Explaining John's Revelation.

Started by Aleon, August 25, 2015, 08:20:59 AM

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Hello, this is my explanation of John's Revelation. It's a bit of a read and you'll need a bible to fully understand it.

The Holy Spirit and the Revelation of John.
S.F. van der Meulen

I will explain to you John's Revelation. The seven Spirits of the churches are explained below and I will explain to you what Spirit means first. A Spirit is a human feeling. Humans have feelings that make a human like or dislike things. Human feeling comes from human instinct. An instinct has a pleasant feeling and an unpleasant feeling to it. Human memories attach themselves to an instinct because they are memorized with a feeling of an instinct and this is how human instinct or feelings guide humans in a variable environment. Instincts are there to guide humans to prosperity. This is how God meant for humans to live. However humans can choose between a group of dishonest instincts and a group of honest instincts. God wants us to choose the honest ones and be part of the light that is God. In my theory of human and instinct I explain all these instincts in detail but in this document I will keep things short and to the point.

Here the ten dishonest instincts that guide humans to prosperity in a selfish and dishonest method. I won't give much detail but simply write down for you these instincts by their pleasant and unpleasant feelings or Spirits.

The first instinct is its corner stone and all the respect in the darkness instincts flow from here.

1 The selfishness instinct which is its pleasant feeling and cooperation which is its unpleasant feeling.

2 The hierarchy instinct and dominance is its pleasant feeling and submissiveness is its unpleasant feeling.

3 The respect instinct in the darkness and respecting wrong behavior is its pleasant feeling and shame is its unpleasant feeling.

4 The greed for mates instinct where having many mates is its pleasant feeling and loneliness is its unpleasant feeling.

5 The not-sharing instinct where feeling possessiveness is its pleasant feeling and generosity is its unpleasant feeling.

6 The profit instinct which is its pleasant feeling and jealousy is its unpleasant feeling.

7 The idolizing instinct which is its pleasant feeling and hate is its unpleasant feeling.

8 The threats instinct where threatening another is its pleasant feeling and being threatened or alarmed is its unpleasant feeling.

9 The fight instinct where fighting is its pleasant feeling and fear is its unpleasant feeling.

10 The destruction instinct where harassing or destroying another or others is its pleasant feeling and harmony or peace is its unpleasant feeling.

Here the seven honest instincts that guide humans to prosperity in non-selfish and honest method.

The first instinct is its corner stone and all respect in the light instincts flow from here.

1 The equality instinct which is an ability to feel equal shares in all things and thoughts which makes it fairness and this is its pleasant feeling and guilt is its unpleasant feeling.

2 The cooperation instinct which is a feeling of group participation and this is its pleasant feeling and selfishness is its unpleasant feeling.

3 The sharing instinct as a generous and pleasant feeling of sharing kindness or things and greed is its unpleasant feeling.

4 The respect instinct in the light which is a feeling of honor in honest ways and this is its pleasant feeling and shame is its unpleasant feeling.

5 The trust instinct which is its pleasant feeling and distrust its unpleasant feeling.

6 The love instinct which is to care for another and this is its pleasant feeling and loneliness is its unpleasant feeling.

7 The harmony instinct which is to feel group prosperity and peace and this is its pleasant feeling and destruction is its unpleasant feeling.

Humans are guided by these two groups of instincts be it based on selfishness or equality. All instincts have a pleasant and unpleasant feeling or Spirits and one should really read the theory on human and instinct to learn what the Christian Bible means.

Now come the explanations for the seven churches and as God wants humans to be honest the Spirits of the seven churches are the seven honest instincts written above which is the respect in the light in the theory of human and instinct.

1. Revelation 2:1 - This is what is felt with the church of Ephesus:

The instinct or Spirit of "Cooperation" because they both work for the same reasons as the Angel of the church works in his name's sake and they both have hate for the Nicolaitans.

2. Revelation 2:8 - This is what is felt with the church of Smyrna:

The instinct or Spirit of "Sharing" because he is poor but rich by being faithful unto death and thus he will be shared the crown of life.

3. Revelation 2:12 - This is what is felt with the church of Pergamum:

The instinct or Spirit of "Harmony" because he tells the Angel to repent so harmony remains between them.

4. Revelation 2:18 - This is what is felt with the church of Thyatira:

The instinct or Spirit of "Love" because the Angel of the church is in love with Jezebel and he carries for her while she does wrong.

5. Revelation 3:1 - This is what is felt with the church of Sardis:

The instinct or Spirit of "Respect" because the Angel has a reputation and he has respectful friends or names that will walk in white because they are worthy.

6. Revelation 3:7 - This is what is felt with the church of Philadelphia:

The instinct or Spirit of "Trust" because the Angel of the church displays repeated good behavior while having little power and this builds trust. Also the Angel has kept the word and not denied his name.

7. Revelation 3:14 - This is what is felt with the church of Loadicea:

The instinct or Spirit of "Equality" because the Angel is neither cold nor hot. And he will eat with the one that opens the door as equals.

These are the seven Spirits of the churches. I will explain as much as I can below about the rest of John's Revelation.

The ten dishonest instincts or Spirits are the ten horns of the first beast, the respect in the darkness. The word "sin" is short for "self-ish-ness" which is the corner stone of all respect in the darkness instincts.

Remarkable as this is but not with surprise the first beast (Revelation 13:1) is what can only be described as Megatron from the movie Transformers: Dark of the Moon. In this movie Megatron which is an evil robot leader has a mortal wound to its head. That a CGI animation movie was chosen by God Almighty to explain things is not without surprise because it leads to the second beast.

The second beast (Revelation 13:11) is the mathematician. Because mathematics allows for images as CGI animations that give breath thus life to the beast in movies like Megatron and other evil robots depicted in the second beast chapter that are also in the the movie Transformers: Dark of the Moon. A second beast coming out of the Earth is Shockwave from the movie Transformers: Dark of the moon. With its two horns and its machine that eats through earth so it can travel underneath the ground. And it speaks like a dragon and it exercises authority on behalf of Megatron. However Shockwave is "a" second beast and not "the" second beast. Reading through the lines of the revelation it says two things. It says Megatron is the first beast and (Revelation 13:15) "The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast" thus give life. A mathematician gives breath thus life to the first beast using computer animations for the movie.

All on Earth that buy or sell have to use mathematicians like bankers and or use electronics to pay money which is technology created by mathematicians. The number of the beast is of man, and his number is 666. Man is "one" and this makes the number of the beast 1666. The year 1666 Isaac Newton thought of the apple that fell from the tree and he began his mathematical calculations on a gravity model. Mathematics I can promise you have nothing to do with the Universe. But everyone follows mathematical rule when it comes to cosmology in today's world. The theory of the Universe I wrote doesn't use mathematics at all but it uses infinites and shapes for logic instead. Also mathematicians seem to calculate the work load of every job humans have to do in today's world. Thus they are exercising authority in the name of company bosses.

I have been writing my theories for the past few years beginning April 8th 2013 and eventually it came to my realization that the theory of human and instinct is exactly what the Christian Bible explains. In a heartbeat I became a believer of the Christian Bible which I hadn't understood before. The Christian Bible is about the respect in the light and you may believe me when I write that the words Holy Spirit can be translated to Respectful feeling. I believe Holy can be interpreted as respect and respectful. Because God is Holy and thus God is respectful. And Spirit is feeling thus Holy Spirit is respectful feeling. Also God is the light and I believe God means the seven instincts of the respect in the light. I believe when it is said "The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" in the Christian Bible this means "The Father and the Son and the respect in the light."

A human memory is actually a very complex feeling that is stored. The data in a memory works as a feeling as that's how you find your memories when searching for thoughts, by feeling them in very accurate ways. Thus comparing what you see with the eyes to a memory is comparing a complex feeling from the eyes to a complex feeling in long term memory. So you remember something you have seen once before by feeling. And because feeling is Spirit this makes it that human memory is the human Spirit and if one will be in the hands of God in Spirit that means God has all your memories. So if you happen to die, God will have your memories and thus will give life to your Spirit.

I want to point out that the bishop of Rome is in error with Christianity. He runs a hierarchical church like a king but then as hierarchy over religion thus like a God while he lives in his temple in Rome above and immune of laws. Christianity is everything but hierarchical in nature because the Lord God is human and as equals with other humans in the respect in the light. The Lord God is above all but this doesn't mean hierarchical above human but in above the universe thus the Lord God is almighty. Where the Lord God resides respect, trust and love earns leadership. The Lord God has the highest respect of all and thus the Lord God has authority of heaven and all things. Rule by respect is very different than hierarchical rule as rule by respect is earned and personal. Hierarchical rule is a selfish impersonal system with a dominant ruler who is not as equals with its followers in ranking and or status.

As I believe the Lord God is the respect in the light that is equality, cooperation, sharing, respect, trust, love and harmony and none of the respect in the darkness that is selfishness, hierarchy, darkness respect, greed for mates, non-sharing, profit, idolizing, threats, fight and destruction.

All man in the respect in the light are as equals with God however in 1 Timothy 2:12 woman is not allowed to teach or have lordship (authority) over her husband nor man. Man and woman are mentally equals by their mind however physically man and woman are different. Man was not seduced by Satan to break God's rule. Satan seduced woman to break God's rule by her eating the apple of knowledge. Woman followed Satan in the respect in the darkness and not God in the respect in the light. Woman cannot be trusted with Satan and I believe this is why woman is not allowed to teach or have lordship over her husband nor man. Authority is given by earning respect, being trustworthy and love. In Genesis 3:17 man is told to work the land much for having listen to woman and thus also breaking God's rule. This does not mean woman cannot be in the respect in the light. Submissiveness is an unpleasant feeling of the respect in the darkness but not sin which means selfishness. Woman receives from husband in the respect in the light a respectful life with equality in all things but cooperative lordship thus woman has sharing, respect, trust, love and harmony.

God is the example of the way that he gives us in all his deeds. I believe when God answers your prayer he treats you as an equal. Why else would God help? I believe when God answers your prayer God is cooperating with you. God is sharing his kindness and generosity. God is showing you his respect, trust, love and harmony. Would God not be as equals with you God wouldn't have to answer you're prayer. Though in God's infinite wisdom he may not answer all prayers but when God does I believe at some point you have to return this respectfully so one can live without selfishness in respect with God. I believe God shares in all good instincts of the respect in the light and this is how God wants us to live with each other. I believe in God's heaven everyone is part of God's mission so all humans are dedicated to equality, cooperation, sharing, respecting, trusting, loving and harmony. I believe in heaven everyone pays each other with good deeds instead of trading valuables and the Lord God himself may mediate in this, the mission. This is the respect in the light I believe God means and wants for everyone and his mission is perfect.

I hope my work will be seen by you and that you will join the respect in the light. You can find the "Theory of human and instinct" here: http://www.aleon.info you will see the light for what it is.

S.F. van der Meulen August 24 2015 10:31 CET.

Thanks for reading.


Quote from: Aleon on August 25, 2015, 08:20:59 AM
Remarkable as this is but not with surprise the first beast (Revelation 13:1) is what can only be described as Megatron from the movie Transformers: Dark of the Moon. In this movie Megatron which is an evil robot leader has a mortal wound to its head. That a CGI animation movie was chosen by God Almighty to explain things is not without surprise because it leads to the second beast.

Wie dein Sonntag, so dein Sterbetag.

I am not altogether on anybody's side, because nobody is altogether on my side.  ~Treebeard, LOTR

Jesus son of David, have mercy on me.



Quote from: St.Justin on September 25, 2015, 07:57:25 PM
Never lose Hope... Take a deep breath and have a beer.

Mother Aubert Pray For Us!

vsay ego sudba V rukah Gospodnih