise? for you have brought forth the Flower of immortality. * Virgin? for you have remained incorrupt. * Pure Mother? for you have held in your holy embrace your Son, the God of all. * Entreat Him to save our souls.


They shall not be confounded in the evil time; and in the days of famine they shall be filled
Psalms 36:19


Googolplexagon j/k j/k


What shall we call you, O full of grace? * Heaven? for you have shone forth the Sun of Righteousness. * Paradise? for you have brought forth the Flower of immortality. * Virgin? for you have remained incorrupt. * Pure Mother? for you have held in your holy embrace your Son, the God of all. * Entreat Him to save our souls.



Johannes Kepler


What shall we call you, O full of grace? * Heaven? for you have shone forth the Sun of Righteousness. * Paradise? for you have brought forth the Flower of immortality. * Virgin? for you have remained incorrupt. * Pure Mother? for you have held in your holy embrace your Son, the God of all. * Entreat Him to save our souls.



What shall we call you, O full of grace? * Heaven? for you have shone forth the Sun of Righteousness. * Paradise? for you have brought forth the Flower of immortality. * Virgin? for you have remained incorrupt. * Pure Mother? for you have held in your holy embrace your Son, the God of all. * Entreat Him to save our souls.




Opposite over adjacent = tangent (from the Latin tangens, "touching". Because a curve is touched most perfectly only by its tangent line).

Arrrgh, MundaCorMeum beat me to it.

Pyramid, from the Greek pyros, "fire". For of the five elements comprising this world, fire is the one which deals the most pain. And of the five Platonic solids, the tetrahedron, likewise, with its sharp and pointy corners, is the one which hurts the most when you step on it... in bare feet.


What shall we call you, O full of grace? * Heaven? for you have shone forth the Sun of Righteousness. * Paradise? for you have brought forth the Flower of immortality. * Virgin? for you have remained incorrupt. * Pure Mother? for you have held in your holy embrace your Son, the God of all. * Entreat Him to save our souls.


Root-2, a.k.a. the Pythagoras constant, i.e. the length of the hypotenuse of the most-perfect isosceles right triangle, whose irrationality is said to have been discovered by one most unfortunate Pythagorean named Hippasus of Metapontum. For this discovery Pythagoras himself perhaps commanded that he should put to death, and so they were left with little choice but to take him out on one of their ships. And he was never heard from again.


They shall not be confounded in the evil time; and in the days of famine they shall be filled
Psalms 36:19