Malaysia wakes up to SSPX Asia (Malaysia)

Started by Stefan, July 14, 2023, 12:09:55 AM

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Quote from: Stefan on July 14, 2023, 12:09:55 AM

13 Comments on this Story

The excommunication of the SSPX bishops was oveturned by the Vatican. The SSPX do NOT reject the Popes after Vatican II and pray for the Popes at Mass.If some question a small amount of Vatican II, all Catholics are allowed to do that - it is not a police state !The Tridentine Mass was NOT abrogated in 2021, according to Benedict XVI (and Pius V) it cannot be. They are not now and never have been schismatic _ sloppy reporting !

the catholic church once upon a time went converting people left, right and centre. the goal was have the largest number of followers...sheep! in the bargain, quality in the values, and teachings of christ was lost and quantity was gained. those who were in the church were forced to follow and not ask questions, which have left many dejected. the crimes committed by church leaders and not investigated by the church hierarchy have left parishioners demoralised. most of the local parish priests do a fantastic job, but the bishops act like the pharisees in the old testament, have lost their moral authority due to greed and living lavish lifestyles, besides covering up crimes of their priests. many youth in the catholic church are bribed by the pentecostal churchs to join, and they enjoy the music infused gatherings, rather than attend boring catholic church masses. those (specially the older generation) who attend the latin rite masses do not understand the liturgy. they are just dumb sheep from the catholic church and are there ONLY BECAUSE THEY HAVE BEEN TOLD TO ATTEND SUNDAY MASS, OR IT IS A SIN! how many catholics would attend sunday mass if they were told NOT ATTENDING SUNDAY MASS WAS NOT A SIN???? yes go to church on sunday or any other day to give thanks to god, your creator, to worship him/her and to ask for forgiveness. DO NOT GO TO CHURCH OUT OF FEAR of the church leaders or SHAME from your neighbours/relatives. you are just another DUMB SHEEP!

It cannot be correct to say that the SSPX is not recognized by the Church because Pope Francis himself granted SSPX priests permission to hear confessions and give absolution during the 2016 Jubilee Year of Mercy, and then at the end of 2016, continued that permission indefinitely. He could not have done so if they were not "part of the Church." They have an "irregular" standing but are nevertheless in communion with the Holy See -- not schismatic -- and definitely "part of the Church."

What a sloppy report by vanitha??? Kindly refrain from spreading falsehoods about SSPX being Schism since the late Pope Benedict has already granted the Bull Quo Primum within the Traditional Catholic community?? Stop again spreading your misinformation without knowing the sufficient knowledge of the ultimate truth.

New to this order of catholic mass and wish to attend and learn

One of the most balanced articles about the SSPX from a former official of the Pontificial Commission Ecclesia Dei, Fr. John Zuhlsdorf can be read here:

The 13 venues mentioned for India get a very minimalist service,barring the main center in Tamil Nadu. This is further exacerbated by regular travels by the two priests stationed there, and that the third Indian priest who could assist the venture refuses, for presumably personal reasons, to work there. The SSPX has not endeavored to obtain an equitable solution to this issue that would help it's followers in that country. The splinter group, SPX-MC also operates several venues in the country but have the exact opposite spirit of service than that of their SSPX rivals.

This article makes no sense so you say SSPX is outside the Church yet you admit the pope is ok with their marriages and confessions. But one thing was made clear, now I understand why Asian Catholics are confused about SSPX. It is because of poor articles like this one.

entah kenapa banyak kalimat yg 'tidak berdasar' dan cenderung 'ngawur'. please, do some research first before you write it down. masalah2 seperti ini juga berkaitan dgn masalah kanonik dan teologi, jangan sembarangan. don't mislead people.

Now we know many young people and families attend Traditional Latin Mass. I definitely would attend Mass there in Malaysia soon! Seems very interesting! One question to the writer : "WHY WOULD VATICAN GIVE FACULTIES TO SSPX PRIEST TO HEAR CONFESSIONS AND SOLEMNIZE MARRIAGES IF YOU CLAIMED THAT THE SSPX ARE SCHISMATICS?? " Wouldn't that be saying Vatican definitely recognise Sspx? Are you saying Vatican is comitting error?? Please answer these questions as you are making me more confused than ever.

Clearly, the author of this article showed no effort to even give a balanced review on the matter. The SSPX is growing, slowly but surely. I would like to suggest people interested in the SSPX to discover what Bishop Athanasius Schneider, who is in good standing with the Vatican, has to say about them. All I can say is that the SSPX has been very consistent and level-headed since day one. Hopefully, their differences with Rome will be meted out one fine day. But until then, I believe they are doing good work and should not be ostracized. If we can treat Protestants and other religions nicely in our diocesan programs and the like, why can't we extend the same hand to these Traditionalists who are trying to be faithful to the Apostolic teachings? Go figure.

The priest in overall charge resides in Singapore and believes that the SSPX in the main is a priestly society, meaning the interests of it's priests come first. The ordinary people are there to pay, pray and obey. Vanitha did not approach the original SSPX chapel in KL, also named Sacred Heart Chapel, to ask it's faithful who are now aligned with the SPX-Marian Corps, why they dispensed with the services of the SSPX. As a former stooge of this organization, I will freely grant them this motto: LIVE IN STYLE, TALK IN STYLE, TRAVEL IN STYLE.

Actually the liturgy during Vatican II is the Traditional Latin Mass. In fact Vatican II's Sacrosanctum Concilium called for the pre-eminence of the Latin language and Gregorian chant over the vernacular and other forms of music, but this thing called the "spirit of Vatican II" seems to oppose what was approved or promoted by Vatican II itself! 36. 1. Particular law remaining in force, the use of the Latin language is to be preserved in the Latin rites. 116. The Church acknowledges Gregorian chant as specially suited to the Roman liturgy: therefore, other things being equal, it should be given pride of place in liturgical services. The man in charge of all liturgical reforms was Cardinal Lercaro. On 2 March 1965, Lercaro published an article in l'Avennire d'Italia in which he strongly condemned liturgical abuses, providing concrete examples of practices he considered "fanciful" and "deplorable." What were these deplorable abuses? (a) Communion in the hand; (b) a Celebrant reciting the Canon in an audible voice. Furthermore, in a letter (25 January 1966) to the bishops' conferences, Cardinal Lercaro called female altar servers "a grave infraction."