Started by OmniaInstaurareInChristo, May 01, 2013, 08:27:53 PM

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The reading appointed from the Rule of St. Benedict for May 25:

Of Silence

Let us do as saith the prophet: "I said,  I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue, I have placed a watch over my mouth; I became dumb and was silent, and held my peace even from good things." Here the prophet sheweth that if we ought at times to refrain even from good words for the sake of silence, how much more ought we to abstain from evil words, on account of the punishment due to sin.

Therefore, on account of the importance of silence, let leave to speak be seldom granted even to perfect disciples,* although their conversation be good and holy and tending to edification; because it is written: "In much speaking thou shalt not avoid sin"; and elsewhere: "Death and life are in the power of the tongue." For it becometh the master to speak and to teach, but it beseemeth the disciple to be silent and to listen. And therefore, if anything has to be asked of the Superior, let it be done with all humility and subjection of reverence. But as for buffoonery or idle words, such as move to laughter, we utterly condemn them in every place, nor do we allow the disciple to open his mouth in such discourse.

Martyrology-May 26th
Roman Martyrology-May 26th- on this date in various years-

At Rome, St. Philip Neri, priest and confessor, founder of the Congregation of the Oratory, celebrated for his virginal purity, the gift of prophecy, and miracles.

Also at Rome, St. Eleutherius, pope and martyr, who converted to the Christian faith many noble Romans. He sent Saints Damian and Fugatius to England, and they baptized King Lucius, his wife, and almost all his people.

At Canterbury in England, St. Augustine, bishop, who was sent there with others by blessed Pope Gregory, and who preached the Gospel of Christ to the English nation. Celebrated for virtues and miracles, he went peacefully to his rest in the Lord. The 28th of May is observed as his feast.

At Athens, during the persecution of Hadrian, the birthday of blessed Quadratus, a disciple of the apostles, who collected by his zealous work the faithful who had dispersed through terror, and presented to the emperor a book which was an excellent apology of the Christian religion, worthy of an apostle.

At Rome, the holy martyrs Simitrius, priest, and twenty-two others who suffered under Antoninus Pius.

At Vienne, St. Zacharas, bishop and martyr, who suffered under Trajan.

In Africa, St. Quadratus, martyr, on whose feast day St. Augustine preached a sermon.

At Todi in Umbria, the birthday of the holy martyrs Felicissimus, Heraclius, and Paulinus.

In the territory of Auxerre, the passion of St. Priscus, martyr, along with a great multitude of other Christians.

In the city of Quito in Ecuador, St. Maria Ana de  Jesù de Paredes, a third order Franciscan, well known for her austerity and charity towards her neighbour. Pope Pius XII numbered her in the book of Virgins.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.


Reminder that for May 26, 2024: The Feast of the most holy and undivided Trinity, and the Octave of Pentecost.


The reading appointed from the Rule of St. Benedict for May 26:

Of Humility

The Holy Scripture crieth out to us, brethren, saying: "Every one that exalteth himself shall be humbled, and he who humbleth himself shall be exalted." In saying this, it teacheth us that all exaltation is a kind of pride, against which the prophet sheweth himself to be on his guard when he saith: "Lord, my heart is not exalted nor mine eyes lifted up; nor have I walked in great things, nor in wonders above me." For why? "If I did not think humbly, but exalted my soul: like a child that is weaned from his mother, so wilt Thou requite my soul." Whence, brethren, if we wish to arrive at the highest point of humility, and speedily to reach that heavenly exaltation to which we can only ascend by the humility of this present life, we must by our ever-ascending actions erect such a ladder * as that which Jacob beheld in his dream, by which the angels appeared to him descending and ascending. This descent and ascent signifieth nothing else than that we descend by self-exaltation and ascend by humility. And the ladder thus erected is our life in the world, which, if the heart be humbled, is lifted up by the Lord to heaven. The sides of the same ladder we understand to be our body and soul, in which our divine vocation hath placed various degrees of humility or discipline, which we must ascend.

Martyrology-May 27th
Roman Martyrology-May 27th- on this date in various years-

St. Venerable Bede, priest, confessor, and doctor of the Church, who went to heaven on the 25th of May.

St. John I, pope and martyr. His birthday is observed on the 18th of May, but his feast is celebrated today because of the translation of his revered body.

At Silistria in Bulgaria, during the reign of Emperor Alexander, the martyrdom of blessed Julius, a veteran soldier in retirement, who was arrested by the officials and presented to the governor Maximus. Having denounced the idols in his presence, and confessed the name of Christ with utmost constancy, he was condemned to capital punishment.

In the district of Arras, St. Ralph, martyr.

At Sora, in the time of Emperor Aurelian and the proconsul Agathius, St. Restituta, virgin and martyr, who overcame in a trial for the faith the violence of the demons, the affections of her family, and the cruelty of the executioners. Being finally beheaded with other Christians, she obtained the honour of martyrdom.

At Orange in France, St. Eutropius, a bishop illustrious for virtues and miracles.

At Wurzburg in Germany, St. Bruno, bishop and confessor.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.


The reading appointed from the Rule of St. Benedict for May 27:

Of Humility (cont.)

The first degree of humility, then, is that a man, always keeping the fear of God before his eyes, avoid all forgetfulness; and that he be ever mindful of all that God hath commanded, bethinking himself that those who despise God will be consumed in hell for their sins, and that life everlasting is prepared for them that fear Him. And keeping himself at all times from sin and vice, whether of the thoughts, the tongue, the hands, the feet, or his own will, let him thus hasten to cut off the desires of the flesh.

Martyrology-May 28th
Roman Martyrology-May 28th- on this date in various years-

St. Augustine, bishop of Canterbury and confessor, whose birthday is mentioned on the 26th of May.

In Sardinia, the holy martyrs Aemilius, Priamus, and Lucian, who gained their crowns after being in the combat for Christ.

At Chartres in France, under Emperor Domitian, St. Caraunus, martyr, who was beheaded, and thus acquired the glory of martyrdom.

Also the martyrdom of the Saints Crescens, Dioscorides, Paul, and Helladius.

At Thecua in Palestine, the saintly monks who became martyrs by being killed by the Saracens, in the time of Theodosius the Younger. Their venerable remains were gathered by the inhabitants and preserved with greatest reverence.

At Corinth, St. Helconides, martyr, who was first subjected to torments in the reign of Emperor Gordian, under the governor Perennius, and then again tortured under his successor Justin, but was delivered by an angel. Her breasts were cut away, she was exposed to wild beasts and to fire, and finally her martyrdom was fulfilled by beheading.

At Paris, St. Germanus, bishop and confessor, whose fame for holiness, merit, and miracles has been handed down to us by the writings of Bishop Fortunatus.

At Milan, St. Senator, bishop, who was very well known for his virtues and his learning.

At Urgel in Spain, Bishop St. Justus.

At Florence, St. Podius, bishop and confessor.

At Novara, St. Bernard of Mentone, confessor. On Mount Jou in the Alps of Valais in Switzerland, he founded the famous monastery and hospice. Pope Pius XI appointed him the heavenly patron not only of those who live in or travel across the Alps, but of all mountain climbers.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.


The reading appointed from the Rule of St. Benedict for May 28:

Of Humility (cont.)

Let him consider that he is always beheld from heaven by God, and that his actions are everywhere seen by the eye of the Divine Majesty, and are every hour reported to Him by His angels. This the prophet telleth us, when he sheweth how God is ever present in our thoughts, saying: "God searcheth the heart and the reins." And again "The Lord knoweth the thoughts of men." And he also saith: "Thou hast understood my thoughts afar off"; and "The thought of man shall confess to Thee." In order, therefore, that he may be on his guard against evil thoughts, let the humble brother say ever in his heart: "Then shall I be unspotted before Him, if I shall have kept me from mine iniquity."

Martyrology-May 29th
Roman Martyrology-May 29th- on this date in various years-

St. Mary Magdalene of Pazzi of the Order of Carmelites, and virgin. Her birthday was mentioned on the 25th of May.

At Rome, on the Via Aurelia, the birthday of St. Restitutus, martyr.

At Iconium in Lycaonia, in the time of Emperor Aurelian, the martyrdom of the Saints Conon and his son, a child twelve years of age, who were laid on a grate over burning coals sprinkled with oil, placed on the rack, and exposed to the fire. Finally their hands were crushed with a mallet, and they breathed their last.

In the district of Trent, in the time of Emperor Honorius, the birthday of the holy martyrs Sisinius, Martyrius, and Alexander, who were persecuted by the heathens of Anaunia, and obtained the crown of martyrdom, all of which is told by Paulinus in the Life of Ambrose.

At Camerino, the passion of fifteen hundred and twenty-five holy martyrs.

At Caesarea Philippi, the holy martyrs Theodosia, mother of the martyr St. Procopius, and twleve other noble women, whose lives were ended by their being beheaded in the persecution of Diocletian.

At Treves, blessed Maximinus, bishop and confessor, who received with honour the patriarch St. Athanasius when he was banished by the Arian persecutors.

At Verona, St. Maximus, bishop.

At Arcano in Lazio, St. Eleutherius, confessor.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.


The reading appointed from the Rule of St. Benedict for May 29:

Of Humility (cont.)

We are, indeed, forbidden to do our own will by Scripture, which saith to us: turn away from thine own will. And so too we beg of God in prayer that His will may be done in us. Rightly therefore are we taught not to do our own will, if we take heed to the warning of Scripture: "There are ways which to men seem right, but the ends thereof lead to the depths of hell"; or, again, when we tremble at what is said of the careless: "They are corrupt and have become abominable in their pleasures." And in regard to the desires of the flesh, we must believe that God is always present to us, as the prophet saith to the Lord: "O Lord, all my desire is before Thee."

Martyrology-May 30th
Roman Martyrology-May 30th- on this date in various years-

For 2024 The Feast of the most Sacred Body of Christ.
Pope St. Felix I, martyr, whose birthday is commemorated on the 30th of December.

At Torres in Sardinia, the holy martyrs Gabinus and Crispulus.

At Antioch, Saints Sycus and Palatinus, who endured many torments for the name of Christ.

At Ravenna, St. Exuperantius, bishop and confessor.

At Pavia, St. Anastasius, bishop.

At Caesarea in Cappadocia, the Saints Basil and his wife Emmelia, parents of St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory of Nyssa, St. Peter of Sebastopol, bishops, and St. Macrina, virgin. They lived in exile in the deserts of Pontus during the reign of Galerius Maximian, and after the persecution they died in peace, leaving their children as heirs of their virtues.

At Seville in Spain, St. Ferdinand III, king of Castile and Leon. He was surnamed the Saint on account of his eminent virtues; he was celebrated for his zeal in spreading the faith. After conquering the Moors he left his kingdom on earth to pass happily to that of heaven.

At Rouen, St. Joan of Arc, virgin, called the Maid of Orleans. After fighting heroically for her fatherland, she was at the end delivered into the hands of the enemies, condemned by an unjust judge, and burned at the stake. The supreme Pontiff Benedict XV placed her name on the canon of the saints.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.


The reading appointed from the Rule of St. Benedict for May 30:

Of Humility (cont.)

Let us be on our guard, then, against evil desires, since death hath its seat close to the entrance of delight; wherefore the Scripture commandeth us, saying: ""Go not after thy concupiscences." Since, therefore, "The eyes of the Lord behold the good and the evil," and "The Lord is ever looking down from heaven upon the children of men, to see who hath understanding or is seeking God, and since the works of our hands are reported to Him day and night by the angels appointed to watch over us; we must be always on the watch, brethren, lest, as the prophet saith in the psalm, God should see us at any time declining to evil and become unprofitable; and lest, though He spare us now, because He is merciful and expecteth our conversion, He should say to us hereafter: "These things thou didst and I held my peace."

Martyrology-May 31st
Roman Martyrology-May 31st- on this date in various years-

St. Angela Merici, virgin of the Third Order of St. Francis. She was the foundress of the Nuns of St. Ursula, and was called by her heavenly Spouse on the 27th of January in order to receive an incorruptible crown.

At Rome, St. Petronilla, virgin, disciple of the blessed apostle Peter. She refused to marry Flaccus, a nobleman, and was granted three days for deliberation. She spent these days in fasting and in prayer, and on the third day, after having received the Sacrament of the Body of Christ, she yielded up her soul.

At Aquileia, the holy martyrs Cantius, Cantian, and Cantianilla, members of one family, which belonged to the illustrious line of the Anicii. For their attachment to the Christian faith, they were condemned to capital punishment with their tutor, Protus, in the time of Emperors Diocletian and Maximian.

At Torres in Sardinia, St. Crescentian, martyr.

At Comana in Pontus during the reign of Emperor Antoninus, St. Hermias, a soldier. Being miraculously delivered from many horrible torments, he converted his executioner to Christ, and made him partaker of the crown which he was first to receive by being beheaded.

At Verona, St. Lupicinus, bishop.

At Rome, St. Paschasius, deacon and confessor, who is mentioned by blessed Pope Gregory.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.


The reading appointed from the Rule of St. Benedict for May 31:

Of Humility (cont.)

The second degree of humility is, that a man love not his own will, nor delight in fulfilling his own desires; but carry out in his deeds that saying of the Lord: "I came not to do mine own will, but the will of Him Who sent me." And again Scripture saith: "Self-will hath punishment, but necessity wins the crown." *

Martyrology-June 1st
Roman Martyrology-June 1st- on this date in various years-

At Rome, St. Juventius, martyr.

At Autun, the Saints Reverian, bishop, and Paul, a priest, along with ten others, who were crowned with martyrdom under Emperor Aurelian.

At Caesarea in Palestine, blessed Pamphilus, priest and martyr, a man of remarkable sanctity and learning, and great charity to the poor. In the persecution of Galerius Maximian, he was tortured for the faith of Christ, under Governor Urbanus, and thrown into prison. Later he was again subjected to torments under Firmilian, and he completed his martyrdom with others. At the same time, there suffered Valens, a deacon, and Paul, and nine others, whose commemoration occurs on other days.

In Cappadocia, in the time of Emperor Alexander and the prefect Simplicius, the holy martyr Thespesius, who, after undergoing many torments, was beheaded.

In Egypt, under Emperor Diocletian, the holy martyrs Ischyrion, a military officer, and five other soldiers, who were put to death in various ways for the faith of Christ.

Also, St. Firmus, martyr , who was scourged most severely, struck with stones, and finally beheaded during the persecution of Maximian.

At Perugia, the holy martyrs Felinus and Gratinian, soldiers under Decius, who were tortured in several ways, and by a glorious death won the palm of martyrdom.

At Bologna, St. Proculus, martyr, who suffered under Emperor Maximian.

At Amelia in Umbria, in the reign of Diocletian, St. Secundus, martyr, who fulfilled his martyrdom when thrown into the Tiber.

At Tiferno in Umbria, St. Crescentian, a Roman soldier, crowned with martyrdom under the same emperor.

In the monastery of Lerins, the abbot St. Caprasius.

At Burgos in Spain, in the monastery of Onia, St. Eneco, Benedictine abbot, made illustrious by his sanctity and miracles.

At Montefalco in Umbria, St. Fortunatus, a priest renowned for his virtues and his miracles.

At Treves, St. Simeon, a monk, whom Pope Benedict IX numbered among the saints.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.


The reading appointed from the Rule of St. Benedict for June 1:

Of Humility (cont.)

The third degree of humility is, that a man for the love of God submit himself to his superior in all obedience; imitating the Lord, of Whom the apostle saith: "He was made obedient even unto death."

Martyrology-June 2nd
Roman Martyrology-June 2nd- on this date in various years-

At Rome, the birthday of the holy martyr Marcellinus, priest, and Peter, exorcist, who instructed in the faith many persons kept in prison. Under Diocletian, they were loaded with chains, and after enduring many torments, were beheaded by Judge Serenus, in a place which was then called the Black Forest, but which was in their honour afterwards known as the White Forest. Their bodies were buried in a crypt near St. Tiburtius, and Pope St. Damasus composed an epitaph in verse for their tomb.

In Campania, during the reign of Decius, St. Erasmus, bishop and martyr, who was first scourged with leaded whips and then severely beaten with rods. He also had resin, brimstone, lead, pitch, wax, and oil poured over him, without receiving any injury. Afterwards, under Maximian, he was again subjected to various and most horrible tortures at Mola, but still was preserved from death by the power of God in order to confirm others in the faith. Finally, celebrated for his sufferings, and called by God, he closed his life by a peaceful and holy death. His body was afterwards transferred to Gaeta.

At Lyons, many holy martyrs (Photinus, a bishop, Sanctus, a deacon, Vetius, Epagathus, Maturus, Ponticus, Biblis, Attalus, Alexander, and Blandina, with many others), whose many valiant trials in the time of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus and Lucius Verus are recorded in a letter from the church at Lyons to the churches of Asia and Phrygia. St. Blandina, one of these martyrs, was weaker by reason of her sex, more infirm in body, and of a lower station in life, and yet she encountered longer and more terrible trials than the rest. But remaining unshaken, she was put to the sword, and followed those whom she had exhorted to win the palm of martyrdom.

In the island of Marmara, in the Sea of Marmara, St. Nicephorus, bishop of Constantinople. In defence of the traditions of the Fathers and of the veneration of sacred images, he set himself firmly against the Iconoclast emperor Leo the Armenian, by whom he was sent into exile. There he underwent a long martyrdom of fourteen years and then departed for the kingdom of God.

At Rome, Pope St. Eugene I, Confessor.

At Trani in Apulia, St. Nicholas Peregrinus, confessor, whose miracles were recounted in the Roman Council under Pope Urban II.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.


The reading appointed from the Rule of St. Benedict for June 2:

Of Humility (cont.)

The fourth degree of humility is, that if in this very obedience hard and contrary things, nay even injuries, are done to him, he should embrace them patiently with a quiet conscience, and not grow weary or give in, as the Scripture saith: "He that shall persevere to the end shall be saved." And again: "Let thy heart be comforted, and wait for the Lord." And shewing how the faithful man ought to bear all things, however contrary, for the Lord, it saith in the person of the afflicted: "For Thee we suffer death all the day long; we are esteemed as sheep for the slaughter." And secure in their hope of the divine reward, they go on with joy, saying: "But in all these things we overcome, through Him Who hath loved us." And so in another place Scripture saith: "Thou hast proved us, O God; Thou hast tried us as silver is tried by fire; Thou hast led us into the snare, and hast laid tribulation on our backs." And in order to shew that we ought to be under a superior, it goes on to say: "Thou hast placed men over our heads." Moreover, fulfilling the precept of the Lord by patience in adversities and injuries, they who are struck on one cheek offer the other: to him who taketh away their coat they leave also their cloak; and being forced to walk one mile, they go two. With Paul the Apostle, they bear with false brethren, and bless those that curse them.

Martyrology-June 3rd
Roman Martyrology-June 3rd- on this date in various years-

At Arezzo in Tuscany, during the persecution of Decius, under Governor Tiburtius, the holy martyrs Pergentinus and Laurentinus, brothers, who being as yet children, were put to the sword after they had endured cruel torments and performed many miracles.

At Constantinople, the holy martyrs Lucillian and four boys, Claudius, Hypatius, Paul, and Denis. Lucillian, formerly a pagan priest, but now a Christian, was cast with them into a furnace after undergoing many torments, but the flames were extinguished by the rain and all escaped injury. Finally their lives were ended under the governor Silvanus, Lucillian by crucifixion, the children by beheading.

At Cordova in Spain, blessed Isaac, a monk who was slain by the sword for the faith of Christ.

At Constantinople, St. Paula, virgin and martyr, who was arrested while gathering the blood of the martyrs just mentioned. She was beaten with rods and thrown into the fire, but was delivered from it. She was at length beheaded in the same place where St. Lucillian had been crucified.

At Carthage, St. Caecilius, the priest who converted St. Cyprian to the faith of Christ.

In the diocese of Orleans, St. Lifard, priest and confessor.

At Lucca in Tuscany, St. Davinus, confessor.

At Anagni, St. Olive, virgin.

At Paris, St. Clotilde, queen, by whose prayers her husband, King Clovis, was converted to the faith of Christ.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.


The reading appointed from the Rule of St. Benedict for June 3:

Of Humility (cont.)

The fifth degree of humility is, not to hide from one's Abbot any of the evil thoughts that beset one's heart, or the sins committed in secret, but humbly to confess them. Concerning which the Scripture exhorteth us, saying: "Make known thy way unto the Lord, and hope in Him." And again: "Confess to the Lord, for He is good, and His mercy endureth for ever." So also the prophet saith: "I have made known to Thee mine offence, and mine iniquities I have not hidden. I will confess against myself my iniquities to the Lord: and Thou hast forgiven the wickedness of my heart."

Martyrology-June 4th
Roman Martyrology-June 4th- on this date in various years-

At Agnone in Abruzzo, St. Francis of the noble Neapolitan family Caracciolo, confessor, and founder of the Congregation of Minor Clerks Regular. He burned with an admirable love of God and of neighbour, and a most ardent desire to spread devotion to the Most Holy Eucharist. His body was taken to Naples in Campania, where it is religiously honoured. He was inscribed in the catalogue of the saints by Pius VII.

At Rome, the holy martyrs Aretius and Dacian.

At Sissek in Illyria, in the time of Governor Galerius, St. Quirinus, bishop. Prudentius relates that for the faith of Christ he was thrown into a river with a millstone tied to his neck. But the stone floated, and he for a long time exhorted the Christians who were present not to be terrified by his punishment, nor to waver in the faith, and then obtained of God by his prayers that he should be drowned in order to attain the glory of martyrdom.

At Milan, in the reign of Emperor Nero, St. Clateus, bishop of Brescia and martyr. By order of the prefect of the city he was arrested, and when he would not deny Christ he was cruelly scourged and beheaded.

In Hungary, the holy martyrs Rutilus and his companions.

At Tivoli, St Quirinus, martyr.

At Arras in France, St. Saturnina, virgin and martyr.

At Constantinople, St. Metrophanes, bishop and renowned confessor.

At Milevi in Numidia, St. Optatus, bishop, celebrated for his learning and holiness. The holy Fathers of the Church, Augustine and Fulgentius, prasied him highly.

At Verona, St. Alexander, bishop.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.


The reading appointed from the Rule of St. Benedict for June 4:

Of Humility (cont.)

The sixth degree of humility is, for a monk to be contented with the meanest and worst of everything, and in all that is enjoined him to esteem himself a bad and worthless labourer, saying with the prophet: "I have been brought to nothing, and I knew it not: I am become as a beast before Thee, yet I am always with Thee."

Martyrology-June 5th
Roman Martyrology-June 5th- on this date in various years-

In Friesland, St. Boniface, bishop of Mainz, and martyr. He went from England to Rome, and was then sent by Pope Gregory II to Germany to preach the faith of Christ to the people of that country. After converting large multitudes to the Christian religion, especially in Friesland, he merited the title Apostle of the Germans. His martyrdom was fulfilled by being put to the sword by the furious heathens, along with his fellow bishop Eobanus and some other servants of God.

At Tyre, St. Dorotheus, a priest, who suffered greatly under Diocletian, but survived until the reign of Julian, under whom his venerable age of one hundred and seven years was crowned with martyrdom.

In Egypt, the birthday of the holy martyrs Marcian, Nicanor, Apollonius, and others, who suffered a glorious martyrdom.

At Perugia, the holy martyrs Florentius, Julian, Cyriacus, Marcellinus, and Faustinus, who were beheaded in the persecution of Decius.

At Cordova in Spain, blessed Sancho, a youth brought up in the royal court, who did not hesitate to undergo martyrdom for the faith of Christ during the persecution by the Arabs.

At Caesarea in Palestine, the martyrdom of the Saints Zenaides, Cyria, Valeria, and Marcia, who joyfully attained martyrdom through many torments.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.


The reading appointed from the Rule of St. Benedict for June 5:

Of Humility (cont.)

The seventh degree of humility is, that he should not only call himself with his tongue lower and viler than all, but also believe himself in his inmost heart to be so, humbling himself, and saying with the prophet: "I am a worm and no man, the shame of men and the outcast of the people: I have been exalted, and cast down, and confounded." And again: "It is good for me that Thou hast humbled me, that I may learn Thy commandments."

Martyrology-June 6th
Roman Martyrology-June 6th- on this date in various years-

At Magdeburg, St. Norbert, bishop of that city, confessor. He was the founder of the Premonstratensian Order.

At Caesarea in Palestine, the birthday of blessed Philip, one of the first seven deacons. He was renowned for miracles and prodigies. He converted Samaria to the faith of Christ, baptized the eunuch of Candace, queen of Ethiopia, and finally rested in peace at Caesarea. Near him are buried three of his daughters, virgins and prophetesses. His fourth daughter died at Ephesus, filled with the Holy Ghost.

At Rome, St. Artemius, with his wife Candida and his daughter Paulina. Artemius became a believer through the preaching and miracles of St. Peter the Exorcist, who was baptized with all his household by the priest St. Marcellinus. By order of Judge Serenus, he was scourged with leaded whips, and then slain with the sword. His wife and daughter were forced into a pit and covered with stones and earth.

In the district of Bologna, St. Alexander, bishop of Fiesole and martyr. While returning from the town of Pavia, where he had defended the title to the goods of his church before the Lombard king against those taking them away, he was seized by the usurpers, cast into the Rhine river, and drowned.

At Tarsus in Cilicia, in the time of Emperors Diocletian and Maximian, and the governor Simplicius, twenty holy martyrs, who, through various torments to their bodies, glorified God.

At Noyon in France, the holy martyrs Amantius, Alexander, and their companions.

At Milan, the death of St. Eustorgius II, bishop and confessor.

At Verona, the bishop St. John.

At Besancon, France, the bishop St. Claudius.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.


The reading appointed from the Rule of St. Benedict for June 6:

Of Humility (cont.)

The eighth degree of humility is, for a monk to do nothing except what is authorised by the common rule of the monastery, or the example of his seniors.

Martyrology-June 7th
Roman Martyrology-June 7th- on this date in various years-

At Constantinople, the birthday of St. Paul, bishop of that city. For the Catholic faith, he was often driven out of his see by the Arians, but restored to it by the Roman Pontiff, St. Julius I. Finally the Arian emperor Constantius banished him to Cucusum, a small town of Cappadocia. There, by the intrigue of the Arians, he was barbarously strangled, and thus departed for the heavenly kingdom. His body was taken to Constantinople with the greatest honour during the reign of Emperor Theodosius.

At Cordova in Spain, the holy martyrs Peter, a priest, Wallabonsus, a deacon, Sabinianus, Wistremund, Habentius, and Jeremias, all of whom were monks. Their throats were cut at the time of the Arab persecution because they had confessed Christ.

At Hermopolis in Egypt, St. Licarion, martyr, who had his body lacerated, was scourged with heated iron rods, and endured other horrible torments, after which his martyrdom was completed by beheading.

At Placentia, St. Anthony Mary Gianelli, bishop of Bobbio, and founder of the Congregation of Sisters of our Lady of the Garden. Pope Pius XII numbered him among the saints of heaven.

In England, St. Robert, an abbot of the Cistercian Order.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.


Reminder that this year, today, June 7 is the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. 

The reading appointed from the Rule of St. Benedict for June 7:

Of Humility (cont.)

The ninth degree of humility is, that a monk refrain his tongue from speaking, keeping silence until a question be asked him, as the Scripture sheweth: "In much talking thou shalt not avoid sin": and, "The talkative man shall not be directed upon the earth."

Martyrology-June 8th
Roman Martyrology-June 8th- on this date in various years-

At Aix in France, St. Maximin, first bishop of that city, who is said to have been a disciple of the Lord.

On the same day, St. Calliopa, martyr, who for the faith of Christ received the palm of martyrdom. Her breasts had been cut away, her flesh burned, she was rolled on broken pottery, and was at last beheaded.

At York in England, St. William, archbishop and confessor, who, among other miracles wrought at his tomb, raised three persons from the dead. He was placed in the calendar of the saints by Pope Honorius III.

At Soissons in France, the birthday of St. Medard, bishop of Noyon, whose life and precious death are commended by glorious miracles.

At Rouen, St. Gildard, bishop, brother of this same St. Medard. They were born on the same day, consecrated bishops at the same time, and were taken from this life on the same day, entering heaven together.

At Sens, the bishop St. Heraclius.

At Metz, the bishop St. Clodulph.

In Piceno, St. Severin, bishop of Septempeda.

In Sardinia, St. Sallustian, confessor.

At Camerino, St. Victorinus, confessor, the twin brother of St. Severin, bishop of Septempeda.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.