Need Catholic ladies/mom Opinions

Started by Kempis, July 24, 2020, 06:19:21 PM

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Hello all. I wasn't sure if I should put this in Family Life or not, because everything seems like it relates to family life! haha

Anyway...I have a small Catholic business and am interested in getting some feedback from Catholic ladies / mothers.

I am offering a FREE art print of the prayer to the Sacred Heart for any Catholic moms who are willing to answer 5 quick survey questions. 

Here is the link if you are interested in helping me gather some opinions. Thanks in advance.



I answered and was happy to. I didn't give my email for the 'free art' as I didn't want to sign up to constant emails.  Can you give a web address for what your offering ? which is a good idea btw.


Yes. Thank you for your input. It really helps my design process.

Currently the bundles are a combination of our top selling items and things that have been most popular on my Amazon store and in my main store ( )

The link to the bundles you are inquiring about is here:

If you have any questions, you can email me at


Thanks to everyone who replied to the short survey. I appreciate the input. God bless you!



I went to your site and it is very simple which is a massive bonus.  Would you have a sample size or explanation of what a month subscription (obviously without giving away a complete month) looks like.  Reasonably priced too.


Hi there. I apologize for the delay in replying. I didn't get a notification. (?)

Anyway, yes, thank you for the compliment. I have had a lot of great responses from mothers (and fathers too). It is helpful to have something simple and organized.

And to answer your question YES...we have a mini-bundle that is 4 pages with a small sampling of what you would receive. But it is barely scratching the surface. Each month has much more. But, feel free to take a look:

If you have any questions, email me at